Hannah Montana

Age: 23
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 106 lbs
Likes: Rocky road ice cream, puppies, cuddles, hanging out with friends, her fans
Dislikes: bullies, rain, pesky paparazzi
Party trick: can touch her nose with her tongue
Profession: singer
Bio/personality: Hannah grew up in Nashville as the daughter of famous country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. As a young girl, she loved watching her dad on stage and instantly knew she wanted to follow in his footsteps. In 2006, she got her big break and signed a record deal with Walt Disney Records, recording 5 albums with the label before branching off on her own. Hannah still sings all the time and does concerts, but prefers managing herself to being with Disney.
Theme song: Best of Both Worlds
Other: very friendly and outgoing, but finds it hard to know who she can trust