Character Full Name: Vah'lux Strom
Gender: Female
Race: Goliath
Height: 7ft 1in
Weight: 275lbs
Main Class: Warrior
Subclass: Barbarian
Appearance: A being slightly below average for her race of pseudo-giants, Vah’lux stands at seven-foot-one, with defined muscles, grayish skin tone, and emerald eyes. Her dark, walnut hair is about as disheveled as one would imagine from her kind, cut uneven in some areas, and the longest part tied together in a thick ponytail. While she may be in her mid-twenties, years of harsh weather, blows to the face, scars that never healed properly, and other factors have made her seem older and quite "rough" in appearance. A series of articulate tattoos of spirit animals, mythos, and symbolic imagery of her people partially cover her arms and back, depicting exploits of her own within the fighting arenas and leaving room for future stories told in ink.
Her armor consists of reinforced leathers and hides, keeping things light and flexible as much as possible. While she can naturally shrug off certain damage, her armor can still be a matter of life or death and something she doesn’t overlook. When not in combat situations, she generally wears stitched hides to cover most of her upper and lower body, and thick boots wrapped in leathers.
Personality Description: Dominant, even-tempered, mentally tough, and competitive, Vah’lux gleans with a genuine confidence that very few seem to have in this current age. Whereas her demeanor may come off as arrogant, it couldn't be further from the truth. Her rough exterior is balanced by a charismatic approach to others and generally friendly disposition, as even when things may seem dark, she manages to lift the mood of the people she encounters.
Short Biography: Found by a small band of travelers and merchants, as a larger-than-normal girl of no more than four years of age, dressed in animal skins and rags, and nestled within a cave atop the Dragonspine Mountains, the child survived countless lonely nights. Through some blessing of an ancestral god she never knew, she was spared by the ravage disease which claimed the lives of both parents weeks earlier, leaving her to use what little survival training she learned at such an early age.
The Goliath child was given to the human and half-elf barbarian tribes situated in the plains of Northern Faerun, and raised as one of their own, while at the same time, seen with much suspicion and contempt by many who didn’t understand her race. Regardless, she lived among them, learning not just about her new family, but that of her people as well. Training as a hunter, gatherer, and warrior, utilizing her athletic abilities to do extraordinary things.
As the years passed, and adolescence took hold of the young woman’s life, her physique also scaled immensely, giving way to more height as well as muscle mass, and opening opportunities that she never knew existed. It was her eighteenth year of age that the invitation to participate in gladiatorial games throughout Faerun was extended, which would pull her from the comfort of the Northern territories, and into a broader adventure.
But it wasn’t the thought of fighting for glory or gold, but for the respect of her adopted family, as well as many other Goliath she’d encountered along her path. Eventually, Vah'lux called the gladiatorial arenas "home" for two years, learning, training, and charming crowds of spectators as they came to watch the weekly events, guaranteed to be filled with enough dramatic bloodshed and entertainment to bring more people and therefore, more income. The Goliath, skeptical at first, began to sink comfortably into a new chapter in her life, as the title of “Gladiator” had been branded on her from the moment she stepped foot into the fighting pits scattered throughout the land.
Why have you come to Draydon?: The underground fighting scene, while not wholly legal, is still one of the most sought after competitions in all of Faerun. It was in Draydon that she hoped to secure honor and fight in the name of her people and tribe. The wealth, while not a priority, would also help her people to rebuild communities lost to wars over the centuries. Help to reclaim lands that were once theirs. She doesn’t fight for herself, but for her heritage.
Character Fighting Style: Specialized in two-handed polearms, she uses a mixture of both offensive and defensive techniques. Quick and powerful attacks with the preferred weapon of choice, a
Glaive, which could be used to trip an opponent as well. As a Barbarian, large bursts of power were ideal but at the cost of being winded quicker. In that case, Vah’lux would switch to a defense position in order to recover.
Also has trained in mounted combat (heavy horse) with polearms and broadswords
Primary Armament: Two-handed Glaive (slashing main blade / piercing smaller end blade)
Secondary Armament: Two curved daggers for close quarter combat.
Inventory Items: - Leather satchel with four (4) healing kits to clean/mend light wounds.
- Water skins
- Gladiatorial license (needed by some cities for legal reasons).
- Small, stone-carved statuette of Tempus, which she's carried throughout her Gladiatorial career.
Coin Purse: 50 gold