The stars passed by the windows of the vessel as Thor peered out over the vastness of the universe. Pinpricks of light fade and swirled around the ship as it sailed silently through a sea of nothingness. In the distance a nebulas and quasars twirled and flared like storms of the void. It was a view he had seen for centuries. Nothing new to an Asgardian, especially one as well traveled as Thor was.
But it had never felt so lonely before. In years past it had been shared with Loki, Heimdall, or Sif. During the best of times Thor had been with the Allfather on a trip to hunt a dragon or a troll. Now, however, he had an unfamiliar ship and a space pirate as company.
How far he had truly fallen.
Thor looked into the mirror of the ship's facilities. His face and hair were caked with dirt and grime from the battle on Asagard. Normally, he would be rejoicing at the sight of them. He and the Warriors Three would be drinking mead in the halls of Asgard when they looked like this. Instead they were now the marks of his failures. They were the grime of failing his people as he had never done before.
He stepped into the ships meager shower and began to rid himself of the muck. It was barely big enough to fit his frame, but it felt good to try and cleanse himself of his failings.
As the water splattered against him weakly, he considered his situation. Without Mjolnir he was restricted to conventional forms of travel, at least until he came across Toothgnasher or Toothgrinder. But the likelihood of that was low. He had freed his goats the day his father delivered the hammer to him all those centuries ago.
Quill seemed capable enough for a pirate. Thor couldn't put much stock in his honor, but as long as the Thunder God could use the fool he would. As of now he was the only form of travel Thor could bank on. He had a thirst for recognition and riches. They were easy aspirations to manipulate, especially for a God. Thor would use that to his advantage.
After he was cleansed, Thor joined Quill in the cockpit of the ship he named the "Milano", whatever that was. It was a good ship, Thor had to admit. Filthy, though. Quill clearly wasn't one for cleaning in the slightest. But Thor could tell it was fast and could pack a punch when it needed to.
The man was
listening to some baffling music that Thor could barely decipher, though he was never one for the Mortals' music.
"So where are we headed, big guy?" Peter asked, looking back at the God of Thunder.
"You haven't really told me where you came from. Or how you can breath in space and all that good stuff."Thor studied the man. He had told Quill his name and title, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that broadcasting his status was probably dangerous. Whoever had destroyed Asgard was clearly capable. They would not take the chance of leaving any Asgardians alive. If it was discovered the crown prince had survived, there would be a price on Thor's head no one could ignore.
"My home is...gone," Thor didn't lie to the man.
"I am looking for a way to kill the one responsible for that."The pilot's eyes went wide at that,
"Well, that's not the answer I was expecting. Your hammer back there can't kill anyone? Seemed pretty heavy to me."Thor's nostrils flared. He had tried to lift Mjolnir. Of course he had.
"The hammer...will not respond to me," he responded curtly.
"But there are other tools to fell a beast.""Okay, great," Quill rolled his eyes.
"That doesn't sound like it's going to pay the bills, though. And me not being able to pick up your Whack-a-Mole Mallet back there means I'm gonna be behind on that front.""Thou darest to sell Mjolnir!?" Thor raged.
"Listen, Endless Summer," Peter defended himself,
"I gotta make money to keep this ship goin'. It's not my fault I thought it was just floating out there alone."Thor considered his words. He hadn't been around mortals much, if he was being honest. A passing moment here and there was all he really had. They often worshiped or thanked him, but he never gave much thought to them. He guarded the realms that held them, but the people themselves? They were like sand on a beach to him. He understood not their worries, not when there was so much more important things to consider. This worry of Quill's alone could be used. Thor needed transport, and Peter needed treasure.
"If thou shall continue to aid me in my quest," Thor said, breaking a few moments of silence,
"you will be rewarded with treasure from my people."It pained Thor to offer such a bounty. The treasures kept in storehouses across the universe were not worthy of Odin's treasure room, but they were still won through victories against mighty foes. But if it was what it took to ensure the mortal's dedication, then some of the wonders of the Nine Realms would be his.
"Treasure, huh?" Quills eyebrows shot up.
"How much we talkin'?""More than any mortal could ever spend in their lifetime," Thor answered with a wave.
"And enough for your organization as well."Quill considered Thor's proposal. He studied his passenger intently.
"Okay, but you're gonna have to start answering some questions," Quill shot back.
"First, you keep calling me 'mortal'? You immortal or something?"Thor's eyes narrowed,
"Not completely. But I am incredibly long lived.""How old are you?""Tens of thousands of your standard years," Thor did the math in his head.
"No shit!" Quill laughed.
"You don't look a day over thirty-five!""Verily," Thor nodded.
"What's with the belt?" Quill motioned.
Thor ran his hand over the Belt of Strength, one of the other gifts Odin had given his son in his youth. He felt the runic incantations carved into the Uru,
"It amplifies my godly strength. With it I can perform feats greater than any other being.""And the cape? does that like make you fly or something?"Thor looked down at the red garment on his back,
"Nay. The cape just gives one a regal air."Quill chuckled lightly,
"Right."The God of Thunder leaned back in his seat and looked at his new traveling partner. Quill was nothing spectacular, even for a mortal. He was tall and wiry, with a disheveled look. He dressed like a common ogre, and smelled only minimally better. Still, there was a spark in him that Thor couldn't place.
"What is your story, Peter Quill?" he asked.
"Where does thou hail from?""Earth, originally," he replied and popped some sort of food into his mouth.
"Been with the Ravagers for like two decades now though. Yondu picked me up on Earth. Said I was gonna be an exhibit in a zoo somewhere past Xandar. Used me as a thief to fit into small places instead. It sucked early on, but the thievin' life ain't bad in the end."So Midgard was the home of the man. That made sense. He looked to be a human.
"And your mother and father?" Thor continued his questioning, staring out into space.
"Well, my dad died before I was taken off earth," Peter shrugged.
"And I don't right know who my mom is.""Ah, you have my sympathies," Thor said, not truly with conviction.
"My brother was adopted as well. I am familiar with that sort of estrangement.""Aw, well that's nice that you guys got along.""Oh, do not misunderstand, Peter Quill. Loki attempted to smite me many a time. He really was quite the bastard sometimes.""well, that's family I guess," Quill chuckled.
"Verily."An uneasy quiet fell over the cabin and the pilot fiddled with his displays,
"Well, we're relatively close to Knowhere. That's as good of a place as any to get our bearings. I need to refuel the ship anyway.""Aye, and I need to ascertain the closest cache of my people," Thor nodded.
"From there we will plot our next move."