The exact formating I am using was given to me by a friend named Dove, she was also my inspiration for putting this on "paper"
The banner was made by a roleplay mate of mine, his last name I knew him as was: The Lone Wolf
This character is based within the Warcraft universe, yes, it is very disappointing, but Warcraft 3 was instrumental to my start to roleplay and I have always had an inclination for the undead since then.
Basic informationName: Severine Hextress
Nickname(s): Hex
Title(s): Emissary, Her Excellency, Ambassador
Age: Undecided (by her)
Gender: Female
Race:Undead human
Class: Unaffiliated
Occupation/Hobbies: Diplomat, courier, overseer, chief minister of civilian interests, scribe and tactical aide
Alignment: Lawful evil
Affiliation:The Forsaken
Loyalty: Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and the Forsaken as a whole
Status: Undead
Languages: Common, gutterspeak, orcish, part dwarven and part thalassian
Personality:Hextress is a devoted politician under the reign of the Banshee Queen, using her skills of deceptive diplomacy to delude the Forsaken's own allies with the aim of keeping them from discovering their most clandestine dealings. A cold-hearted, calculating and decisive woman who has earned her reputation of being merciless and cunning, especially in situations dealing with treacherous scum. She has never been one to show clemency when overseeing or handling issues threatening the Forsaken state, undoubtedly, this will not change either. Hex rellies on her sly and subtle approach to gain what she wants, she sees little use in warmongering confrontations, unless serving a well enough purpose to distract those who would be involved. Her close relationship with Sylvanas' banshee sisters has caused her to grow wary of her surroundings and be mindful of what is said and done in her immediate area.
Physical traitsFacial appearance: A crippled jaw intertwined with a stern visage along with empty eyes shielded by a set of mercury-coloured spectacles and glimmering glass. A pallid face with hints of gray doesn't aid much in trying to hide the crevasses around her cheeks; not to mention the entire skinless area around her mouth - Exposing decaying teeth and dead bone.
Eye color: None
Hair style: Hair black as a raven's beak tied well together and lifted at the back of her skull. This does well to support her formal approach and neutrality as an ambassador.
Hair color:] Raven
Jewelry: She once wore a pair of magnificent pearls as earrings; however, with the constant crumbling of her flesh she has decided to store them elsewhere.
Additional info(optional): A curious thing she carries with her at all time is a pocketwatch of splendid silver. It's engraved at the back displaying "A.G" and is rarely shown to anyone.
Body structureScars: A few decorates her body, most notably are those that slice right through her eyesockets.
Armor:The standard ambassador's uniform of Undercity envelopes her every limb, silver-ornamented black robes that deck her from head to toe, dubbed with pauldrons of bleak gray. Evidently she strays little from the common forsaken female, a seemingly fragile skeletal body covered in layers of dark attire to impede the sight of her rotten limbs. She is also fond of a black coat and hat to match, bearing it to hide her official uniform - should be it necessary.
Weapons: An anvil. I jest, but it would have been fun. Anyhow, usually remaining unarmoured the emissary still harbours one or two letter openers on her body, be it to rip sealed scrolls aloof; or to sever the windpipe of her foes. Considering she has been seen slicing envelopes apart with her fingers alone one can certainly wonder. Other than that it has been noted that she in fact hides a pistol on her person but seldom relies on it, instead putting faith in her comrades and the forsaken soldiers.
MiscellaneousRelatives: Her father Augustus Gabriel who is deceased and sister Alberina, a forsaken mage trooper stationed in Gilneas. Lastnames unknown.
Fighting style: To this day no particular manner of combat has been attained. The woman's prefered style in battling enemies is through sheer strategical planning and clever warfare, she never intends to face the enemy head on personally. The only reference of her being on the battlefield was during the skirmish of Deathknell with the Scarlet Crusade. Whereupon ending one of the human captains' lives by slicing his throat open with an envelope cutter; from behind - in the heat of battle he was caught off guard.
Goal(s): Her only drive in this unlife is to see the Forsaken's agenda of domination come to fruition. She believes wholeheartedly that her people shall at last know peace when Lordaeron once more returns as a unified kingdom under one single banner. A Forsaken kingdom.
Home/Dwelling place: As the reconstruction of Ambermill (her birthplace) ensues she still spends most of her time in Undercity, occasionally traveling to Brill. Although, as an emissary, she is frequently seen in many other places of the world.
OOC character influence: Hex was created due to my thirst for diplomatic and political roleplay. The lack of powerful female characters who remained vicious and callous without being infested with leniance or a need for sappy love; it merely made me want my cold-hearted Hex more. A character named Lagrave has also been created in her honour, while she and Hextress share similarities in work and purpose they differ in personality and appearance.
Magic: Not long ago she was granted an amulett by a shadow priestess known as Cleric Raven. It holds mysterious power bestowed upon it by the cleric's will alone, with this the emissary is able to communicate with agents over large distances.
Weakness(optional): One can only guess...
State of wellbeing: A collected woman who seldom acquaints herself with brash actions.
Summary of your character's present being: Continued diplomatic missions across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor as well as updating surveillance assignments of the stationed agents in areas she visits.
Fears: The destruction of the Forsaken kingdom as she knows it and that her beloved Queen would be dethroned. A fear remote of patriotism is the loss of her dear sister, whom she treasures but speaks nearly null of.
Images:Courtesy of Dove/Alethea. A thousand thanks, honey!:
Character soundtrack:The primary theme song of Hex: Sub-themes:For those hectic days when you simply must chase down a treacherous bastard. After the aforementioned scenario when the blood still seeps warm, also used for entrance music as well as wandering the halls of Undercity: When overlooking the far reaches of Lordaeron under Forsaken or soon to be under Forsaken control. Also unofficially proclaimed the: "When Hextress rides her wagon melody" by myself.Character voice: There are three female forsaken npc voices, one has a heavily raspy voice, the second a very deep and gloom tone, and then there is a third one, as if a mix between the two.
Voice of Hextress, now in audio: