Avatar of HiddenBeauty13
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: HiddenBeauty13
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 997 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. HiddenBeauty13 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
So I managed to survive the semester with a third of my sanity left. To my partners: I'll try to respond to everyone in the next week or so!
9 yrs ago
If I'm ever online during the week, it means that I'm probably procrastinating with something that I shouldn't be procrastinating with.
9 yrs ago
It's all fun and games until someone unplugs the Wi-Fi router.


Hello there! I'm HiddenBeauty13, HB13, Hibbie, Beauty, Hidden, or whatever nickname you choose to give me. I have been a member of RPG since 2012 (I believe, don't quote me on this. I could be wrong.)

I am a pretty diligent roleplayer but I am very dedicated to my school work and I do take time from RPG to focus on school, especially since I'm a college student. So please do not be alarmed if I'm MIA for a week (or a few weeks or a few months), I'll be back and ready to continue roleplaying with you!

Most Recent Posts

Otiz grunted in pain as the woman suddenly pinned him down, yelling at him angrily. "What the hell? What do you mean, 'what did you do'? I just saved your life you idiot!" The man responded, too angry about the fact that she seemed extremely ungrateful for his heroic act to understand the consequence of doing so, which was funny since it was the reason that his life was the way it is now. However it didn't take him long to remember as the woman moved away, watching as the infamous Cursed Symbol appeared on her arm. His eyes softened for a moment as he watched her attempt to rub it off; it reminded him of the time when the Cursed Symbol appeared on him as well. He had been scared and unsure about what he would do from then on.

When she suggested that he should run, Otiz nodded snapped back into reality and quickly stood to his feet. He was about to run off when he realized that she hadn't moved. Almost as if she planned to let herself be captured and most likely killed.
"What are you standing there for? C'mon, we have to get out of here." He hissed, groaning a bit to himself when she made no effort to move. Feeling quite annoyed with the situation, he went back over to the woman and stood in front of her, placing his hands firmly on her shoulders.

"Look, I don't know who you are and what you've done in your life up to this point but it's not the end. You still have your whole life ahead of you, if you have the Cursed Symbol now. That symbol doesn't determine your worth or what you're capable of, only your hard work and dedication does. Now snap out of it, it is not your time to die today!" Otiz said, shaking her a bit as if to physically snap her out of suicidal thoughts.

"Plus, it's rude as hell to let yourself be killed after having someone put their life on the line to make sure you didn't die the first time around." He added quickly before speaking once more. "Now, either you can run using your own two feet or I'll drag you out of here. Choose wisely." Otiz didn't want to be so curt or harsh with her but they were running out of time; the sirens were getting closer and it would be only a matter of time before her 'task force' found them.
All right, there's my post! I hope it's good enough haha

I won't have Allura notice the paper until a bit later, btw
Allura stifled a giggle as Akira's stomach seemed to betray him at the wrong moment. She then nodded at Akira's suggestion, waiting for him to get up before sliding out of the booth herself. As they left, the angel spotted the unruly man from earlier and proceeded to glare at him before following her companion out of the tavern. When Akira asked her about food that she should avoid, Allura had to really think about his question. Had she been instructed to avoid certain foods, despite the fact that she didn't necessarily need to eat daily to stay healthy? The angel racked her brain, trying to remember if anything like this had been mentioned in her training before she was sent to Earth.

"As long as it hasn't been doused evil spirit energy and sprinkled with death, I think I should be fine." The angel responded with an apologetic smile, knowing that her answer wasn't particularly helpful, but at least they could get whatever they wanted to eat without having to focus too much on her unknown food 'allergies' for the time being. Though Allura figured that Akira had some foods that he needed to avoid, considering the fact that he took the time to ask the question in the first place.

They didn't have to wander around too much longer and managed to stumbled right upon the guild's area, which was surprisingly busy for this time of day. Or at least it seemed busy to Allura, who wouldn't know what a typical day was like since she had never been to a place like this before. What surprised her the most about this place was the fact that it wasn't all contained in one building; instead, there was a collection of buildings that all belonged to the guild concentrated down one particular street. The buildings that lined the street were quite large and elegant, in comparison to the rest of the buildings in this town, at least.

Each building had a pole attached to it with a wooden sign hanging from the pole itself. An image was painted onto each sign, giving people an insight as to what each building specialized in. One sign had a picture of a drumstick, maybe it was a place to get cheap food? Another had a picture of a sword and one even had a picture of piece of paper. Maybe that was the place to accept missions? The strangest sign to her was the one with the picture of an animal being speared by a man. Is that...is that their hunter's guild?

Allura was too busy ogling her surroundings to notice a man rapidly approaching the pair until he ran right into her, nearly knocking her down. "What the--!?" Yelping in surprise, she quickly turned to confront the man who only winked before disappearing into the surrounding crowd. "Why did he...?" The angel trailed off, taking a moment to straighten her clothes, which had been slightly disheveled during that time. Once she had recovered from the random incident, she turned to Akira with a small smile. "I think I spotted a place to get food up there. Shall we?"
Okay! I'll do my best to describe this lol
I agree lol. A clash of very different personalities xD
I'm going to attempt to describe the guild's area in my post, are there some notable features/people/things that I need to include? lol
Okay I got the characters up (finally ahahaaa)
I'll try to get a post up tomorrow too~
Name: Mia Bow


Age: 25

Personality: Happy-Go-Lucky, Nerdy, Hyper, Isn't afraid to speak her mind, Goofy

Affiliation: No Mercy Squad, Hunter Task Force
-Technology Genius
-Hacks things for fun
-Handles all of group's technological needs
-Is always eating sweets
Name: Oruin Hisoro


Age: 24

Personality: Timid, a bit shy but willing to step out of his comfort zone if necessary, reliable, confident when it comes to his work

Affiliation: No Mercy Squad, Hunter Task Force
-Information Analysis/Information Getter
-Is often the one sent for undercover missions since he is less likely to be suspected of being a spy
-Is fluent in various languages
-Generally smart and able to analyze critical information
Name: Shea Mowie


Age: 26

Personality: Way too happy about shooting things/people, potentially crazy but somehow passed the department's physiological screening test

Affiliation: No Mercy Squad, Hunter Task Force
-Certified Sniper
-Way too good at shooting things from afar
-Might also be good with other weapons but no one wants to test that theory
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