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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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"I always liked the quiet."


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Victor was born seventeen minutes before Vanessa, their mother, Patricia and father Michael never expected twins. Something that Victor, in the heat of sibling rivalry, would remind 'young' Nessa of frequently. Victor got his name after Patricia's brother, William, who changed his name to Viktor in his adult life, following his fascination with the character Dr.Doom in the Fantastic Four comics.

Viktor was one of the many who died during the dark eclipse. Loss wasn't new for Patricia, and Michael, who was already engaged to Patricia at this point. Michael was a rocket scientist, and was one of the many people who were responsible for putting man on the moon. Our first true step into the unknown, leaving the cradle for a brief moment.

Victor was the first son in the family, and growing up in the 70's and coming into his adolescent in the 80's, it put a certain stigma on the young Victor. He never quite fit the mold. He wasn't one who yearned for sports or social gatherings, he liked reading, movies and music. Sure, he played basketball with the other kids and was good at baseball, but his real passion lied in the arts. He enjoyed acting and poetry. Hobbies that earned him the sporty nickname 'faggot' by his peers in his teens.

Victor's relationship with Vanessa was always at the center of both of their lives, they weren't the typical twins once they started growing up, they had different hobbies and different circles of friends, but at the end of the day, the thing they both enjoyed the most was each other's company. His sister was the only one who could make him smile so much, laugh till his stomach hurts and help him get over whatever girl it was he had written a poem to that week.

Vic's a bit of an outsider, not to say he can't make friends, but he's not one to make lasting, deep connections on the first try.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

A B I L I T I E S:

N O T E S:


His feet were pattering slowly on the ground. He wasn't in the mood. He wasn't in the mood for any of this. He had just met the man himself. The big guy. The most powerful man in all of Vassidia, if not the world. And Aborran had told him lies. Nothing but absolute lies. None of it could be true. These thoughts made Alvar angry. His feet picked up speed. He needed to hit something. Break something, before he broke.

He began running, running to the only place he knew. He went home. To the old chapel. To where his boys were, his brothers would welcome him with open arms. He climbed a wall, using it as leverage to jump onto a ladder, climbing onto the balcony, vaulting over the railing and then out the other side, jumping up onto the wall, grabbing onto the ledge and pulling himself up. Days like these, when all he wanted to do was run, he came to appreciate that years on the streets had given him fingers as strong as fishhooks.

He stood up, watching the moon howl in the sky, lighting the city in a mellow, somber light. The city was quiet. Quarantine had done that to the capital. The city that never sleeps was now in a coma. And Aborran, the bastard, said that Alvar could wake it from it's deep slumber. He hated that assumption. The very idea, the things the Wizard had told him, they didn't match with the way his life had been. He leapt over the rooftop, onto the next. His feet picking up speed, his breaths got more shallow, quicker. His heart rate picked up, and a bead of sweat began forming on his forehead as he pushed hard on the next jump, it was a big gap. Flailing his arms in the air with great intent, he just made the jump, rolling on the rooftop, the tile weren't soft. But the hardness of the city had formed him into the man he was today.

The Chapel was just a few more blocks away. Another jump, this one smaller, he didn't even need to roll here. He just kept on running once he hit the roof. Grabbing a flag hanging outside of the facade of the building, he used it for leverage to make a gap too big to jump. He landed on his shoulder, rolling on his side to brace. He was getting a little tired. And yet, the anger hadn't washed off him. He climbed back onto his feet and pushed on. Almost home.

He climbed up the garrison tower in the Chapel Quarter, the guards had all abandoned their post in this area. Nobody cared what happened to this place, except the people that lived there.

And there it was. The Chapel. His home. Brother Eli had lit the torches, almost to guide him. Alvar climbed down, sliding down the waterways, coming jogging towards the front port, opening it up, he spoke, loudly.

"Guess who's home?!" He shouted, and words filled the room. The youngest brothers were asleep, but they woke up to find Alvar coming home. Two of them came running at him.

"Alvar! You're home! Are you okay?!" The bigger of the two, Gus, asked, while Oscar jumped into his arms, he hugged them both. Nodding.
"Yeah. You know me. No guards can harm Alvar." He said, arrogance showing. He was putting on as much bluster as possible. He couldn't really let them in on how he was feeling. He was their leader and the closest thing to a father figure some of these kids had. He couldn't show his weakness.

"Go wake up your bigger siblings, Oscar." He told the boy in his arms.
"I need to speak with Himler and Taj." He told Gus. Gus nodded and ran off to find Himler and Taj. Alvar removed his drenched jacket, hanging it on one of the homemade hangers, kicked off his boots that were also wet, and removed his shirt. A few fresh new bruises covered his torso, but that was hardly something new after a few nights in jail. He had ran into one of the older members of the Wolf Gang inside, and promptly thrashed him, and his two friends. Guards had to break up the fight. They never did that.

Alvar grabbed the cloth bandages and began bandaging up his ribs, and then his left shoulder where he had torn a stitch from a few weeks ago. He should've re-done the stitches, but there was no time. Once he was done, he got dressed again, a slightly less torn and dirty tunic, and a mostly clean leather jacket. He had stolen it from a trader in the upper district, it was meant for a knight, and was therefor padded in the vital areas. He strapped on the hardened shoulder pads and elbow guards he always wore when a fight was brewing, and grabbed his best pair of boots. The ones without any holes. He opened the chest that was under his bed after he had pulled it up and placed it on said bed. Opened it up, it revealed the wrapped sword and the leather bracers he had gotten from Yoseth so long ago. They never fit when he was a kid. But he was a man now. He tightened them and put the sword over his shoulder. He didn't own a sword belt or even a proper sheath for the blade, the one he owned he had made himself, and it barely covered half the blade. The strap rested in his hand as he filled his satchel with his necessities are Taj walked in.

"Alvar?" Taj asked, surprised.
"What's going on? We getting ready for a fight?" He asked, as Alvar put the first-aid supplies into the bag. Finishing it all off by putting in the bottle of whiskey he had been saving in the satchel, closing it. He turned.

"There's plenty wrong, Taj. I don't have time to properly explain everything. Is Himler out there?" Taj nodded, and Alvar motioned that he should bring the other boy.

Taj and Himler were the same age, they had come to the Lost Sons at the same time. They were big and mean, and they respected Alvar above all else. They were his best soldiers, Taj a better fighter than Himler. But Himler was far better at taking care of the chapel. He was the only one who could cook, and he was great with the young ones.

"I have to leave. It's urgent, and I can't tell you why, because you'll be in danger. Just know that I'm doing it for you, for all of you. And if all goes well, when I come back, we'll be living like kings." Alvar told them, bluntly. They both tried to object, but Alvar put his hand up, and they both shut up.

"I don't wanna hear it. I... I can't hear it, boys. You're my brothers. I've watched you grow up. And that's why I know you're ready to take the lead while I'm gone. When you two work together, you're unstoppable. If there's any two boys who can keep the Lost Sons in line, it's you two. You'll both become better man than me. And I'm so very proud of you." Alvar said, his voice almost breaking several times, Taj had a tear running down his face and Himler still couldn't quite understand.

Alvar walked towards them, putting his hand on each of their shoulders.

"Please, lend me your strength so I can put a brave face on for the others. You may doubt me this time, or be angry with me. You can fight me about it when I come home." He said, cracking a slight smile, his eyes watering. He quickly wiped it away, as he walked through the doorway, seeing all of the other 14 boys sitting in a circle, waiting for him.

"Boys. I got a tip in Jail for the biggest score yet." Alvar began, bravado filling his voice.
"But, sadly. It's a score that's far away, and none of you ladies are prepared to go the distance like that." He taunted them, and they boo'd him. Laughing.
"And I must leave. I promise I won't be gone long, but when I come back, we will be living like kings." He simply said. It wasn't the first time he had been gone, and the boys were all incredibly independent.

He heard the rain starting pouring outside.

He opened his satchel and got out his bottle.
"Join me for a drink, my friends." He told them, and all of them managed to find a glass of really cheap beer, even the smallest of the kids, Oscar was after all just seven. But he was putting on a straight face, just like all the others.

"Here's to us. The Lost Boys of Vassidia. May the fire never go out in our chests and may we never go hungry again!" They all cheered in unison. Taj and Himler both lifted their glasses in solidarity. Hiding their sadness, anger and worry, just like Alvar did. He was their leader, in a sense, their king. And he had to leave them. He hated it.

The four chugs of the burning whiskey were the longest chugs of his entire life. He wanted to stretch this moment into infinity. He'd do anything to just stay here, party with the older boys and play with the young ones. Teach them how to fight, to cook and sew. To just feel at home.

But if he didn't leave, there would be no home to love. So he put away the bottle, put on his cloak and walked towards the main courtyard, where this shadowy cabal of rogues and outlaws would gather to take on a task too dangerous for anyone else to know about.

Chester fell asleep during Momo's monologue. She explained the inner-workings of the business, sitting down next to the Pirate. Whom was sitting with his legs crossed, a bubble popping out of his nose, only to get popped by his absent-minded hand grabbing a bottle and taking a swig.

"Do you understand, Boss Chester?" The older lady asked, and Chester kept sleeping. The lady repeated, and Kuhn lightly nudged Chester with his leg, making Chester open his eye up.

"That's... That's a lot to take in." The pirate mumbled. Kuhn cleared his throat.

"It's also... Really freaking stupid. And boring. You're boring me." He abruptly spoke, and the lieutenants all raised eyebrows at him. Boring him? How?

"Is this really what you guys do? Paperwork and talking? Where's the plundering, the crime?!" He asked, and one of the lieutenants piped up, he was pretty reserved in his style, donning a blue coat over a standard shirt and slacks combo.
"I'm Mars. Mars Mellow. And I've got a pretty mean racketering gig going on back on my island of Puffcream."

Chester blinked his eyes in disbelief. Both at the words said, and the names the man in blue before him had just spouted.
"You made that all up. Every last word." Chester said, promptly, and Mr. Mellow shook his head.

"No, this is our primary income. Racketeering, money loaning and tax-fraud."

"We pay tax?" Chester asked, a horrified look on his face. And Momo nodded, decisively.

"This is so DAMN BORING." Chester added, standing up.

"I quit." Chester demanded, exhaling sharply from his nose, and the liutenants all glared at him.
"You can't quit, you're the boss!" Momo said to him, trying to reason with him, and Chester shook his head.

"Not just that." He said, taking a step forward to Mars, ripping the sleeve off his blue coat from him.

"I am disbanding the azure company. You guys suck at being criminals and you give us pirates a bad word."

"You mean name, cap'n." Kuhn corrected him.

"A bad name." Chester said.

"So as my final act as boss of this sorry lot of goons, I disband you. Shoo. Go rob some old-ladies on your own." He said, trying to sho' them away. Momo laughed under her breath.

"Fufufu, you can't do that, Chester. You leave the company, and someone else will take your place as boss." She mentioned, and Chester dashed over to her, pushing his face into hers. Glaring at her. The lady flinched, but wasn't intimidated.

"I'm the strongest in the company. That means my might is right. And any of you who do not want to disband this fucking sorry excuse for a crew, are more than welcome to come and fight me."

"Just remember that I beat Cerulean." The pirate spoke, his words were cold and menacingly, and even Momo was taken a-back by it. Kuhn whistled in approval.

You know papa's down.

Kuhn had found Chester in a dark, dank den. The remnants of an inn. The sign had fallen off during the battle, or perhaps during the aftermath. Inside, the unconscious bodies of men wearing all banners, including that of the kingdom's soldiers, themselves. One could even find a fallen banner of the Balder knights, though. Even though Johannes had gathered all of his men, a few of them had left their tabards behind.
Kuhn opened the saloon two-way door, his spurs jangling as he walked in. The ginger haired young man scratched his cheek.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice echoing, a few grunts were heard from within.

"You in here, cap'n?" He said, louder, now, more grunts were heard followed by a quick
"Keep it down, I'm hungover" before someone turned around on the floor, falling back asleep. The gunner stepped over bodies, working his way into the back of the bar, into the storage room. The backroom was riddled with opened, and emptied kegs of alchol.

There, next to a tankard of beer, perhaps the last in the entire establishment, the blonde, bloodied pirate captain sat. He was so dry from drinking nothing but booze for the past few days that he looked husked out. Kuhn raised his eyes at him.

"Holy shit, Cap'n. You alive?!" The gunner shouted, and Chester mumbled something. Kuhn shook him and Chester was barely responding. Kuhn lifted him up a little, and steadied him against the edge of the barrel, turning around to go get him some water.

As Kuhn turned around, he heard the sound of Chester drinking, turning his heel again, the pirate captain was face-down in the barrel, gulping away, a few gulps, and he lifted the barrel up, tipping it with one hand like a giant glass. The gunner thought to intervene, but as Chester's skin began hydrating again, he thought better off it.

"That's really not how any of that's supposed to work."

Chester held up one finger to indicate he couldn't speak right now. He chugged the rest of the barrel and let out a loud, satisfied burp, that echoed through the entire bar, earning a few cries of mercy from the hungover patrons, who could smell the stench of the beer now, their stomach's turning.

Chester put the keg down, and looked at Kuhn.

"What's up?"

"Azure company backup. Ten ships, at least. Armed heavily. Might have a fight on our hands."

"I do like me a fight." Chester said, wiping his mouth. He put on his boot, jumping on one leg as he couldn't fit his foot into it. Kuhn cleared his through.

"It's the wrong foot. You've got da right boot on da left foot." Kuhn told him, snickering a little.

"Oh, woops." Chester said, jumping out of his other boot, checking that he got it right this time as he jumped with both feet into the boots. Chrome's boots were doing him well, still.

They walked down to the beach and saw the Azura crew pop onto the beach. Kuhn was stern, his hand resting above his revolver. Chester was nonchalant, a little excited to bust some heads.

Once they arrived, the leaders of each boat walked up to them, surrounding them in a semi-circle, and spoke in unison.

"Now that you have beaten the Boss, we henceforth must defeat you ourselves in one on one combat, or waive that right and recognize you as leader!" And they all started bowing, except for one, the one furtherst to the right, whom didn't see his mates, only looking at Chester. A knuckle-duster in his hand, he spoke up

"And therefor, we're gonna beat your as- wait wha- oh." As he too took a knee, and Chester had a big, shit-eating grin on his face.

Elder Momo, the current defacto leader looked up at Chester and spoke, solemnly.
"While the leadership of Cerulean was a great time, following you, Chester, shall be an even greater adventure. Your strength is undoubted, young one. And we will be your servants, as that is the company rule. Your coronoation shall be held as soon as possible, on this island, and then you shall tend to your duties as boss."

Chester didn't hear a word of it, he was too busy being stary-eyed, imagining himself on top of the world. Like, literally. Full classic-pirate getup, cutlass in his hand and his foot on the actual planet, small enough to look like a ball under his foot.

Kuhn joined in with Lina, questioning the logic behind any of this.

"Dis can only bode well." The gunner noted.

The blue sails were powered by the wind behind them, carrying the dozen or so ships, all of them carrying men and women, all clad in the same shade of blue. Each of them had a unique symbol on the front of the ship, indicating which part of the company they belonged to. The ships were regular galleons, not massive ships, but big enough certainly be intimidating. Each carrying 20 or so men.

They were approaching the island, and as they came into view, ruckus on the island erupted. Both from the remnants of the companies, and the natives of the island. This was an invasion force, and the The Great Horn Archipelago began preparing for another battle, if worse came to worse. And this time, they had no Balder Knights to protect them.

Down by the shore, closer to the breeze, one could find the scatters of the four companies that had fought on the island. Torn pieces of clothes and armors spread across the entire shore, the town square and the city walls. Bottles, glasses and tankards spread every where. Blades, axes and guns were stabbed into walls, the ground, floors and furniture. It looked like the site of both a battlefield and a parade, with no time in between and no time to clean up either.

Down in the town square, the clashing of swords could be heard. The ginger-haired gunner was without his coat for once, wearing only his dress-shirt on his torso. Riding boots without the spurs on his feet and his black dress-pants with suspenders hanging over his waist for leasure. His right hand was gloved, his left without glove, instead holding the hilt of a rapier. His brown leather hat crowning his head, blocking the sun from reaching his red-ish eyes. His gaze was stuck on the two opponents on the other side of the small circle that had been drawn on the ground, each of them carrying a rapier, too.

"Let's go." He commanded the two, one wearing green, the other wearing yellow. They were swordsmen of the companies, and Kuhn had asked them to duel him with swords.

The traded blows, Kuhn performing excellently despite the sword being far from his favorite way of doing battle. But he considered fencing more of a dance than a art of war, flowing excellently he was able to strike points on both of the other combatants, forcing them out of the ring and earning both a technical win and a ring out.

"Well done, chaps. You should mind da footwork next time." The gunner spoke, softly, and the two company-grunts nodded, panting out of exhaustion and holding their shallow wounds on their arms and legs, wincing in pain.

Kuhn was clearing his blade on his sleeve when he looked to the horizon and saw the blue sails.

"Dis better be gud." He spoke, turning heel, tossing the blade into the ground, grabbing his gunbelt and coat from the chair next to him, tossing the coat around his arms and putting on the gunbelt, holding both the revolver and shotgun.

He was going to call on Chester, they might have yet another fight on their hands.
I will try to post something soon. My eye is currently bothering me at the moment and I am getting it checked out tomorrow.

Remove it from the socket and eat it.

To establish dominance.

Chester had heard the murmurs of Johannes and the King, but he hadn't paid much attention, walking away, without saying a word. The brawler found himself a few boxes of unopened beer in the vault, next to crates of crushed scotch and he got a sour look on his face and muttered "Shoulda hit Cerulean harder for that..." He chugged one bottle, and then started working on the next one, when his ears grew bigger, hearing Lina talk about him, and his defeat of Cerulean.

Boss Chester His eyes shot out of his skull, stars in them at the prospect. Finally, an army for himself to rule over! The minions recognizing his greatness and his true power. Now he could conquer the world! Bend the military to it's knees with but a thought! With loyal soldiers by his side, nobody could stand his way! He pose grandiously as he shouted, arms to either side of him, flexing as he took a deep breath, yelling so loud it shook the castle itself.


"As my first decree as boss of Azura Company, Let's get this damn festival starteeeed!!" He exclaimed, patting Lina and the king on the back, ushering them to enter the courtyard. Walking through the castle, he found Kuhn coming towards him, reloading his shotgun from firing it at some of the remaining fighting forces.

"You shot any blue guys?" Chester asked, and Kuhn nodded.

"Only the ones who tried to fight."

"Don't shoot my guys, Gunner!" Chester barked and him and Kuhn looked puzzled

"... Your guys, Cap'n?", quickly being filled in by the others on the situation and he swiftly placed his palm on his face, cursing under his breath.

"Figures Chester'd end up getting deeper into this mess." He plainly said, weary of the adventures on the island. He just wanted to get back to the Breeze and get to move on from here. He needed some relaxation.

And the island as a whole agreed, the festivities erupting and soon soldiers from all of the companies chatted, drank and danced with the soldiers of the kingdom.
Chester had told them all that over a drink, any difference can be overcome. Any conflict can be solved. Perhaps showing a glimpse at the source of his strength.

Or perhaps it was just the thoughts of a man who's had one grog too many, or hundreds.


Alvar Lucious September 11th (19) Male Streets Of Vassidia

"The Lost Sons of Vassidia? Yeah. Lost in it's back alleys and gutters."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I do pretty well for myself."

Alvar is a rough looking young man. He's dirty, covered in mud, wearing tattered clothes and usually got a stain or two of dried blood on him. The dirt stains his olive skin, darkening his features. His hair is a light brown, and his eyes match. Sharp features, yet not so much that one could call him 'boyishly handsome'. He's got a rugged feel to him but he seems to be all edge on the outside. The scars, the scowl and the burning fire inside of his eyes. He moves with a swagger and determination only the young have, convinced that he could change the world if he wanted to. That, or burn it all down.

He wears simple clothes, tattered and often passed down from his many big brothers in the gang. If he's wearing a piece of paraphernalia that used to belong to one of his brothers, he has a little extra pride in his step, for he knows he's carrying their legacy with him.

Alvar's voice booms, it isn't particularly deep, but he speaks from the gut, projecting beyond his 5'9 size and 110 pound stature, his lean figure can appear a lot more menacing with an iron pipe in his hand or a knife pulled from his pocket. Alvar's, by all accounts, a thug. And that's well displayed when he barks orders like a commander in the middle of a battle at his boys.

The boy is a pragmatist, and a fighter at that. And everyone around him can tell everything there is to know about him as soon as he walks into the room. A good for nothing thug.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Grew up mean."

Alvars parents were truly, inconsequential to his life. Who they were would come to bear no meaning to him, for, see, the only thing they ever truly did for him was die. His father died two weeks after Alvar was born. Picked a fight while drunk, assaulted the guards and got a crossbow bolt through his chest for his troubles. Two people came to his funeral besides Alvar and his mother, Beatrice. They were there to collect Jacques gambling debts. Beatrice had nothing, but what little she had, she gave to Alvar. She was a good mother, too young to mother anyone, barely out of childhood herself. But the streets demand sacrifice and she was willing to do anything to protect her son as mothers do.

That's what got her killed. She wasn't murdered, taken capture or anything of the kind. She simple died from not taking care of herself. Her heart gave out one morning when Alvar was six years old. He found her, cold as the night. And since, he thought he would always be alone. The one person he had known was dead, and that's not an easy thing to wrap your head around as a human. Even less when you're a child.

He was an orphan. On the streets of Vassidia's slums. Sure, there were orphanages, but they were packed to capacity, mostly only taking in little girls, leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Inner-city crime was at an all time high and robberies and murders was a massive problem for the poorest in the capital. He somehow survived, on his own, for almost an entire year. He stole bread, he drank dirty water and he got really fast at running. Till one day, he got into trouble with a gang of older kids. They were hitting him, four on one. Kicking him on the ground and as he was gonna pass out and surely die, he was saved by a kid the same size as the older kids, maybe 14 years old. He came swinging at them with an iron pipe, knocking one of the kids teeth out. He saved Alvar, his name was Yoseth. He would become Alvar's first friend, and the one who introduced him to the Lost Sons Of Vassidia, the gang of orphans who had created a brotherhood, a safe-haven for lost kids like them. Those who had no one. For under the roof of the run down chapel that was their spot, they had a home.

And in the chapel, they were brothers.

Over the years, the Lost Sons would grow in rank, 20 or so kids. Alvar ended up somewhere in the middle of the age group, he had little brothers and big brothers, and soon they would come to look to Yoseth as the de facto leader, he was the biggest, strongest, smartest and bravest of them. He'd lead them into brawls with the other gangs. He'd help them raise their little brothers, Yoseth would teach all of the brothers how to stitch clothes, wounds and change diapers on the few babies that were around.

He was truly a great man, and four years ago, like most great men do. He died.

He was killed. In a fight, something as stupid as a rock, to the side of the head. A one in a billion freak-toss. It was the perhaps that final concussion he needed to shutdown. But Yoseth died, and Alvar and all of the brothers cried. His younger brothers looked to Alvar for leadership, and ever since, he's lead the Lost Sons Of Vassidia. They're 14 men strong, and a band of outlaws doing everything from cons to serving as hired muscle. They collect debts and they fight every other gang in the city - and there's a lot of them.

Of course, the stone blight would restructure their ability to exist. It's even taken a couple of their brothers. Alvar was caught by the city guards, and brought to the Royal Warlock Aborran. That wasn't usually what happened to urchin thugs who got caught by the guards. They usually got beaten up and sent back into the street after a few nights of no food and barely any water in the jail.

After his meeting with Aborran, Alvar decides to join the hunt for a cure to the blight. He bids his brothers farewell for the time being, and promises them that when he returns, they'll be kings.

▼ C H A R A C T E R G O A L S:

"I didn't just get roof over my head. I found a family. A home."

While Alvar knows the inner city streets like the back of his hand, he's never set foot outside of the capital. He knows nothing of the world, and he's definitely there to explore it. The adventure is appealing to him, but he's got a greater goal in pure monetary compensation. Becoming a legendary hero who saves the country from the curse that turns people into statutes would come with perks. Perks like being able to elevate the Lost Sons into kings. He wants to provide for his family, in the only way he knows how. By doing something really, really stupid.

▼ S K I L L S:

"My foot wanted to meet your ass, and I'm about to give them a crossbow wedding!"

◼ Street Fighting | Alvar's a brawler by heart. He's got no martial training, he's not an exceedingly large young man, and carries no extraordinary strength or skills to speak off. But the guy makes do with what he has. He's passable with a sword and a crossbow, but really exceeds in makeshift weaponry. Pipes, sticks and other 'junk' are his weapons of choice. He's certainly not opposed to punching someone in the face, either.

◼ Thievery | He learnt how to steal, how to pick a pocket and other sleight of hand tricks since he was a child. He's also grown into quite the con man, spinning tall tales when fists just won't cut it. The kid's extraordinarily nimble and an excellent climber. Able to climb and maneuver places that many would consider impossible to traverse.

◼ Survival | As the leader of the Lost Sons of Vassidia, Alvar's developed excellent leadership skills. He's able to access situations from his gangs capabilities, understanding who should do what in any given situation, able to make fast decisions and sometimes rash ones. Saving his own and the life of his brothers at any given turn. He's picked up basic first aid, sewing and other necessary skills over the years. Though, he'd much rather pick scabs than stitch wounds.

◼ Untapped Magical Potential | Aborran insists that he could sense immense magical potential in the young Alvar. That it manifests itself in Alvar being incredibly lucky, a constant fluctuation of probability, skewing the odds in Alvar's favor. Certainly not a unheard of thing for people to possess, but it definitely pissed the young boy off to learn.

◼ Animals | Specifically bigger animals. Alvar's a big city guy. If it's bigger than a dog, he's gonna be sacred of it. That includes completely non-hostile animals. He sees a deer, and he's gonna be very, very worried about it eating him.

◼ Temper | Like all young men, Alvar's greatest enemy is himself. His temper gets the best of him at times and he leaves his head behind. Coming out swinging isn't always the best approach, something he's got plenty of scars to show for.

◼ Religious fundamentalists | True believers in a god? Creepy.

◼ Luck | Alvar's been told he's incredibly lucky. He's deeply worried that one day, his luck's gonna run out and things are gonna get even worse than they are.

▼ N O T E S:

"What do you mean 'I don't look like I belong here'. You wanna fight me?!"

◼ Broadsword | Basic broadsword stolen from the city guards a long time ago.

◼ Backpack | Carries the necessities. Plus a light snack, a drink and needle and thread. For qounds or patching clothes.

◼ Leather Armor | A hardened leather jacket and bracers. Protects him from glancing blows from swords and arrows alike.

◼ Deck of cards| Trick deck that's got marked cards.

◼ Dagger | He carries a small, serrated dagger on his person at all times. Either in his boot or in his sleeve.

◼ Head of a bolt | Perhaps a reminder, or a warning. The metal head of a crossbow bolt hangs around his neck.

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