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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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I'll keep a spot reserved for you :)

Very cool. Thanks chief.
If a spot opens up, I'd like to join. I've got an idea for a Konatsian / Kai-Apprentice.


✖ ‖ N a m e
Uragiri Unagi

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
16 / January 1st

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
5'10, well toned and the body of a gymnast with curves in all the right places.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Uragiri Kingyo, academy teacher, ninjutsu instructor and koi fish breeder of rank.
Mother: Uragiri Same, medical-nin at the hospital, creator of the 'catch you faking being sick to skip academy'-jutsu.
Uragiri Sakana, older brother (18), Sakana is Unagis big brother and him only being two years her senior, comes with a lot of sibling rivalry and the regular sibling bullshit.

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
The Koi Princess
Black-Eyed Succubus

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Bubbly yet not loud. She's a social person, a true extrovert who will talk to anyone about just about anything, yet she's highly guarded and on her watch about the things she says, it's fair to assume that anything you believe about Unagi si because she wants you to know it about her. In that regard, the times when things are out of her control, she becomes very unbalanced and have a hard time to adjust, something she's working on.

She's emotional and moody, something she outwardly displays quite often, given how often she changes her hair color and how several times a year, she will show up with a new tattoo usually commemorating something that's happened, a successful mission, a great loss or finding a really cute top.
Unagi's not someone who backs down from a fight, but prefers to not instigate them. In a fight she's sinister and extremely manipulative, attempting to find, expose and capitalize on any chink in the enemies armor. Exploiting every weakness is her forte and what she strives for in a fight.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Artistic expression
- Cleanliness
- Validation, being liked.
- Ninjutsu & Swords
- Sealing Techniques and learning about their many uses
- Romance, she's a hopeless romantic and reads a lot of romantic novels
- Her brother

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Animals that aren't koi fish
- Stronger enemies
- Nobles
- Anyone who's more popular than her
- Spicy food.
- Her brother

✖ ‖ H o p e s
- Owning her own Tatto studio
- Becoming the most popular ninja in the world
- Becoming Sakana's equal in terms of power and rank
- See Amegakure grow to a great nation
- Falling in love
- Finding a really cool sword

✖ ‖ F e a r s
- Running out of creativity
- Being seen as ugly or otherwise unattractive
- Growing old
- Failing her brother
- Only being able to use love as a weapon
- All the cool swords are gone

✖ ‖ N i n d o
ta no namae no bara, a rose by any other name.

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Unagi's the first girl, yet the second child. Being a little sister and yet the first daughter is a lot of responsibility to balance. Growing up wasn't particularly easy, she got used to being seen as untrustworthy and mischievous even traitorous, something others of her very small clan seemed to embrace, but Unagi instead tried her best to become liked and popular, someone others saw as an idol both in appearance and ability. Her pale skin and black, almost fish-like eyes made it very hard to hide her heritage though, and she never really bothered to try and hide her eyes - even though she changes her hair color very often.

She found a passion for art at a young age and balanced her social life with her Shinobi studies and art, having very little time to develop many other hobbies or interests beyond drawing, listening to music and finding physical expression really cool - clothes and other expression became very important. She created her first tattoo, on her own thigh, when she was 12.

Her shinobi career wasn't anything spectacular, she was placed in Team Hiragami as a child, Hiragami was a grizzled ol' veteran who had seen more combat than most and he was a horrible sensei for that reason, as he wanted only soldiers. People who could follow orders and he had no patience for Unagis artistic tendancies. This lead to him drilling her on acrobatics and combat skills, further removing her from her hobbies. Hiragami made her a better shinobi, but a very pent-up person. Which is why on a mission, when she was 14, when they were caught out by Kirigakure shinobi, she didn't feel bad about following Hiragami's order to retreat, leaving the Jonin behind to be captured.

While waiting on her new team she quickly advanced to chunnin-rank a year late. She finally got placed in Team Sakana, lead by her brother who was a fresh Jonin. The two came to further their natural synergy under this period and Team Sakana could become the talk of the village as a up-and-coming Ninja Team, earning notoriety when they protected one of the Noblemen of the Mud from assassins lead by the missing-nin Hiruga Gero, a former Kumogakure Jonin.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
An aspiring Tattoo artist, stylist and clothing designer. She's all about appearances and making sure that things look good, both herself, her surroundings and even her practice in combat. She's graceful and aware, much like her name indicates. Being a girl who comes from a unknown clan - and unpopular to those that know of them, Unagi had to become very socially competent, she's excellent at manipulating others and combining it with her hyper-alertness she's able to use this to great benefit in a fight. She thinks swords are really cool and wishes to become a swordsman herself, too. But her talents for swordsmanship are mostly latent and non-developed.
However, she's a Sealing-Jutsu prodigy and has developed and learnt to use many sealing techniques.
In terms of more direct combat ability, she possesses talent for ninjutsu, acrobatics and chakra control. Relying on elemental-enhancement of her close-range attacks and lending support to other shinobi's ninjutsu, specifically water and fire jutsu.

✖ ‖ J u t s u


Kitsunes Promise, B-rank
She places a opponent under deep hypnotic sedation, they are unable to move or act, simply put into a sweet docile state listening to her suggestions and feeling strong feelings of love, the kind of warmth and coziness you'd only feel when in the presence of a lover. In this state, targets are greatly susceptible to her charms and will give most information freely, depending on how quickly they discover they're under her spell. The genjutsu is triggered by fluttering her eyes which glows pink for a second. This paralyzes the target for a second and then she has to quickly make physical contact with them in order to complete the jutsu.

Lovesick Honeytrap, C-rank:
Kneading the chakra in her lungs, she creates small particles that she then blows out into a gas that takes the shape of a heart that will expand upon impact. The particles themselves will put a genjutsu on anyone hit by them that will make them feel attraction and general feelings associated with love towards Unagi. Originally, performing this technique looked much like her gale breath technique due to the effort it took, but with time and experience, she's able to expel the full heart-shape gas bomb by simply blowing a kiss. The heart is projected forward by a gust of wind to make it gain enough speed to hit the target before exploding.

Sealing Techniques:
Gozu Tennō; Koi Source S-Rank;
Gozu Tennō; Koi Source is a tattoo on her right shoulder, a seal that seals chakra she absorbs using her Chakra Sealing Technique and transports into into the Koi-Pond back at the clan compound, allowing the kois in the pond to feed on it and grow big and strong, not to mention populous. This is done by creating a pact with the Red Koi spirit, Matri which calls the pond on the Uragiri properties home. When required, Unagi is able to call on the seal, absorbing chakra from the pond and back into her body, this means draining chakra from the kois and could potentially kill them if she drains too much from them. When the Seal is used, red markings will appear on Unagi's shoulder and spreading out towards her arm, chest and back, the seals will eminate with red chakra as will all of her jutsu turn red.
Fuinjutsu Trap
Barrier Releasing Technique
Chakra Draining Seal
Finger Carving Seal


Lightning Spear:, A-rank
Legic has it that this technique is a bastardization of the Chidori-Technique and that legendary ninja like Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake used techniques like this. She generates lightning chakra in her hand and then shape-transforms into into a spear reaching upwards of 10 meters, though the longer the spear the more chakra it taxes her and the shorter duration she can use the technique. The blade is capable of blocking another sword and can easily cut through a tree or even a rock, making it extremely deadly, requiring great dexterity. Like all electricity she uses, it's got a pink mixed with turquoise color.

Stormcloud Defense, B-rank
Like the lightning spear, this technique is built on the foundations of the ancient and legendary Chidor. Unagi channels lightning chakra through her entire body, allow her a instant and temporary defense against an attacker or restraints. The technique does not require any handseals, making it incredibly powerful for escaping Earth-based bondage.

Thunder Axe:, B-Rank.
Unagi coats her foot in lightning, her heel specifically and delivers a powerful axekick to the opponent striking like thunder.

Lightning Triple, C-Rank:
Throwing three shuriken or kunai at an opponent, she covers them all in lightning chakra before throwing them, once again increasing their cutting power.

Pack-A-Punch; Electro style, C-Rank:
Putting electricity into her hands, Unagi creates a taser-knuckle like technique that adds force to her jabs.

Electric Eel Net Jutsu, D-Rank:
Putting her hands into a body of water, Unagi sends out fierce lightning tendrils through the water, electrocuting it.

Gale Push C-Rank:
Channeling Wind chakra into her hands and feet, Unagi is able to be propelled forward, or to blast an opponent or object back.

Gale Breath, C-Rank:
After a series of handsigns, Unagi puts her index finger under her lip, much like the great fireball technique, and blows a powerful blast of wind from her mouth. This technique can blow up dust for a smokescreen, fan the flames of a fire jutsu or put a fire out. It can even blow an opponent off their feet.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Common ninja tools.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Acrobatic, fluent and well thought out. Unagi does not move in unintended ways. She acts on purpose and if she seems to be making a movement-based mistake in combat it's safe to assume she's feinting on purpose.
Her fighting style is reminiscent of a kick boxers, focusing on knees, electric punches and well-targeted lightning jutsu. She doesn't hit hard, but is excellent at making sure her attacks strike their mark. Precison's more important than power to her.
Most fights are started on unfair premises by Unagi, she charms, using genjutsu or other misdirection to create an opening.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

The Fateful Night in Detroit, because like everything of this nature, it was destined to go down in that Michigan Metropol. The man in black riding his motorcycle, dug up from his grave, a grave that had been empty long before he came there with lantern and shovel. His name was Johnny Blaze, but people these days only knew him as The Rider. Sitting on top of his father's old 1993 Harley Davidson, the bike he infused with the power of Vengeance so long ago. The wheels that tarnished the streets of America with hellfire and spread terror to the things that go bump in the night.

That bike is perhaps the only thing left to remind Johnny of who he was before he was the rider. When he was just a man. A man with a life, adopted into a loving family, spent his life as a performer and fell in love with a girl he had loved his entire life up until that point when they were seventeen. He was a daredevil, a defier of gravity and scared of nothing. Not of flaming rings or rows of buses. He knew his grit and his bike would carry him through it.

Those seconds he was in the air, the roar of the engine as he let go of the gas, the purr of his motorcycle. He felt immortal. And being able to feel that way again, after all those years in the pit? He almost couldn't believe it. He'd be happy, euphoric, even. If that was something he could still feel.

The freeway was empty. It was after all two in the morning. It was off the main road, but Mr. Blaze was hunting his target. And the White SUV with the tinted windows was coming up. They were pulling up onto the overpass, overshadowing the now closed down dive bars of Detroit, bars Johnny had once frequented. Health violations, he would've guessed. He grabbed the chain of Zarthal, demon of the north gate, from it's place wrapped around his shoulder and torso. Un-coiling it from himself with the grace of a olympic gymnast.

Sure, he lacked the magic to do any of the fancyness the chain could do. He couldn't make it burn, and he couldn't change it's shape anymore.

But what could he do with the indestructible metal rope?

Hit the back axle of the SUV. That's what he could do. He threw the chain, coiling around the axle, Coiling the end in his hand around the center part of his handlebar. With his left hand, he pushed the brakes. Forcing his motorcycle to halt, pulling on the chain, and as he started tipping forward, he put his weight on the back of his bike, forcing it back down to the ground after the chain went taunt, the car gave weight, breaking the back left wheel off. Johnny pulled the chain back, coiling it around his right arm as he pulled up alongside the now skidding car, coming to a halt from it's maimed journey.

He removed his black helmet, dismounting the bike. He tossed the helmet on the ground as the front door opened. From his left hip with his left arm, he pulled a revolver loaded with iron bullets blessed by a virgin. The first guard poked his head out, machine gun in hand. Johnny fired his first shot, hitting the guard straight in the head. His head didn't bleed, the bullet lodged in his skull, paralyzing him.

Johnny Fanned the hammer on the revolver as the other two doors opened firing through the car, hitting the guy in the passenger seat in each shoulder, the door closest to him swung open, he took a step backwards to avoid the door, but the possessed man inside lunged at him, Johnny took another step backwards to avoid getting knocked down, shoving his revolver under the man's chin and firing the bullet, seeing it getting lodged inside of his head, it shut him down completely with a spark.

"Come out here, Pride!" He shouted. "Your goons are down! I've come for you!" The rider yelled, the entire car shifted as the second backdoor opened, and Pride, wearing his 6'8 Mexican Cartel Boss- Meat Suit, smirked.
"Well well well. If it isn't little Johnny. Come here to play with the big boys, huh? Follows us out of hell? Came back to get a taste of the good life, ay?"

"There will be no life left for you after tonight, Pride. And after you, I'm killing your siblings."

"My my my, little Johnny's all full of himself. You're really gonna take us all down, all by yourself? Driving your dad's bike, using an old Rider's gun? C'mon. You think I don't know that revolver's the one, what, Hellbilly, used? What a stupid-ass name. You can't kill demons with it. Your blessed iron doesn't do anything but put my boys under for a bit. They'll recover, and it'll do nothi-" He was cut off by Johnny firing four shots into him, hitting his stomach, his chest and his forehead, throwing his head back, and making him take three steps backwards, leaning against the highway wall.

"Nothing but tickle me." He said, the bullets popping out of him as the impact-wound in his forehead immediately closed. A sadistic smile curling on his lips as he walked towards Johnny who was largely unphased, if only angrier by the futility of his firearm. His face was covered in darkness as the singular horn grew out of his left side of the face, his skin turning dark red and claws sprouting on his hands and he grew a half a feet and about doubled in muscle mass.
"You aren't surprised by my true form, Rider?" He asked, mockingly. His voice having a much deeper boom to it as Johnny simply shook his head.

"You aren't the first demon-son-of-a-bitch I've killed. I've waded in the blood of your kind, Pride. And you won't be the last." He holstered his revolver and drew his shotgun. Pride could smell the ammunition and knew he couldn't well, be prideful this time. This wasn't virgin-blessed iron.

He dashed, slicing at Johnny, who had to move backwards, his sawed off shotgun coming up into firing-height as Pride tackled him, the shot going off, but missing by half an inch. The buckshot hit the pavement, exploding into small burning bits of gunpowder.

"Where the hell did you get hellfire from?!" He shouted and Johnny simply smirked. "It's not the only trick up my sleeve." Pride slashed at him, Johnny drew the knife from his back, hitting Pride in his palm, the blade cut him with a bright light, Pride let out a painful groan at the presence of a blade powerful enough to harm him. While Pain was recoiling from the counter-attack, Johnny holstered the shotgun again, saving his remaining shot.

"You insect! A shard of Michael's sword, in your possession?!" He yelled, his voice exploding the windows on the SUV he had been riding in before. Completely stunned to learn that Johnny posessed one of the pieces of the now broken blade, that the Archangel had used to defeat his younger brother.
"A going away present from Hell. Mephisto called it my 500-year gold watch." Johnny goaded, twirling the blade in his hand.
"Heh. You think fighting for 500 years in the pit makes you special, boy?" Pride was getting more composed, less angry about the weaponry Johnny brought. He dashed forward, faster than Johnny could react, the man swiped at him with the knife, but Pride avoided it, jumping in a semi-circle around him, slashing Johnny in the side, a grazing wound. He kicked off again, his knee hitting Johnny in the stomach, while Johnny got to cut him in the arm with the knife, a shallow cut, but still one that pissed the demon off.

He clawed Johnny in the face, he slashed the demon's leg. Getting some distance between the far faster, stronger and more durable foe, Johnny realized he was losing a lot of blood. His leather jacket was soaked in it, in fact. The claw wound wasn't so shallow, after all. He had to end this, quick, or he was doomed. Something else caught his attention, too. The sound of engines in the distance. Motorcycles, getting closer.

"Oh. Look. It's my cavalry." Pride grinned, and Johnny finally showed another emotion than anger and confidence, he was actually concerned. "Ah, there we go. A crack in that armor of your, Johnny Blaze." Pride got ready to attack again, Johnny twirled the shining silver blade in his hand as Pride shared him, twirling it upside down and throwing it at the demon, aiming for his heart.

Like a bolt of lightning, the dagger soared through the air, piercing the demon in the chest.

He cried out in anger and pain, cursing the rider in his ancient tongue. Johnny had a smile on his lips, sure of his victory. But the demon didn't give in. His hand gripped the handle of the blade, pulling the blade out, as his hand and the wound both started burning from being in the presence of the divine blade. He threw the bloodied blade to the ground, his demonic blood lighting the ground on fire as the metal clinked to the floor. Johnny reached for his gun, but as he did, Pride was already upon him, unleashing a flurry of blows tearing him to shreds.

Cutting him up, breaking his arm, scratching him across the face again, putting Johnny on the ground with his boot-clad foot onto his chest, breaking his ribs. Johnny cried out in pain, but nobody was there to help him. The five bikes stopped beside them, and Pain motioned for the other demonic spawn to stay back. This one was his.

After breaking the last of his ribs, Pain grabbed Johnny by the neck and dangled him off the railing, below was a 20 meter drop. He was gonna choke the life out of him, and then drop him for good measure.

"You know what they say, Blaze. Pride cometh before the fall."

As Pride applied more pressure to Johnny's throat, the man's hand grabbed the shotgun and jerked it to the demon's face.
Uttering two most profound words in all of human language. Something not even the destruction of Babel could take away from us.

"Fuck. You." Johnny spat at Pride, who barely managed to parry with his arm as he pulled the trigger, unleashing the second shot of hellfire-loaded shotgun shell onto the demon, a loud explosion covered the two and Pride's grip on Johnny was loosened, he careened to the ground. A man beaten and broken, fire from his gun coming off him in ironic symbolism.
I still remember the first time I saw a dead body. I don't think I'll ever forget it. We had just pulled the carnival into some bum-fuck nowhere town, I don't recall where it was even. But while we were pitching the tents and raising the jenny, they found him. In the grove of Walnut Trees. He had no ID, no possessions and he looked like a hobo. People figured he had taken the train, hopped off and come down here to lay down away from the heat - and never woke up.

We should have called the cops, I know. But that would not have been good for business, so my dad and Crash dragged him off and buried him somewhere off camp. I remember trying to stare into his eyes, desperately searching for a glimpse of the afterlife in his dead eyes. But all I found was just a hunk of dead meat. I'd have to find my answers elsewhere.

Even now... All these years later, I still find myself searching for answers when it comes to heaven and hell. Still gazing into the eyes of the dead.
The only difference these days...

"The dead sometimes gaze back"

One Last Ride Pt. II

The scrapyard was back alive after Johnny's attics. Reyes had sent his guards away and was talking everything over with Johnny. Robert knew that Johnny was once the Ghost Rider, a duty he didn't envy the biker. But Robert also had his own issues to take care off, most of them of the supernatural kind. He couldn't just sent Johnny on his way, he had to make a deal with the rider. He would know how poorly Johnny feels about deals, they've left a sour taste in his mouth in the past. Usually of brimstone and sulfur. Reyes poured Johnny another bottle of his scotch, Johnny grimaced at the expensive stuff but he drank it either way quite happily.

"I always did prefer Jack Daniels to this fancy stuff."
"And that's why you're a waste of a man, Johnny Blaze." Reyes told him with a smile and Johnny smirked, swirling the whiskey in the glass.
"Not a lot of guys come back from the dead, man. I saw you, your head was blown open, you were dead as sin, my friend." And Johnny scoffed and thought back to the moment when Zarathos and left him and possessed the Accountant and pulled the trigger on the revolver, killing Mr. Blaze. How Johnny's brain had splattered on the back of the limo and how the people outside of the car had been screaming in horror as Zarathos erupted in flames and vanished.
Johnny couldn't remembered what happened afterwards, as he woke up in hell being gnawed on by imps.
"Yeah. But I crawled my way out of that pit. With purpose, too."
Johnny began, he didn't much care to explain himself or his mission to Reyes, Reyes probably didn't care either way. Reyes was after all just a man of business and far more interested in Johnny helping him out.

"You want your bike, huh? We tried to put it to use after you died. But it wouldn't start. I think you rode it too hard." and Johnny chuckled.
"It takes a special blend, I told you that." Reyes smiled
"O' Yeah. It did, I remember. What was it, sugar, spice and everything nice?"

"Brimstone, tears of the damned and the anguish of mortal souls. Makes a hellfire mix of gasoline." Reyes shrugged off the rider, and continued, he could tell that Johnny was losing his patience and given how they were still picking up teeth after Johnny's entrance earlier, he didn't want to test him.

"We buried your bike. We figured if we didn't some evil son of a bitch would come asking for it." Johnny's eyes lit up
"Where?" Reyes had a sly smile on his face.
"Not so fast Johnny. First I need you to do something for me. I have a traitor in my midst. I already found the rat, he's chained up in the basement. But he's refusing to talk. This puta stole from me, and worse he used my smuggling connections to traffic people. Children!" Johnny shook his head.
"And how am I gonna help? Don't you have big strong bikers who can hook him up to car batteries and twist his nipples into submission?" Reyes frowned and shook his head.
"It won't work. Carlos doesn't break. I need you to use your mojo on him. Pull that fear of god-shit on him."

Johnny shook his head in defeat. If he was gonna find his bike, he would have to play along, after all.


They walked down into the small basement where Carlos was chained up, he was beaten and bloodied, cuts and bruises on him. He was barefoot with his feet in a metal bucket with ice water in it. On the floor was a car battery. It was a biker blacksite in all it's glory and Johnny felt his stomach turn. But it wasn't from disgust.

It was something far worse.

"Carlos!" Reyes shouted, slapping Carlos who woke up, pulling off the bag from his head. "This is your last chance to come clean. Where is my product?!" He shouted, eyeing Johnny, backhanding Carlos "And the kids!"

Carlos's voice was shaky from the pain and torture, but yet cool and composed. He wasn't scared.
"Screw you." He told Reyes, awaiting Robert's raised hand to come down on his face, but Johnny stopped the hand.
"This here is Johnny. He's an old friend. And a... Specialist. You best be talking before he gets all hot in here."

Johnny nodded for Reyes and the other goons to leave the room, they did so promptly.

"Y'know. Reyes thinks I can do something to you. Something truly terrible. He wants me to show you all of your sins, to judge your soul and let you see damnation for yourself. It's very old-testament. The burning head also doesn't hurt the freak-factor of it all." He pulled the table closer to Carlos and pulled up a chair on the other side of the table, from his side pocket, he got out a shotgun shell and a pack of cigarettes.
"But I can't do that. Not anymore. I can't show you eternal torture and damn you to it if you are judged poorly. Besides, you're a modern man. You probably don't even believe hell is real." The man who smelled of smoke and brimstone smiled, he popped the cap of the shotgun shell, revealing the gunpowder inside, Carlos's eyes got wider.
"W-What the hell are you doing?!" He asked and Johnny simply gripped his hand tightly, and poured the gunpowder onto his hand.
"I can't show you hell. But I can bring you a piece of it." He promised, lighting the cigarette in his mouth with the lighter with one hand, the other holding Carlos's hand firmly in place. The gunpowder began smouldering on his skin, red tremors running up his veins from his hand up his arm, into his chest and his eyes. He groaned in pain and within seconds, the groan turned into a cry, a howl.
"Tell me where the kids are you greedy son of a bitch!" Johnny shouted, and Carlos cried in pain.
"Tell me and I stop the burning!" the rider promised and Carlos cried out again
"T-Third And Oaks. They're in a warehouse... If they're still there. Please!" Carlos wept as his body - his very soul, was being charred.
"Who put you up to it?" Johnny asked, and Carlos cried
"A guy with the Mexican cartel... They called him Pride or something, he was scary as hell! Shit, please, stop this!" Carlos cried and Johnny, upon realizing he meant the Pride, knew what had to be done. He was about to get out of his seat as Carlos cried for him to help him, Johnny shook his head, taking the cigarette from out of his mouth and putting it out on Carlos's hand, igniting the gunpowder, engulfing Carlos in hellfire and within seconds, burning him to bones. Johnny left the room, walking back out to Reyes

"The product is on Third and Oaks, the kids maybe, too. Now where the fuck is my bike, Reyes?!"
Reyes, shocked to see the man cremated in his basement, stammered for a second.
"We... We buried the bike next to your dad. It only felt fitting."

Johnny walked up the stairs, on the way, he swiped the keys to Reyes grey 1971 Challenger, he wasn't gonna walk all the way to Seatle.
But once he had his wheels, he'd hunt down pride. And after him, he'd take down the rest of the seven.

Vengeance shall be served.

Murder moose on the loose.

C A R T E R H A L L ( K A T A R H O L ) M U S E U M C U R A T O R M I D W A Y C I T Y U N A L I G N E D
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face with my mace."

Discount Thomas can come hang.


In the immortal words of Kite Man.

Hell Yeah.

Are there plans for including smaller in-game events like the ones introduced in the last game?

The short answer? Yes. There are plans.
Plans are coming out a lil slow on that department, as I'm busy with studying, Henry's busy with baby and MB's busy... Remodeling the batcave?
But sometime soon TM there will be smaller-scale crisis events to take part in.

"One Last Ride Pt. 1"

His eyes opened for the first time in five years. Waking up in a ditch not far from where he died a decade and a half ago. Where the gangsters had killed him and he and Roxanne had made their pacts. The one where he had sworn vengence, and she had sworn protection of the man she loved. Neither of these pacts were carried out, Roxanne broke hers and Johnny was betrayed. The ground was damp. Rain was pouring down. He was wearing a dirty white T-shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of black work boots he usually wore. He was... Alive. Sure, he had been present, sort of. In hell, you aren't alive, and you aren't gone. They keep you awake, aware. But it's a different kind, your soul is active, but your brain and body are gone.

As he laid there bondering the metaphysics of it all, he felt his lungs fill with air. The cold drops of the fall rain should've bothered him, but there was a soothing quality to them. While the grass was grimy and he was dirty, it was still the most beautiful thing he had ever felt.

He sat up, looking at his hands, flexing his fingers. Incapable of believing the fact that he had a body again. For but a moment, he was so excited that the only emotion that he felt was joy. Glee. Maybe it had all been a bad dream, a nightmare. Maybe Hell wasn't real, and he had never ridden on that horse made out of fire and steel. Maybe he had never felt his skin burn off his skin, and maybe Roxanne was still alive and well.

But as his eyes were drawn to a satchel hanging on the branch on the tree above him, he knew his naive thoughts were just that. Hell was real, and he was sent back to earth with a purpose. A dire one, at that. He looked at the satchel, in it was the shiny blade he had been gifted for his purpose, a few of his earthly belongings. And a note.

It was Enochian, and as Johnny read it, his arm began to burn, a searing pain in his right arm. On it Enochian runes appeared, a spell. He couldn't read them, but he understood what they meant. They were the agreement he had with the underworld. With Mephisto. He knew there was no getting out of it. And he had but one choice.

He tore the letter out of the satchel, crushed it and threw it away. It evaporated into flames and a foul smell of darkness. He pulled the leather jacket out of the satchel, as well as checking the Sawed Off Shotgun that was put into one of the pockets. He had made it himself when he was 14, butchering his dad's old hunting shotgun. The double barreled shotgun had served Johnny, and the Ghost Rider, well. And it would do so again.

But he was without his bike, and there was only one place to go to find it again. Reyes Scrapyard. The scrapyard was a biker clubhouse run by Robert Reyes, the meanest motherfucker the Eastern Seaboard ever produced to ride a bike - well, second meanest.
They were the Reyes Devils, and they were all a mean bunch. But if anyone took care of his motorcycle after his demise, Johnny knew it would be Reyes.

A few hours later, riding in a rusty old Chevy he had stolen. Johnny pulled up to the clubhouse, located on a 150 year old scrapyard, one that once had been used as a oil refinery, then a mafia moonshining place, and a scrapyard under Reyes grandpa, and now, a clubhouse. Johnny wore a hoodie under his leather jacket, covering his face. He walked in, the biker guarding the door stopped him.

"You are not getting in. You're not in the crew, turn around or you will get hurt." The biker promised, his vest said 'Breaker' on it, a shitty nickname for a shitty biker. But in his waistband was a .40 cal, and he looked willing to use it.

Johnny broke his nose, knocking him out and walked in.

Inside the clubhouse, the music was loud. It was some new shit Blaze hadn't heard before. He noted all of the stairways up and down, if he knew Robbie, he would have his office at the top of the clubhouse, so, two floors up. And he'd have it well and properly guarded. But he simply didn't bother stalking his way up there. He instead walked up to the bar, where the guy with the most patches on his vest stood, meaning he was the highest ranked among the bikers on the floor.

Johnny walked up, looked the bartender in the eye and ordered a shot of whiskey, the bartender eyed the Biker to Blaze's side nervously, before he walked away to get the drink. They knew the guy wasn't from here. The biker turned to him and looked him up and down.
"And who the fuck are you? What are you doing in our bar?" And Johnny smirked.
"I'm here to talk to Reyes. Your boss, fatso." He told the far bigger biker who didn't take kindly to the insult. He was about to rebuttle the insult when the door burst open, the guard from outside fell in, yelling about his broken nose, pointing at Johnny.

"Oh, so he's woken up." Blaze noted, the bigger biker in front of him cussed a 'son of a bitch' as he swung his arm at Johnny. He ducked under it, uppercutting him with his left and then jabbing him in the gut with his right, as the guy was hunched over, he ate a knee to the plexus and then got a double-handed swing to the back of his head, dunking his face into the counter of the bar, teeth flying.
He collapsed on the floor. Johnny was panting slightly, looking at all of the other really pissed off bikers in the club.
"Now, where the hell is Reyes?!" He shouted, as a creek in the stairs was heard and down came the boss.

Johnny smirked, turning back to the barkeep.
"I'll take that drink now." Johnny had barely time to taste the shitty whiskey before nine bikers had knives, a shotgun, a automatic pistol, revolvers and a taser to his head. He looked at the guy with the taser and mouthed 'really'.
Reyes looked him up and down.
"Who the hell are you, walking in here smelling like a burning building and beating up my guys?"
One of his bikers pulled down Johnny's hood, shocking Reyes to see his once-dead friend.

"Hi, Robbie. Long time no talk. You never write anymore." He joked, his cocky smile creeping further on his face.

"Where the hell is my bike?"

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