Avatar of Hillan


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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Ah, no, that's where you're mistaken; he doesn't care about the bad guys, he cares about not being put in prison for manslaughter.

Julian has money. They can't put him in jail. And he's even built gloves that burn themselves, no evidence!

Certain Football Professionals would pay him billions for that patent
Pfft. Everyone just having a casual conversation as Hana is getting the shit beaten out of her. That sounds about right. XD

And this is not me being critical. I actually think it's amusing.

Thugs Vs. Green Lantern, 2021, colorized.

<Snipped quote by psych0pomp>

It's not in character for Vincent to be visibly concerned about other people.

Just the bad guys :P

Loving this posting pace.

I actually got to write a short post! WOOO!

Honestly just added a tiny bit for now to keep momentum.

Thanks! I kept throwing surprises at us before you had time to react, oopsie.

As Hana emerged on the scene, securing the restrained thug, whom was roaring in pain and anger as he was losing blood and was starting to feel the pain. Julian noticed that the man was losing about half a percent of muscle mass per 10 seconds. Whatever it was that gave him his massive size was running out. He crawled onto his feet to respond to Hana's comment and congratulate her on a good save.

"Nice one Green Lanter-" The leader of this ragtag group of heroes uttered before the flooring under Hana crumbled, only for a massively oversized fist to grab the Intergalactic peace keeper's foot and pulling her down through the floor, into the vault under it, throwing her onto the marble floor 10 meters under where she had previously been standing. "HANA!" He shouted, climbing to his feet heading over to the man restrained, and put his gloved hand onto his forehead. A blast of electricity surged through the thug, not affecting his allies holding onto him. Julian's leather glove began smoking as the thug's eyes fell close after a loud yelling and convulsing as caused by the massive amount of electricity he just faced. Julian peeled the now burning glove from his hand, as the man was knocked well and truly unconscious by the tasing.

"You can let go. The trackers you got for the teleporter insulates you to electricity from my gloves. But they're single use. I need a more eco-friendly alternative next time. Burns like a bitch, too." The Luthor said his hand in the air blowing cold air on it. He was still dizzy from the hit. But he was curius as to how this thug lost his size so quickly, as he was now half as muscular as he had been when he attacked them.
Well darn, I've been chosen over again. Should've continued following this thread but I got distracted.

Nah. KK was just higher on the list. Sorry that it looks like that, though! :(

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Ah. The show's venom-blockbuster concoction it is, then...

Not quite, but yeah, something along those lines.
@Hillan Are these guys juicing with Venom? Asking because Dandy would be able to tell in a general sense if their muscles have been chemically enhanced.

It's close to venom.

Will try and get something done today - if anyone would like to do any kind of collab tricking etc for this, let me know!

I can have her telepathically reach Booster Gold perhaps, and wake him up? Communicate with him enough to get some intel?

I was thinking something like that, yeah! Was going to have Julian go "And hey, Eilidh, shout if you sense anyone else nearby" But Bane JR. ruined that.
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