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4 yrs ago
Current Having a puppy and trying to train it despite never ever raising a dog ever before and getting conflicting opinions sucks.
4 yrs ago
Alcohol helps numb the fact ive done nothing useful these last 7 months.
5 yrs ago
three day weekend. nothing to do but get drunk and hope something interesting happens for once in this boring town -.-
5 yrs ago
Oh boi, elf tiddies!
5 yrs ago
all this talk about warrior nostalgia hits hard in the gut.


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I love Air-to-Air :D thanks, was kinda a no-brainer. mmm...tomcat!
Seems me and you like the same one, the F15E. I was going with it but then I saw that it needed a WSO and I was like "Mm-neop, not making another one!". I think the F15C would work I also based the character on me, just a bit without making him...well, ya'know, an exact copy (I, for one, would LOVE to go out to a party!)
This is subject to change, if required.
Name:Austin Albert "Circle" Zimmerman(Born Clair Louis Berg)

Callsign: Viking

Age: 26 years(b. November 5th, 1989)




Nationality:American(3/4 German, 1/4 mixed)

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas(Boeing) F-15C Eagle

Appearance: Despite being as tall as he in, Austin isn't as buff as one would imagine. His face is a bit round and littered with acne scarring, which contrasts with his soft eyes and thick head of hair(that he has to cut every two weeks). The smile he has is always broad and showing off his teeth, many of which have went missing from his days of poor hygiene and sweets. Off duty he is usually seen wearing a jersey or purple shirt, along with a pair of jeans and black leather sneakers.

Eye colour:Hazel

Hair colour: Naturally brown, but does love to die it purple when he gets the chance

  • Archery
  • Wargaming(Can be found working and painting on miniatures when he has time)
  • Multitude of music- mostly rock and EDM
  • Pizza!
  • Asparagus!
  • Playing with his Twin Daughters, when he is back at Thunder Island

  • Carrots
  • Jokes about him or his family
  • Pop Music and people with an IQ of -2,000
  • heat
  • Being Called "Circle" or "Circle Shaped Head"
  • Someone calling him by his Birth name

Personality: Off the clock Austin is a rather talkative man most of the time, On any subject He likes -such as his daughters or his models- He will talk until someone tells him to shut up or until he needs water for his dry mouth. Other than that, he is a little more restrained- preferring to paint models than hang out at a party and get drunk. Austin tries to be friendly as much as he can, and if he sees that the conversation is taking a dark turn he will attempt to change the subject- though if this dark turn was someone insulting him or his family, he will ask you to repeat it.

On the clock he is a bit more serious, keeping his friendly side under lock and key until after the mission is done- although, there are sometimes when he will light up- such as when a large explosion catches his eye, which he will marvel at. He is willing to dive down into the thick of it to save a friendly, even if it means getting shot up himself- which, thankfully, hasn't claimed his life JUST yet

His flight helmet has the color of purple with the logo of the Minnesota Vikings, a football team he absolutely LOVED to watch before World War 3

Personal History:The only thing he likes to talk about for history is that he served in the Navy for some time, he quit because being a deckhand was "rather boring" and that he has two Twin Daughters, Faegara and Evalyn.

Personal Weapons and misc. Gear:XCR with Suppressor and foregrip
FN FNP(bare)
U.S. Navy utility knife, Mark 2(KA-BAR knife)
Paint and models, for when he's bored on base.

Aircraft Sheet

Name:F-15C Eagle

Profile Link:Here


Paint Job: It's customized in a light-and-dark purple camouflage similar to the pic provided above, with gold trimming the flaps on the aircraft. on the left, just under the canopy in blue is the words "Dakka Dakka". The Thunderbolt Black marking is on the right wing, near the tip.
Owned or loaned:loaned
Almost done. just to let you know that It has been a long time since I've done a Roleplay, so I MAY have a few mishaps hope I didn't mess up, I have a habit of staying up late.
I'll get a character sheet up in a few hours check below for it soon. not to be rude, but with the last aerial one you did about 5 or so months ago I knew it was going to fail(not that it wasn't a good idea). too many people joining= many people dropping out = destroying the IC/Longer waits for posts. that's personally why I like to not go over 10+ or else it gets hectic wow, seems me and you have the same feelings on rule 11 :D
I'm thinking of giving Aerial another go... as long as the 6 plus additional RPers has been reached
that moment when you forget to read the OOC because it's a WH40K and you don't care xD I don't do Chaos marines, but to each their own. Hope you have some good luck and I may watch this unfold!
Has there ever even been a successful RP? Like ever?
like they said, it depends on the people you have in the community and such. I happen to have 2 good 1X1 RPs on another site and the oldest one has been going on for 2 YEARS!(It did have about 2 periods of no posting, but it didn't stop us from kicking the roleplay back to life :3) From my personal experience I'd say that the more watered down you make the RP on details it attracts HUNDREDS. which is sad, very sad.
I had just finished reading The Last Hope from Warriors I believe, back in 2012, and I was interested in finding a roleplay for warriors. I happened to come across WCRPG, which is now changing to Feral Front. Then I started getting more into other things like warfare and romance for humans, and since most of the population in Oct. 2012 converted to 1D fans, I started to look for another one. in Oct. 2013 I found Roleplayer Guild and have been alternating between that and some of my last threads on WCRPG/FF. Tho I haven't done a lot of Roleplaying on here because I always get paired up with people who won't post because they want someone to do their own kinky stuff or with people whom just let the thread die and don't give a reason(this one happens most of the time) I'm getting back into this, though, seeing as over here there are a lot more better thread ideas....
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