Looks hella fun, but I'm so booked up on roleplays right now, I'd drink myself into a stupor if I tried to take on another project.
I'll keep an eye on it, though. ;D
<Snipped quote by Hood>
if by rare you mean dank then fuck yeah hit me up
also is there a mattress in ur car bcuz.............
When I was but a wee 14 year old Taajlet my dad found out I lurked on a Lord of the Rings themed website and occasionally posted silly LOTR memes. He freaked out and told me that strangers on the site were probably swarming to hack the computer and hunt me down so they could kidnap, rape, and kill me.
Ten years later and I'm still talking to strangers on the internet and haven't been hunted down/etc. by them.
so shout out to my da, love ya da, keep doin ya thing da
This has been History Lessons with Taaj