STAR WARS: The War for Exaron
Early in 4 ABY, an Alliance Special Forces team arrived on Exaron to retrieve intelligence from a Bothan spy. They were ambushed, however, and wiped out save for a single man, their commander Major Patrick Rudder. A local dissident cell, unaffiliated with the Alliance, rescued Rudder, and started a series of events which would change Exaron forever. The intelligence, they would uncover, had to do with a top-secret Imperial operation, years in the making, to assassinate all the members of Alliance High Command in a single swoop. An Imperial defector, Lieutenant Colonel Moreau, had the information necessary to stop the operation, but needed to be taken off-world. Rudder needed more help to find the intelligence, and so struck a deal with Zz'nt, a local crime boss who agreed to help Rudder and the dissidents in exchange for a promise that the Rebels would send more forces to Exaron to help free the planet. Both the Rebels and the Imperials rushed to find Moreau, with Rudder and his allies finding the man first. Despite a final firefight in which Moreau was killed and Rudder wounded, Rudder and his allies were able to escape Exaron with a datachip containing the intelligence. The intelligence was transferred to Alliance Intelligence, who moved in on the Imperial operatives and killed or captured all of them before they could carry out their assassinations.
Conventional Rebel forces have begun to move into the Exaron System, including Army, Navy, Intelligence, Special Forces, and Special Operations elements. They have linked up with the local criminal underworld elements who pledged their support to the Alliance, and have started their planning of open warfare against the Imperial forces on Exaron and in the Exaron System. The Imperials still hold the planet under their control, but the loss of the intelligence concerning Operation Vibrowire and the subsequent failing of that operation led to a systematic punishment and quasi-purging of the highest levels of Imperial leadership on Exaron; as a result, a number of new officers have arrived on the planet to take the reins of command. The stage is set for a massive war which will decide the fate of Exaron: will the Rebellion free the planet from the Empire, or will Exaron's subjugated existence continue? Yet as the Rebellion suddenly strikes a critical blow to the Empire at Endor, the galactic situation is altered, and the Empire must make strategic changes. Strange shipments have been arriving on Exaron, and there may be more to the upcoming fight than meets the eye...
This roleplay is a sequel to The Fires of Exaron, a roleplay which ran from early January to late July, 2012, beginning as Casual and transitioning more to the Advanced side as the roleplay continued. You need not have participated in the original to roleplay in this sequel, as the majority of the main characters left Exaron at the conclusion of Fires of Exaron.
There are going to be two main plotlines which run throughout The War for Exaron, on different levels of the war. The first plotline is the overarching backdrop, which is the war for Exaron itself. Characters involved in this plotline will be more concerned with the higher-level things such as capturing cities, maneuvering companies, battalions, and regiments, and securing Exaron for either the New Republic or the Galactic Empire. Suggested characters for participating in this facet of the roleplay are army officers in command of ground units (from platoon sized up to regiment or division sized), naval officers in command of ships or the system fleet (information on specific ships available will be given if asked), members of the criminal underworld who are fighting as guerillas for the New Republic (crime lords in the Republic employ), and even politicians and the like. Events which occur in this realm of the roleplay will be tracked with an overarching War Progress system, which will quantify each side's gains territorially, militarily, and politically in seizing control of Exaron for their side. A simple system based on number/type of troops involved, equipment, and a little luck will determine major battles to keep things fair if needed and to ensure there is no godmodding or metagaming.
The second major plotline will concern itself with the secretive Imperial shipments which have begun arriving on Exaron. In contrast to the first plot, this second plot will be much more espionage and intrigue-based, with the Republic personnel trying to uncover what these shipments are and their purpose, while the Imperials try to keep it a secret and bring these shipments to their fruition. Imperial players in this plotline will be told what the shipments are at the beginning of the roleplay so they can roleplay accordingly. Characters in this plotline should be intelligence or special-forces styled characters given the nature of the plot.
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