Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 288 (0.10 / day)
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    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


Most Recent Posts

@BlackPanther I never understood that thing about you Americans...

What's with that minor / major thing ? I mean...after you finish the University what will you diploma say you are ? A Biologist ?

Tbh I also find it confusing how Americans say Uni/College because that's the same thing in my country xD


Also, wow. All the science. From middle school to highschool, I went to a british cambridge university that focused on business. So I mostly studied business from middle school to my last year of highschool. Took one semester of Accountancy for College, and now I'm a fashion student whose graduating next year. I'll be working as a fashion designer for a year after graduating, and then go back to school to take up Medical Technology. (Because my dad really wants me to take up medicine before I move to America) Ahhhhh, I love school. Ha..ha ha


@BlackPanther Hello~

@RedDusk True xD Also, I just woke up and I can't think.
When I'm awake, no one is up. When I'm asleep, everyone is up. #WHY

@Ashevelendar Khyrian and uhh.. that's all I know.
@sakurasan assholes and bitches tend to be liked nowadays
"1. Enemies - A form of hatred or dislike, or any type of negative relation (such as fear, for example) exists between the characters. It does NOT need to be mutual, though it can be, only the player character needs to view the relationship negatively if they so choose."

Also, since @Melo was the one who rolled enemies, Narcissa is the one who dislikes Raven. xD But Raven doesn't have to feel the same way.

@Sarcelle Renard That would be helpful xD You can re-roll their relationship but if you want a love relationship, you can reroll the character so it isn't Xena.
@RedDusk But who is her present love? It's Vadik, I assume?

Also, @Mchaggis and @Sarcelle Renard haven't confirmed yet. They might still use a reroll.
I was kind of hoping for Vadik to be Xena's first love. I can't imagine her having a history with other men. xD
@RedDusk The girl got moves. And she likes her men muscly.

But seriously though, Xena's a virgin D: LOL
Why does Xena have so much love interest. Smh what a hoe.

Edit: Y'all better watch out for Vadik

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