Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 288 (0.10 / day)
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    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


Most Recent Posts

@Melo long is nice.

The woods || Unconscious
Mood: Confused and afraid

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The foreboding feeling rooted itself deeper into the pit of her gut; a mysterious chill she’d been feeling since she arrived at the Gathering. She’d done a great job ignoring it, but she felt it again — that familiar shiver, as if someone had crept up behind her and was breathing down her neck. She turned, but no one was there. The light chill in the air seemed to press closer. She thought she heard a faint voice in the wind, laughing. Every muscle in her body tensed; she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to go terribly wrong.

Xena quickly grabbed Vadik’s arm and pulled him toward the path they had come from, every atom in her body screaming for her to leave the forest. Go back, it seemed to say. Before she could take another step, a familiar voice made her halt. Faela. A wave of comfort washed over her, relieved to see a familiar face in the dark shadows that blanketed over them.

She opened her mouth to speak, but a sudden sound ripped through the silence that hung heavy in the air; it was the same sound she’d heard as a young child when she had stepped onto the frozen lake, only to be submerged into the freezing water moments after. If her brother hadn’t grabbed her immediately, life would have ended for her then and there. The same sound she was hearing now brought back memories of her traumatic experience. She looked around, but it was too dark to see anything.

Xena felt as if someone had draped a cold washcloth across her back. A shiver ran down her spine. “We need to head back. Now.” She reached for Vadik’s arm once again, but as soon as flesh touched flesh, a gush of wind zipped past them, cold as winter and harsh as a storm, it’s strength strong enough to send her back a few steps. Before she could react, she heard that whispering laughter again, the chilling presence now seeming to loom over her. But it wasn’t the wind, nor voices, that caused her eyes to widen and her jaw drop slightly open — it was the sight before her; white wisps of cold air took the form of feminine figures, darting from tree to tree, disappearing into thin air and reappearing seconds later only to disappear again.

Everything happened so fast. A shard of ice was hurled swiftly through the air, missing them both in just a hair’s breadth. And then a second one. Unfortunately, this one didn’t miss. Xena watched in horror as it sliced through Vadik’s flesh.

Vadik!” she screamed, her voice echoing throughout the woods.

Red blood tainted white snow—snow she hadn’t even realized was there—and before she could reach out to him, icy winds knocked her off her feet. She fell to the ground, the freezing temperature of the unnatural snow invading her senses like a buffet of hail falling down a broken roof. Shards of ice pierced her numb flesh. Frost seemed to envelope her body, but she wasn’t sure.

Xena’s vision dimmed. She must have been falling into unconsciousness. She could feel her head pounding and her teeth aching, as if she had just chugged a jar of freezing water. Her lips and throat were dry and they ached for moisture. Xena tried to move her delicate fingers, but they didn’t budge. She thought she could hear someone calling her name, but the voice seemed too far away to make any sense. The voice slowly faded and was replaced by a silent buzzing in her ears.

The silence was deafening. Everything turned pitch black.

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“You’ll really grant my wish?” The little girl asked, staring at the woman with her adorable round eyes. She held two roses in her hand, a basket of varying flowers in the other.

Yes, I will grant your wish.” The mysterious woman replied; her voice was soft and pleasing to the ears, almost like a melody.

“Anything? You will really grant anything?” The girl asked once again, her eyes gleaming as tears threatened to fall. She gripped the flowers tighter and held them close to her chest. Tears sprang down her cheeks, and the woman bent down to wipe them.

Anything, dear child.

“How? Are you a fairy?” Her chocolate brown eyes looked up to the woman in wonder, eyes filled with innocence and curiosity.

The woman chuckled. “Yes, I am a fairy,” she replied with a beautiful smile.

The girl’s eyes lit up, a wide smile now etched on her face. She reached her hand out, giving her the red roses. “Then, can you bring my father back?” she asked, eyes filled with hope.

The woman took the flowers from her hand and brought them close to her nose, breathing in their sweet scent. "If that's your wish, I will grant it. When you wake tomorrow, your father will be there as if he never left."

"You really mean it?" A huge smile was plastered on the little girl's lips, and the woman watched her with an unreadable expression.

"Then, I'm going to sing a song. Will you listen?" The girl nodded eagerly. “Well… close your eyes and listen to me sing, sweet child.

A beautiful melody filled the air. Trees swayed back and forth, the lake glistening under the pale moonlight. The little girl closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning, she awoke with vague memories of her dreams from the previous night. Her father knocked on her door, "Is my little girl awake?" he asked.

Somewhere inside a large chamber, the woman watched the child and her father in front of a large mirror. She tapped the cool glass, and the image was replaced by a man clad in gleaming armor. The man walked down the halls of the temple, slowly making his way toward the woman’s chamber.

Ah, now I wait for The Keeper to deliver retribution.” There was no hint of regret written on her face. She slowly walked toward her window and sat on her windowsill, staring up at the beautiful night sky as the sound of footsteps drew close.
I'm interested. I'll work on a character sheet as soon as I can.
I'm interested but I can see that this is full so i'll just be keeping an eye on it.

The Campsite, approaching the woods || Eyes on Vadik
Mood: Dazed

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"There are too many people around to hear myself think."

Xena nodded before unintentionally zoning out their conversation. As Flydren spoke, her eyes would stray away from his from time to time, still searching the crowd for any signs of Vadik. She was trying to be subtle but was clearly doing a poor job of it. However, even with her lack of focus, she noticed that Flydren seemed to be distracted as well. Before she could bring herself to focus on Fldyren's words, something caught her eye, and Xena's vision tunneled. There—standing amidst the crowd—was Vadik.


The moment her eyes landed on him, everything seemed to fade into the background; She could only see him. And she could only hear her heart thumping as it quickened its pace. Xena released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. He looked just as good as she remembered. With his wind-ruffled black hair and his amber eyes, he looked ruggedly handsome and in control—just like a son of a Chief should. He looked even better than he did nine months ago—tanner and taller, leaner and more muscular. She had trouble tearing her eyes away from him, but she managed it.

By the time she turned her attention back to Flydren, he was already heading for his tent, and she was too distracted to bid him farewell. Xena took a quick glance at Vadik, making sure she didn't lose sight of him. Their eyes met for a brief moment before she looked away. Her heart was still racing and her palms were moist—she realized she was nervous. It had been awhile since they had last seen each other and each day, she had longed to see him. Now that he was right there, just a distance away from her, she was glued to her spot, suddenly unsure of what to do. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts and regain her composure.

"Kenzie," she spoke softly, seemingly stuck in a daze. "I'm suddenly not feeling well..I'll be resting in my tent. Don't wait for me, go and enjoy the festivities." Without waiting to hear his response, she steadily walked towards her tent which, fortunately, was situated near the edge of the campsite. She threw a quick glance over her shoulder before walking past her tent and heading for the woods at the edge of the valley. She knew Vadik would come looking for her in the forest like he always did, and just like always, she would play her flute, guiding him to where she was.

Interested, Mae:D
@Mae Asteria's realm is in her CS:)

@Ashevelendar but I don't think she'll be able to do that until after she saves Narcissa?
Realized that Flydren is not yet inside camp. Will be asking Dusksong to edit the post, so ignore it for now.
@Melo just marry the tree

@Inertia "Duskong" lmao. It's Dusksong XD
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