Blinding speed that ill-fit the jagged spear of Earth sent erupting by Selma’s will through the body of the cuboid adversary shocked Aoife. Well, if that motion had been fast, the next was the speed of sound. Selma wrenched her axe free from the ground with more force in one arm than Aoife would be able to muster in both before shooting off like a bullet fired from a gun. "Let's get cooking!"
The simmer of excitement spread up Aoife’s spine as the tingle met her jaw, causing it to clench. A smell of gunpowder filled Aoife’s nostrils before one mech fired an entire silo of four at Selma’s trajectory, but in response perfectly timed was Rivka’s response. The girl’s Parma appeared musically around her, and the source of that gunpowder smell became evident. Aoife’s eyes lit up with excitement as she watched the burst of flame originating from a brief spark in the musician’s resolve as her Gladius took aim.
“Enough standing around then,” Aoife said, lightly rolling her foot and stretching her shoulders. Aoife carefully stepped out into the rain, closing her eyes and letting it wash over her form. She felt each impact against her Parma, felt as each of the petals of water unfurled against her form, absorbing into her. She adopted a runner’s stance, placing both hands against the soaked pavement, and thrusting her back into the air. Aoife titled her chin to get a better look at the mech that Rivka had fired upon in order to distract it. Hopefully, she could beat Selma there, she had talked a bid game after all. She spied a close by light pole, taking note of its distance from herself and the mech. Her chest tightened as her lips parted ever so minutely in order to let a long inhale hiss through the sound of the rain, which paused around her as she did. All of the water on her form spread along her body, lining her heels in coats of compressed water. “Turning up the heat,” Aoife called into her headset.
She burst from the ground, streams of water shooting across the pavilion near them as she was thrown through the air as if by divine action itself. She spun and flipped through the air, one hand tightly wound around Joyeuse, the other trailing through the air, collecting rain water and manipulating it as she did so. A thing razor like wire of compressed stream water flowing in sharpening spirals around itself, bound only by the girl’s will. The momentum had proved to be problematic, however. So Aoife had to improvise. She created a small wave of water ahead of her that she spun into and caught with her feet, surfing along it and towards the mech.
She descended upon it, sending her aqua javelin towards its primary sensors as she circled around it. She swung her blade towards the mech in tandem with the impact of the javelin but her cut was too shallow to connect. Luckily the ribbon connected to Joyeuse’s hilt continued outwards towards the emotionless visage now tracking her. It wrapped itself around a nearby streetlight, pulling Aoife along as she continued to surf around it before leading herself cresting upwards above the machine. Hoping that Rivka’s shot was enough to knock it off balance when combined with her javelin, she gracefully allowed the momentum of her arc to carry her, closing her eyes until she felt her position reached.
When Aoife opened them once more, she was looking straight down at the top of its head. She plummeted downwards, reaching out to her Elementum to sharpen the droplets of rain, increase their velocity. She fell with them, a million translucent blades. “Fall,” she said.
And she, and her homemade barrage, did. She plummeted into steel carapace impacting with a heavy groan as her blade buried itself to the hilt in its body. She stood up, confidently pulling the blade from its sheathe, water and oil spraying in the arc as the blade landed flat on her shoulder. “One a piece,” she offered her rival.