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"I feel like I could eat the whole world raw."
9 yrs ago
When one of us goes to war. We all go to war.
9 yrs ago
Here's a limmerick There once was a team out of Haven with an outlook as black as a raven they were meant to fight BANK but our hearts all but sank WHEN WE HEARD THAT THEY'D RUN HOME AND TURNED CRAVEN
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When you realize you gotta make an IC intro post and just '...'
9 yrs ago
Big things are coming! Stay tuned ~
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Cordelia Whittaker

As the song stopped, and everyone was ushered off the dance floor, Cordelia’s dance partner was signaled to by an onlooker. Someone who’d likely been serving a role similar to her own once upon a time. She stood doe-eyed as he sauntered away from her, as if he was still dancing, with a partner invisible to everyone else.

Her senses were returned to her as she felt a hand clap onto her shoulder, she recognized the girl as one of her new teammates. “You good?” she asked. Cordelia thought she must’ve looked almost as though she was looking through her teammate.

“Yes, my apologies.” Cordelia said, still staring out at the dance floor. It was an odd thing. This was something she’d dreamt of for years. To take the stage in a gala like this one. To be swept off her feet like she’d seen happen to so many girls before her. But after tasting battle, something had changed. She’d expected her dance partner to stab her in the back, to leap out into the floor and shift into some hideous beast. For the first time since she’d seen combat, Cordelia had become aware of a weight she’d been holding, one that she felt the need to rid herself of all of the sudden. It was an indefinable sort of thing. Its presence was permeable, enveloping her entire form, clouding her perception. Yet, at the same time it was a wisp, flitting away from the corner of her vision as soon as she tried to hone in on the feeling.

The fear of defeat, the feeling of being hunted. The more time Cordelia spent on the battlefield, the less and less she’d feel those senses creeping away during rest. She awoke with the thought of was she in danger. She drifted off to sleep at night considering where she could escape to if she were to be overwhelmed. She watched her dance partner rejoin an older man with gray hair, and a tall figure. He was joined by another raven-haired woman, though she was clearly in his service. She recognized traits she’d not often seen, but embodied. The eyes that darted around a singular figure in a crowd in anticipation of any needs or commands that may be approaching. Still that old beast reared its ugly head once more. She examined the woman’s body language and found hints of aggression. A sort of confidence that was only reachable when one felt well and truly safe. In this world there’s only one way to feel that safe.

Cordelia planted herself at the table she’d started at. She felt a stiffness in her nose as her sense of safety was slowly tugged on. Her hairs stood on her arms and neck, as she watched Nicole and the others flit around the room expertly, if not aimlessly. As if they were capable of just, enjoying themselves. Existing in a moment with no thoughts of what they’d do if Void had come crashing through the roof of the building, tearing nobles and innocents apart with each movement. How they’d approach defending an evacuating crowd while they fought off the daemons of the night.

A long shaky breath found it’s way out between her lips, just barely escaping the shaky confines that held it for so long. She stood up forcibly, accidentally knocking the table and drawing stares towards her as cutlery clattered mutedly against tablecloth-covered wood. “Pardon me,” she hissed. Her feet carried her faster than her legs felt they could move while still maintaining a gait that resembled walking in the peripheral vision of an onlooker. She walked and walked, slowing when she’d reach her first door and opening it. By the final door that barred her exit to the cold night air she through her weight behind it and burst out of the room. She felt the cool air assault the nape of her neck, now slick with sweat as her clothes clung to her breast while it heaved. She buckled over, eyes wide as she stared at her own shoes, her hand bracing herself against the coarse brick wall she found herself nearby.

In this moment of weakness, she thanked the heavens for the night cover she was afforded. Only the stars could pity her inability to socialize out here. For all the experience she had been accruing in battle over these weeks, it was a minute of introspection and socialization that would bring her to her knees. Shame washed over her cerulean locks now draped down in front of her face, obscuring her like a veil. The moonlight punched through, however, and shone brilliantly into her misty eyes, not letting her truly vanish.


Rose water dripped from her crimson lips like honey as she regained her full height, teeth sunken a centimeter into her lip. She could feel the scolding she’d deserved from her previous employers. The imagined strikes carried her back into the ball until it’s end. When she was given the grace of retiring to her new room, where she could at least change her clothes.

The powers that be at this school had taken the liberty of removing what had undoubtedly remained of Nicole’s previous roommate, and replaced it with Cordelia’s personal affects. They were a hodgepodge of knickknacks, none of which looked as though they really belonged to her. The bed she’d be sleeping in was uniformly made as if it was being graded on its appearance.

After a short tutorial on the shower’s operation, and how best to use it, Nicole began to partake in a warm one for herself, once more leaving Cordelia alone in a space that she was both familiar and unfamiliar in. Her previous room looked almost exactly like this one, down to the smallest details, to a point that she had begun searching with her lazy gaze in order to find some new imperfection. Perhaps a torn-up piece of carpet, or a stain on the ceiling.

The white noise of Nicole’s shower lulled Cordelia into a trance where she lost herself in the ceiling, spinning as though she’d been drinking an hour ago. Daydreaming as her vision swam in the noise of the shower, lazily drifting around the room. She found her mind intruding on her once again, asking itself if she was resented as the newest member of the team. If she was hated for replacing what had almost certainly been a cherished cog in this machine. Someone that the other girls had formed a bond with through blood and sweat, who was now being replaced with someone they had no real knowledge of. She hadn’t earned her place on this team, she imagined them thinking. She was naught but a consolation prize, a stop-gap to ensure that numbers on a chat in someone’s office they’d never met maintained their needless symmetry.

A sharp whistle blew through her lips as she closed her eyes, robbing them of their lackadaisical illusion. "What are you doing to yourself?" The voice was hers, though the words felt like they belonged to another, kinder person. Before she could examine the thought much further, Nicole re-entered the room signaling that Cordelia was free to shower. Her crimson hair had been slicked to her skin, tightly bunched into scarlet icicles that trailed down her features directing Cordelia to her lilac eyes. They were kind, Cordelia's mind decided before a stricter more disciplined thought could replace it.

”I’ll be quick,” she said meekly. An instant after she’d entered the bathroom, she’d thrown her clothes aside inelegantly and soaked herself in the water, set to the best temperature she could swing, just as Nicole had shown her. She let the water trickle down her breast, across her stomach and over the brilliantly dull diamond now inlaid there. It felt heavy there, in her abdomen as it reflected the small beads of water gathering on its surface. As though it felt her apprehension that had threatened to swallow her towards the end of the night, and hated it.

She exited the bathroom in a pair of men’s boxers she used as pajama shorts and a large T-Shirt she had been given quite a while ago. It was mostly featureless and about three sized too large which in Cordelia’s mind, meant it fit perfectly for sleepwear.

Her body still felt too warm for blankets after the shower, so she laid atop her sheets, the diamond in her stomach catching a bit of moonlight and reflecting it up at the ceiling, revealing in its glow a small chip in the surface. Cordelia felt a small smile creep on her lips, as she realized she’d found her small difference she’d spent that time looking for. ”Good night Nicole,” she whispered quietly enough that she hoped it wouldn’t wake her if she was sleeping.

I’ll do better tomorrow. She promised her new teammate.

Cordelia Whittaker

Cordelia noted the boy’s finely tuned precision, his form reminded her of her instructor from when she was a child. Always leading to a point, but letting Cordelia perform a flourish in order to make it look as though she had been in charge the entire time. Her hands gracefully spun in his as she twirled outwards into the center of the dance floor. Her eyes flitted to her teammates, all dancing with wolves in their own rights. Cordelia felt the hot breeze of dance floor wind brush through her cerulean locks as she spun back in place, towards the boy.

“That’s correct,” she affirms as he inquires with a voice at a low static hum. His voice isn’t a growl, though it took Cordelia’s knowing a man who growled constantly to recognize the minute differences. This voice was just perceptible enough to be heard, but over the live band and the constant chattering and laughter, that was a decision and careful tuning of his own voice. His compliments washed over Cordelia, a foreign feeling as the kind words and concern caught the once maid in surprise. Unlike the low growl of an angered man, Cordelia was not used to such niceties and couldn’t perceive the truthfulness to what he was saying. Her hands drifted from his waist to his neck and chin, holding him as if she was to kiss him like a lover. “That’s very kind of you to say,” she said, gazing into his eyes. “I’m not concerned about, which team I’m placed on.” Her face came close to his, as the song began to slow and she embraced him, her hands pulling the back of his head onto her shoulder, holding him there for a moment.

The song picked back up and Cordelia once more let him lead, pulling her into a dip as he looked down at her. “The tales we tell children are often of warning,” Cordelia said. Looking into his eyes from her vantage parallel to the ground. “I should hope mine isn’t that.”

A small chill roused Aoife from her slumber. She felt the feeling crawl up the small of her back to the nape of her neck, slowly brushing against her chin as she yawned. The morning light pierced the thin white draperies lazily warming Aoife’s blushing cheeks as she pulled the blanket tight to her body, her muscles tightening to stretch. She roused, finally, at the sound of a bird calling for breakfast. Her stomach gurgled as she thought of the same.

She rushed through her morning routine, brushing her hair and teeth with a hand each in a white tee and a pair of acid washed blue denim overalls. She looked at herself, examining for differences from what she remembered herself looking like, but there wasn’t anything too specific she could notice. She launched out of her room, not thinking much about her new roommate who was still sleeping as she slammed the door and took off running towards the cafeteria, picnic basket in hand.

“Alice, right?” A man wearing a stained apron looked at an order chit with squinting eyes that told Aoife he was in need of glasses. “Two roasted chicken sandwiches?”

“Yup, that’s me!” Aoife chirped carefully placing the sandwiches into the basket, carefully avoiding the drinks she’d prepared prior to leaving her room.

The man looked over her shoulder at two fishing rods stuck in a makeshift sling that looked equal parts professional and practiced. While many Sturmgaards of past hadn’t bothered to sully their dainty hands, since the fall of the family and certainly by the time Aoife was old enough to practice, this had been their way of life. “You fishin’?” he grumbled.

“Maybe if we find a spot,” Aoife mumbled stuffing sandwiches into the basket. And before the man could further learn about Aoife’s plans she had already taken off, like a Void out of church she bolted down back towards the dorm rooms to grab her new teammate.

Aoife hadn’t been able to spend much time with her new team outside of exercises and lessons, and she certainly hadn’t had the time to get to know any of them all that well as far as personal lives were concerned. She was off in the direction of Selma, the burly brawler who towered over Aoife. Selma had quickly made a distinct impression on Aoife in their first fight that had kept up to this point. When examining her at meals or in the middle of a scuffle one might assume Selma was the charge in first ask questions later type, but Aoife had been shown otherwise.

While she did charge into combat, that was simply her entering her most effective range for fighting. She had an eye for tactics and was quick to formulate a complex strategy at a whim of analysis. It was something that impressed Aoife as she hadn’t done much dueling or sparring before coming to the academy. She passed by windows that shone with golden orange morning light as she made her way to Selma and Chie’s room. She made a mental note to connect with the other members of her team as well as soon as more free time came along, but for what she had planned she had assumed Selma would be the most interested.

A quick trilling knock sounded at the door and Aoife heard a tired grumble at the door as Selma came out, a small piece of toast hanging from her mouth.

“All ready?” Aoife asked, redundantly as she began to march away from the door.

Aoife’s hike took them to a ruined spot of town, an old train tunnel that had been filled with waist high water. She huddled onto a toppled over train car around halfway into the tunnel. She cracked some glow sticks and threw them into the anachronistic river lined with iron tracks and watched contentedly as fish spiraled around the lights.

Aoife handed a sandwich to Selma as the two sat in relative silence in the now luminescent tunnel. Aoife handed a rod to Selma, carefully handling the hook, impaling a worm on it and then handing it over to Selma. She did the same to her own fishing road, carefully resting it between her knees as she began to eat her sandwich.

“So, Selma, do you miss home?” The question echoed both ways down the tunnel, escaping into the open air as it did. Selma looked like the kind of girl to brace the question easily and say no, that she was doing fine, vigilant as ever and that this was her life now. Aoife, was not.

“I do,” she whispered. Her smile weakly fought back against the doubt on her face. “But I’m really glad I was put on this team, you’ve all been incredible to watch so far.”

Cordelia Whittaker

As Nicole led Cordelia through a jauntier passage, the azure haired girl lost herself for a moment in their dance. He teeth raked the inside of her bottom lip as her new roommate effortlessly glided along the dance floor. The act made Cordelia yearn to discover how Nicole moved on the battlefield as well. They neared towards the end of the song, both panting, holding a pose as the band performed their final resounding notes and those who were not dancing clapped for the band and the dancers left on the floor. Cordelia’s chest heaved as an innocuous smile hung on her lips, her eyes never leaving Nicole’s.

It may’ve been something of an over-the-top gesture. But Cordelia had learned early to take pride in every action she performed. Whether it was how she dressed herself in the morning, or dancing in front of a crowd. You had your pride, she had been told once, or you had nothing. Before long, however two new figures made their presences known.

Hairs raised on the nape of Cordelia’s neck as she felt a light touch trickle up her shoulder. The girl was taller than Cordelia, with eyes like almonds and a flowing black river of hair that ended pointedly near her upper back. She clearly spoke to Cordelia, but a buzzing sensation left from Nicole’s and this girl’s touch filled her senses to the brim, keeping the words from her. Cordelia looked down at his hand he held out, as if he was offering pomegranate seeds. Cordelia looked back at Nicole, who seemed to be gracefully accepting the offer of a long-haired, scarred boy opposite Cordelia’s would-be dance partner. His dark eyes weren’t dissimilar from the girl’s, in fact, they could’ve been twins save for a few key differences.

Nicole dexterously spun around Coredelia, taking the hand of the girl before Cordelia could, but neither party seemed to mind much at all. The olive-skinned gentleman held his hand out to her all the same.

Cordelia nodded chastely and took the boy's hand gingerly in her own. Her demure attitude, however, belied her current thought process. The hair on her neck stayed raised, something felt odd about this. She wasn’t sure what, they certainly appeared to be human and not some voidsent abomination. Cordelia thought back to a hunting lesson she was partial to once morning at the estate at which she had been raised and worked her entire life. Would you prefer to hunt a tiger, or a wolf? Of course, each of the student’s provided educated answers as to why a wolf was the safer prey, a much lighter beast who relied on a pack to successfully hunt for itself. The instructor had nodded sagely, before explaining that each student was right in a classroom, but wrong in the field of a hunt. A tiger, as powerful as it was, could be backed into a corner, he explained. It fought alone, so it died alone. But to hunt a wolf was to constantly second guess yourself, wondering if others were behind you.

“Are you okay?” the boy asked Cordelia. The ars magi stifled her visage’s desire to contort in surprise and instead forced a curt smile.

“I’m excellent,” she responded. She let herself be pulled into her partner’s embrace, tightening the distance between the both of them and allowing her hands to find his upperback, subtly feeling for a weapon the boy may’ve hidden on him. “Please, lead the way.”

Cordelia Whittaker

Cordelia watched Nicole, hand out-stretched. Her words seemed to make the perky redhead second guess herself. However, in a blink any shadow of doubt was replaced by the same qualities Cordelia had initially observed in her new teammate. It wasn’t a second later that Nicole took Cordelia’s offered hand, wrapping their fingers around one another and stood up, as light on her feet as Cordelia had thought.

“Dance my socks off, babe."

Cordelia received an order, and in that moment her mind shifted back to ten years ago. Learning etiquette from the Sidos Heurassein Estate. The Heiress’ birthday was fast approaching and for it, everyone was expected to take place in a great waltz that would be shone to diplomats coming from far and wide. These weren’t the rulers of these lands, nor the tops of any governments. Rather, this was wealthy merchants, civic engineers, and architects. People who, Cordelia was often told, had one foot in the present, and another in our past. People who could reshape this mishappen world and turn it into something that would once more resemble what we had all lost. Or so Cordelia was told.

The waltz was like her, not freeform, rather it was a complex series of movements that would be so deigned before any dancing had begun. As Cordelia lead Nicole towards the dance floor, she felt her movements begin to change underfoot. She adopted a similar lightness on her feet to that of Nicole, gracefully gliding along the hall’s floor until she reached the inner-most part. Where it would be hard to see anything other than the band who so expertly performed for them as if they were begging for some kind of movement. Cordelia would oblige them.

“Then, if you’ll permit me this boldness, follow my lead.” Cordelia quietly spoke to Nicole as she separated from her, bowing deeply beneath her pelvis waiting a second, and then returning to her upright posture. She elegantly scooped Nicole’s lower back, retrieved her hand and held it out just above her right shoulder. She waited for the music to cue her in before she began to move. The waltz was made up primarily of slow movements entwined with fast ones. She guided Nicole around in a circle as she found the others on the dance floor moving in kind. She brought herself closer through her steps to Nicole, until her whispers would land upon the redhead’s cheek. “I apologize, for whatever may have happened to your last teammate,” she whispered. Before she would give Nicole a chance to respond, she extended her arm, causing Nicole to swing outwards. She gave the girl a tug and just as expected she was pulled in towards her. They were both facing the same direction now, with Cordelia’s words meeting the back of Nicole’s ear now. “But that won’t happen with me. I’m here to stay. Please count on me.”

She allowed Cordelia to return to her prior posture where they faced one another, continuing to twist and weave between other groups. She felt a gentleman's back graze her own as they barely threaded the needle between two more groups. She felt sweat begin to bead at her forehead as the pace of the music quickened. She had always been taught to smile when you danced, it was a contagious sort of thing. Like a pathogen that infected through the mere sight of another smiling. Her hand on Nicole’s back slid upwards as she pulled her close to avoid bumping into another couple who were performing something of an extravagant move.

It dawned on Cordelia that this was an opportunity to see how Nicole would act under pressure. She quickly put her theory to the test. Once more pulling Nicole closely until their stomachs were pressed up against one another. “Would you like to try taking the lead, darling?”

Cordelia Whittaker

"Ms. Whittaker, as a result of your preliminary exam results, we have decided to place you on a team of five individual Ars Magi."

"I understand."

Cordelia examined each of her new individual teammates during the gala one at a time. She had heard of each of them in some capacity at one time or another. Yet, there were things about them that she found off-putting. Characteristics, personality traits she had not anticipated. There was Penny Grenoble, known for her intellect and ability to control an element as ambivalent and prevalent as electricity. By all accounts a known quantity on the battlefield. Yet here she was across from Cordelia, struggling with the formal attire afforded to them by this academy. And then there was the scarlet-haired girl who sat beside her. Perfectly in tune with what each of her teammates was feeling.

It was odd.

However, even as carefully as she plucked at the strings of her friends, laughing in rhythm with them, something was missing. Something that had once been there now wasn't, a wedge through which Cordelia could be planted and grow. She saw what was quite possibly a role to be played for these girls. Her comrades in arms. This was who she was now. This was how she could continue to serve.

“Please understand that this is not a punishment, nor a reward for your performance. This is simply where Nova Lux has determined you will be best suited in the coming weeks.”

"I understand.”

The band exploded from a lull. As if puppets on strings, everyone jumped from their chairs and erupted into conversation. Cordelia immediately felt herself seize up as she realized she was to get to know these very same girls through conversation. The sharing of opinions that Cordelia had never truly formed. Her mind instantly threw herself back to what she knew. Etiquette classes, the way someone impressed another through shared facsimiles, rather than words.

Cordelia stood up a beat after the rest of her table, immediately spewing a few niceties towards Penny as she made her way towards the Scarlet haired girl at the head of the table.

"Nicole Cognoscenti. Considered by many to be a leader among her peers, with a discerning eye and a lightness on her feet. It is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Cordelia Whittaker, and I am to join this team. It would be my greatest honour that you afford me a dance,” Cordelia said. She dipped into a slight bow and held her hand towards her new companion.

Aoife stood outside of the room in which she’d been debriefed for some time before continuing on with what was life now. The small popsicle she'd swindled from support staff had mostly melted, as she finished it off with a big bite. She thought about how she’d answered the questions they asked. About how she felt, when dealing the finishing blows to the void they’d all fought. Amongst the ruins of what life once was, to take a stand on the side of existence itself.

Aoife shivered as she felt an inkling of that anticipation creep through her once more. Her grin turned acrid as she supressed a chuckle. It was all too much to bear, and yet.

“I’m excited to get another opportunity to prove myself to you all,” she had said. As if describing Everest as that small protrusion from the Earth near Kathmandu, or what once was.

“Ms. Stuurmgard, do you need anything?” A hall monitor doing his diligence asked of her. Aoife almost didn’t hear the words through the euphoric buzz that permeated her skull likes millions of swarming bees. She didn’t even really know what she responded with, other than the sentiment being largely, no.

Aoife buried the sensation, storing it for when she would need it. For now, it was time to eat.

The cafeteria bustled, no doubt some of the excitement was part in parcel to the actions of Aoife and her fellow Ars Magi. Aoife hopped along the line to procure food, a small drink and eventually locate a table with the mountainous woman and her fiery compatriot. Aoife smiled at them as she plopped down across form them, immediately digging in and speaking at the same time.

“I wanted to say,” she shoved some food into her mouth. “You guysh were ‘eally impressive,” she swallowed. “I think you would’ve got on alright even if I hadn’t come!”

Before long another girl came and sat at the table. Aoife recognized her as the girl who was most injured during the skirmish. It was too bad, Aoife thought. She looked as though she was managing it well, however.

Aoife heard the thanks offered to her and offered a toothy grin in return. “You’re quite welcome!”

“I saw your handiwork up close Chie; I think you could’ve handled that void all by yourself if you were pressed enough.” Aoife’s voice had taken a turn to the thoughtful, as she really seemed to believe what she was saying was true.

"Earlier, they told me I cleared my test. I'm... no, we're Ars Magi now. It's almost a little surreal how fast it all went." Chie remarked. "I'm still having trouble accepting it."

Aoife carefully considered what the other Ars Magi was saying, but she couldn’t really relate. As soon as Aoife had begun her first transformation, everything in the universe seemed to shift ever so slightly into place. It all made sense to her. The thought of none of this making any sense was troubling, even to a rather carefree spirit such as herself.

She cleared her throat, her demeanor once more shifting. “Think of it like this. If you weren’t right for this role, you’d be dead, not sore,” she untactfully offered. “If you’re still having reservations, I’d consider speaking to a professional about it, you’ll only get yourself and others hurt by hesitating.” Aoife’s gaze trailed across Chie’s form before the seriousness drained from her expression entirely and she went back to scarfing down her meal. “We’ll be dealing wif wursh than that!” she excitedly remarked, mouth still full.

Aoife watched the final blows dealt to the void with her pulse in her throat. Begging her to take further action where none was needed. A crystalline blossom of ice spindling outwards where the figure had once stood. A calmness began to wash over her as she settled into a mindset of a job well done. The water carefully let her down, loosely sloshing in the shape of a hand of a deity, carefully lowering Adam back to his mortal coil.

Through her control of the water, while it passed over her form it did not cling or linger. She remained perfectly dry as her feet made contact with cement once more and she regarded her new comrades. She felt more and more of personality wash over her. Returning in waves as her bloodlust and adrenaline slowly left her mind.

A mountain of a girl landed hard, impacting the ground and sending vaporized ice scattering around them as Aoife threw up her hands to cover herself from the oncoming ice.

The monster was entirely gone now. Nothing remaining but the still dangerously high Nox levels and her fellow Ars Magia.

The green-haired girl gripped her knees, seemingly winded after falling so far onto the frozen structure, Aoife could understand that. Before long, however, she was joined by another girl with light lilac hair that cascaded perfectly across her back.

Unlike the girl before her, this one landed with the grace of a maestro calling for the end of a performance. An Olympic dismount, as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and regarded Aoife directly. Her charisma washed over Aoife, as she looked on at the girl now scanning her up and down.


Something of an unimpressed scoff, though the source of that ire was nearly implacable. Whether it was her mint-coloured partner, or the new arrival, no one could say. Finally, their eyes landed on one another. They took a moment to regard each other before once more the lilac lady spoke.

"You. Who are you? Up, devushka, you're making us look bad."

Aoife looked behind her, as if she wasn’t expecting to be spoken to before coming to the conclusion that this conversation was indeed meant for her.

She nodded, as if to acknowledge the fairness of the question. Her hands unconsciously sunk into her outfit, retrieving a small lollipop, which quickly found its way into her mouth. Her lips peeled back into a toothy grin, clenching around the treat which stuck out from her mouth.

“Hey! My name is Aoife Sturmgaard, Nice to meet you two babes!” The somewhat severe voice that she spoke in prior when they were in combat had vanished, giving way to an extremely casual, if not overly familiar, demeanor.

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