Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
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    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


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@ShwiggityShwahSure, why not? it makes for easier dialogue. Shoot me a PM when you're ready.
Man, it took me more than an hour to type that using my phone... Sorry for the sloppy post, it's 6am and I shall sleep.

Edit: shucks, I just realized snakes don't have feet. Lemme edit my post. hahaha
Octavia Starforge

interactions: Pox

Octavia's plan was to pierce the enemy's weak spot: it's head. Much to her disappointment, the snake had moved quicker than she'd expected. Octavia had managed to lacerate its head, but it ducked just in time to avoid a fatal blow. "Tsk. How vexing." She glowered, and the snake looked just as miffed as she did. It was enraged — to be more accurate — and it was quick to retaliate. It opened its mouth to bite her, revealing deadly, sharp fangs. It seemed highly determined to sink its teeth into her flesh, but she wasn't going to let that happen. Octavia placed one foot back and stood her ground, both hands firmly gripped around the hilt of her sword. If it continued its hasty advance, it would find her blade up its throat.

But the attack never came.

The snakeman had stopped it's advance, momentarily stunned by an attack that came from behind. Disoriented, it tried to reach for the knives that were plunging out its back. Octavia made use of this distraction and launched forward to aim for another attack. In one quick motion, she stabbed its tail with her sword and impaled it on the ground. The snake let out a harrowing shriek, and Octavia followed up with a kick to the gut. She grabbed the knife hidden in her boot and propelled herself upward to deliver the finishing blow, and while her knife had managed to cut deeper through its open wound, the attack lacked the strength it needed to penetrate the skull. "Shit!" She cursed to herself. Octavia's strength was beginning to wane; she knew she had to finish it fast, but the enemy wasn't relenting. She had to take a step back and catch her breath, but it angrily lashed out and struck its blade. She dodged (what could have been the end of her) with a nimble leap to the side, but the cutting edge grazed her cheek. "Urk.."

Octavia's breathing was now rapid and heavy. Even moving her own limbs took twice the effort. "Okay.. We're gonna do it this way.." She exhaled sharply and locked her eyes on the target. Thanks to the sword that kept the snake in place, she was allowed to take a few moments off to catch her breath. The sword was a memento from her father and it was powered up with a rune, allowing it to pierce through armor, though in this case it was the marble floor. Octavia pulled out another dagger from her boot and held it up. "This knife is my last one. So please, die." She took a deep breath and poured every strength (and prayer) she had left into this attack. In an instant, the knife whizzed through the air and found its way through the snake's skull. The snake-man slumped backwards with a heavy thud. The sweet sound of victory.


Octavia leaned forward and placed her hands on her knees. She took deep breaths to calm herself from the adrenaline rush and physical burnout. She wanted nothing more than to go home and have a nice, long bath. "Soon." Octavia heaved a long, exasperated sigh, before straightening her back and eyeing the battlefield. The others were still fighting, and she had to help them despite her fatigue. She spotted Jing a couple meters away, trying to fend off two opponents. She decided to go assist him but as she took a step forward, a green light at the very edge of her vision caught her attention. It was barely visible from where she was standing, but her keen eyes couldn't possibly miss it. She soon learned that the light was coming from Pox's hand. Was he healing himself? It took a second look-over before she noticed the arrow that was sticking out of his chest. Octavia's eyes widened in shock, and she immediately ran towards him as fast as she could — which wasn't too fast considering she was still out of breath.

"Pox! Goodness. Are you alright?" She made it by his side and immediately examined his chest — if the word examined meant staring and panicking. "— wait, don't even answer that. You have an arrow in your chest!" She narrated the obvious in such a panic-stricken frenzy that if they weren't in such a serious situation, it would be comical. "Let me help you. Tell me what to do, because I might end up killing you — b-but I won't." She stuttered and panicked as she placed her hand on his chest. Octavia couldn't help but react as if she was the one with an arrow sticking through her chest. It just looked so painful and uncomfortable, because it definitely hit a vital organ. Before anything else, Octavia quickly ripped the hem of her robe and wrapped it around the wound on his leg. Pox was already in the process of healing that one, but his other injury required a more immediate attention.

@Athol Yup, if she successfully deals with them.

@ShwiggityShwah My ex would disagree. ;( I agree.

@Lyla Good luck with your new job :-)
Just realized... so many female characters XD

@13org They got tired of waiting for the guys to get off their asses and do something :P

We used to have a good amount of male characters.
But the men bailed and left, like they always do.

*sad violin plays*


p.s. A romantic relationship with Octavia would be a tragic one.
Octavia Starforge

Engaged in battle | Snakeman's Lair

Their footsteps made a hollow resound; a loud, rhythmic "clicking" which resonated through the dark hallways of the tomb. The passageways eventually led them to a large door, heavy and metallic. They proceeded through the doors with caution, and it closed behind them with a loud thud. The Bloodrose Irregulars found themselves standing inside a throne room of sorts; a dome-shaped room which looked like it had been ripped out of a history book. The soft light which emanated from the roof top lit the room aglow, setting off a regal ambiance. Octavia had to resist the urge to stare in awe at the ostentatious designs that riddled the ceilings and pillars. Perhaps later.

The arrow that whizzed through the air signaled the beginning of the battle. The snakes slithered and dashed towards them aggressively, leaving no room for distraction. The deafening silence was drowned out by the clinking of metallic weapons, followed by gunfire and a blast. Octavia unsheathed a dagger and took up a defensive stance, her eyes remaining leveled and focused. At the corner of her eye, she detected an incoming armored snake-man. With its speed, it easily covered the distance between them in no time. Octavia only had a fraction of a second to swing her blade and block the incoming attack, but the tooth-like edges of the snake-man's blade hooked the edge of her dagger and had sent it flying, the strength of the attack knocking her back into a backward roll. Her hand immediately reached for the hilt of her sword as she dashed forward, leaving no chance for the snake-man to gather its bearings.

Truth be told, Octavia was not a fan of the idea that she may have to make such a risky move, but it wasn't like she was flushed with alternatives at this point. So as she closed the distance between her and the enemy, she positioned her sword and prepared for the worst case scenario, her expression oddly calm at the task before her despite her misgivings. With a steady hand, she leaped forward and aimed for its forehead.

Octavia calls dibs on Gwen's grimiores.
@ShwiggityShwah Poor Pox.. I feel bad now :( Hahahah
I feel like it's the perfect situation to kill off the characters of the players who have already dropped out of the RP (Sybille, Allant, Jenramo) There are so many NPC's, it gets confusing for me at times.
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