Commitment seems tragically hard to find here. Come now! Surely I'm not the only serious writer here, where be the others???
8 yrs ago
I have decided to completely re-read the Inheritance series 6 years later, this should be great! 🐲
8 yrs ago
If anyone is up for an "Elder Scrolls~Skyrim" 1x1 Roleplay then please PM me. After recently being ditched I'm not in the mood to type out an extensive multilevel interest check again.
8 yrs ago
I wish to be just like DJ Khaled when I grow up. I would love to be payed millions of dollars yearly just to scream my name and stand idly around in music videos.
I don't normally make my interest checks this small and "patchy", but I haven't the energy or patience at the moment to make an overly glorified happy sunshine interest check, so this will have to do.
I am desperate for a Roleplay partner.
I have been here for 6 days now, I have been ditched FOUR times.
My patience is wearing thin. All I wish to do is Roleplay and have a jolly time.(if I'm allowed such.)
My preferences have gone out the window.
Hell, I'm up for a MLP Roleplay if that's all I can manage.
In case you find my strange desperation for writing rather odd, then allow me to clarify;
I have not legitimately Roleplayed in TWO YEARS. The only thing I have to my name is a list of over 40 failed interest checks and well over 100 last minute drop outs. (These ARE NOT exaggerations, mind you.)
I have been on 4 separate sites now, and my patience and love of writing is literally dying away.
This is ridiculous.
If you think I'm here for a pity party I'm not, I just want to Roleplay.
That's not too much to ask.(f**k who knows it might actually be.)
So, I ask one final time here on this site which I have recently joined.
Does anyone wish to Roleplay? :D
(My avatar is literally me right now. Except for the glasses and the anorexic body.)
I have been inspired to create a survival Roleplay set within the universe and setting of The Last Of Us.
The Roleplay itself is initially set in California, and will revolve around a pair of survivalists who are united by causes that my partner and I so choose.
The two find themselves brought together by a common goal; reaching the San Francisco Safe Zone, which is situated on Alcatraz island.
Reports say that it is operated and controlled neither by Fedra or the rebellious Fireflies, but a splinter faction of the United States Army.
Supposedly, the zone houses not only civilian refugees and a division of the Army, but also a team of scientists who are said to be working to find a vaccine or immunity treatment for the Cordyceps brain disease.
With their goal set, the two straggling refugees will find themselves pitted against one danger after the next as they fight onward through hell and worse yet to find salvation in this damned world of monsters and men.
The starting date of the RP will be in the Spring of 2035, so one full year after the events of The Last Of Us itself.
It will initially begin in Southern California in a location in which my partner and I will decide on.
From there we will work our way all the way up to San Francisco, and then onward through the city and to Alcatraz where the foresaid safe zone is at.
And from there, the adventure has truly only just begun.
1. My Roleplaying style is 3rd person 95% of the time.
2. I Roleplay from standard Casual to low Advanced.
3. I ONLY ROLEPLAY IN THE FORUMS. (This is a non-negotiable term.)
4. I generally only Roleplay male characters.
5. While I do allow character relationships and love scenes, I prefer to keep it low key, i.e no smut or XXX material.
6. I am on here every single day all throughout the day.
7. I expect daily posting from my partner, even if you can only squeeze in one or two posts a day.
8. I am a very serious writer and Roleplayer, ergo I expect a partner that is equally serious and is equally as committed as I am. If you are someone who tends to drop out of Roleplays or has a very active and very overly busy real life, then turn back now.
I truly wish for this Roleplay to contain themes, messages, outlooks, and realizations of both The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead.
Moments of fear will be countered by visions and realizations of hope, relief and relaxation will be shattered by loss and harsh lessons from reality, and touching moments of empathy and compassion will be met with hate and vengeance.
Even after our characters finally make it to Alcatraz, they will even then not truly be safe nor nestled in the warm arms of that which is haven. Survival will still be a necessity, and internal strife and conflict is inevitable in these harsh and insane times. Not to mention the radical dangers of the outside world which will claw away at the iron door of sanctuary.
I wish for this to be a long and deeply written and detailed Roleplay with a wide diversity of elements, themes, and plot paths.
If interested, please post/comment below and then PM me for potential discussion and planning.
Whilst I am not new to Roleplaying or much less the internet, I am very new to this specific site.
However, I already see a broad span for potentially enjoyable RP's here, and as a very serious writer, I am excited to begin what I hope to be a long and ecstatic tenure on this site!