Avatar of iFain


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5 mos ago
Current Going to a vacation until may 6th, my replies would be limited until then
6 mos ago
Changed my nickname! Was Kyux before
4 yrs ago
I'm going to have access to a computer 2morrow and will replyy
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Hii there!

Writer Information:

♡ I am a woman, but I play all roles, male, female, gay male (dom/sub)
♡ I am 30 y/o
♡ Been writing since I am 15 or so.(So, half of my life)
♡ Can post daily.
♡ I am on GMT +2
♡ Post length - I tend to match my partners, but I'm pretty sure I'm considered low casual to hogh advanced.
♡ English is not my native tongue, but I think I'm pretty proficient in it. That being said, I do tend to translate sometimes from my mother tongue so it might sound odd haha.

What I am searching for in my writing partner:

¤ Writing level same as or close to my own.
¤ Please be 18+, I do not fade to black. While smut is not the main idea in my rp's, I think it is a part of life, and I like other mature themes too.
¤ Be cool with swearing, drugs, alchohol, violence and abuse.
¤ Chat with me! I like discussing our character and sending memes and stuff haha :)
¤ Be active - I understand life happens, but I expect you to post at least once a day.


So, right now I have two ideas which I'd like to rp, but in general I am open to suggestions:

Fandoms I enjoy:

¤ Hazbin Hotel
¤ The Hunger Games
¤ Attack on Titan
¤ Avatar the Last Airbender
¤ Demon Slayer
¤ Grey's Anatomy
¤ Harry Potter
¤ Twilight

Pairings I like:
Vampire x Vampire hunter/Human/Young vampire
Student x Teacher
All kinds of mythical creatures.

I rp on discord or in PM'S.

Please PM me if you are interested! Thank you for reading so far.

Most Recent Posts

Hii there!

Writer Information:

♡ I am a woman, but I play all roles, male, female, gay male (dom/sub)
♡ I am 29. ( turning 30 in two months but I'm in deep denial)
♡ Been writing since I am 15 or so.(So, half of my life)
♡ Can post daily.
♡ I am on GMT +2
♡ Post length - I tend to match my partners, but I'm pretty sure I'm considered low casual to hogh advanced.
♡ English is not my native tongue, but I think I'm pretty proficient in it. That being said, I do tend to translate sometimes from my mother tongue so it might sound odd haha.

What I am searching for in my writing partner:

¤ Writing level same as or close to my own.
¤ Please be 18+, I do not fade to black. While smut is not the main idea in my rp's, I think it is a part of life, and I like other mature themes too.
¤ Be cool with swearing, drugs, alchohol, violence and abuse.
¤ Chat with me! I like discussing our character and sending memes and stuff haha :)
¤ Be active - I understand life happens, but I expect you to post at least once a day.


So, right now I have two ideas which I'd like to rp, but in general I am open to suggestions:

Fandoms I enjoy:

¤ Hazbin Hotel
¤ The Hunger Games
¤ Attack on Titan
¤ Avatar the Last Airbender
¤ Demon Slayer
¤ Grey's Anatomy
¤ Harry Potter
¤ Twilight

Pairings I like:
Vampire x Vampire hunter/Human/Young vampire
Student x Teacher
All kinds of mythical creatures.

I rp on discord or in PM'S.

Please PM me if you are interested! Thank you for reading so far.
"Well, your life is going to change from here on now." Joseph said as a reaction to her words about her friends. There was no use in risking people who had their lives ahead of them. He knew that he was living day by day, without knowing if he'd live tomorrow. Sometimes his job would get very dangerous, and he was quite surprised that he got out with only numerous gunshots up until now.

"Yeah well, I think six is a little too many." Joseph added and let out a snort." Annalise is far too spoiled, because she is the youngest. She gets away with anything." He groaned a little and then tilted his head to the side when she talked to him about her ex." Well,I'm sorry to hear that." He said with a small wince. "I...My story is a tad different, but I suppose not that much since she ended up cheating too." He said with a still pained look on his face. It was far too fresh for him to speak about it as casually as she did.

"Not really, no." Joseph answered her and gave her a small shrug." I suppose that now won't be much different." He said and brushed his fingers through his hair." This is so fucked." He mumbled, regarding their entire situation. It was honestly fucked and just unfair. Why did they have to go through this? Just when he was about to open the subject, the door to his apartment opened woth a massive thump as the door was opened so sharply, it hit the wall.

"Joe!!! Did I hear correctly?? Are you getting married????" A beautiful, rather tall woman with a slim body figure, beautiful blonde curls and bright green eyes entered. She had much vigor and excitment within her eyes." Oh, is that her??? She is beautiful. Looks much better than that bitch, honestly." She said with a small tease.

Joseph slammed his head down, his forehead hitting the table." For fuck's sake Lisa! Must you enter with so much noise?! Some people are still hung over after yesterday you know! And don't talk about Mary woukd you-- Ugh, yes, Alison, this is Lisa, the oldest among my sisters. She's an annoying little thing in the mornings. Who the fuck is over six years old and a morning person?!" He groaned at his sister.

"I aaaaaam! Oh, were you drinking again Joey? Thats a bummer. You should really be careful with that. You know daddy is also a heavy drinker." It almost sounded as if she sang her sentences." So, Ali, pleeaaaasure to meet you. Ah! We're going to be sisters in law! How exciting. Anyway, anywayyyy, Daddy said we need to go shopping today? Right?"
Joseph gave her a small nod to indicate he understood her request. "I know they say yoi can't speak bad about the dead, but he sounds like a major jerk. And thats coming from someone who's in the mafia." Joseph said in a somrwhat light mood in an attempt to make her a little more convinient around him. He felt responsible for her, even though he never wanted to be. But the woman had nothing left. He somehow became the only thing she could address to, and that was probably very difficult for her.
He watched as her entire body language showed that she was very upset with his request to cut ties from her friends.

"I'm sorry. But I promise you its for their best. It would be more painful if their well being would be used as a negotiation card against you and I." He explained and sighed a little. "I...Well, I suppose I should tell you a little about myself...If that interests you at all." He wondered out loud. What if she didn't truly care? She probably didn't. How could she care about someone she just met the day before? But he had to help them break the ice somehow, and what was better than getting to know each other?

"Even if we won't fall madly in love with each other...We can at least be friends, I...Suppose." He suggested." I am twenty three. I... graduated highschool, unlike most of my family. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to go to college because...Well, the family business didnt allow it. But if I would go, I'd probably go and major in..Culinary maybe." He said while tapping on his chin as he thought about more things to share about him." Oh, I have six sisters. I'm the oldest one, they are all younger than me. Lisa is the oldest of my sisters. Then there is Erica, Samantha, Lily, Meg, and the youngest, she's 10, is Annalise." He explained.

"I am mostly in charge of the easr side of town. The terretories there are under my reaponsibility. I will not tell you about my business there just yet. But maybe in time." He said and offered her the smallest of smiles." Oh and...Well, I know I called you...Mary at night. Mary is my ex-girlfriend." He said, feeling a tightness in his gut. He was still not used to saying she was his 'ex'.

"Thats...About it, I suppose."
Joseph listened to the young woman as she spoke. He let her talk and despite his booming headache, he simply sat and listened. She had a hard life, and it was hardly fair for her. Sure, this was not the most optimistic situation, but it still seemed to be better than the one she was in prior to meeting him. Despite the fact she didnt answer his question, he made her a glass of coffee and sat down by the table. He had prepared both of them breakfast, and set the fancy looking utensils for him and for her too.

He grew up in a house filled with women, and while his father tried his best to explain him that he was the man in the house and he needed to act like it, his mother did make sure she'd raise him a fine gentleman. He motioned his hand forward, as if inviting her to sit in front of him." Look, regarding your house...I can't promise that my father won't try and claim it as his own. But regarding the things you have there...I suppose we can go there and you pack what you need. What is important to you. Just don't take things that are not essential, because, as I said, we can buy anything you set your mind to." He added.

Joseph continued eating as Ali spoke. He watched her speak of what a shitty father Henry was, and suddenly, he didnt feel all bad for his death, and he could also understand why she didnt feel that bad." Look, I will speak to my father. I don't think it is necessary to draw too much attention to us, so we will wait with the wedding until your graduation. So you can tell your friends we met somewhere casual and instantly fell in love and all that. So it doesnt have to be wierd for you. "Joseph added. His father would probably oblige, after all, they didn't need unrelated people in their business anyway.

"But I do have one request from you." He began as he drank his coffee. Oh he needed that glass so nuch he nearly let out a soft moan from how good it did to his headache." Cut any ties to any friends you have, after our wedding." He said coldly." This life...Its different than anything you had. We do business with strong, dangerous people, and if you cross those dangerous people, they won't bat an eye when they hurt your loved ones. So...I know its a lot to take in in one day, but for the time being, you will have to suffice with me being your friend. Its for their own saftey."
The man turned to look at her as he grabbed to his pants, and pulled them on, though he didnt bother to put on a shirt. He ruffled through his hair and then turned to look at her. She was, indeed, very beautiful, but she couldn't just stay in one dress all of the time. "Right. Well, it's not like normal people always dress all fancy. I get it, we will handle it. You won't have to worry about money anymore, you know." He told her simply and let out a small sigh. How could he also be one of those arranged marriages? He always thought he was going to marry because of love, not because of some whim of his father, but apparently, he had no control of his life anyway.

When Ali spoke of her stepfather, Joseph looked at her and sighed." Well, he is probably gone now. I don't even know if it upsets you or not, but he won't be badgering you again" He reassured her. "I'll make us some breakfast, come." He said before walking oit to his kitchen. His head was pounding. Why did he even drink that much? It didnt really make things better.

Joseph grabbed a couple of eggs and placed broke them against the counter. He was quite good in the kitchen. Sure, an egg omelette wasn't a chef's meal, but ue was actually pretty good in cooking. It was one of his passions. Another thing he did that his father hated. Only women belonged in the kitchen, thats what he always said. Ridiculous, didnt men eat too? He shook that thought away and grabbed a couple of vegetables, and began chopping up a salad for them.

When Ali entered the room, he was just seasoning the salad." So, I know it sucks okay? It...Sucks for me too. Not that you're not beautiful or something, but its not the way I thought I was going to wed. Not at all." He said with a small huff and then placed the salad into a large bowl. "Anyway, aren't you still in highschool? God you are in such a shitshow. You poor thing." He said and rubbed at the bridge of his nose in frustration. Was his father an idiot? She was still in highschool, and underage. Great.

"Look, I'll see if I can ask him to move the wedding to when you graduate. It should be soon, right?" He asked her before plscing the omlettes in two large, white plates.
He then walled to the fridge and took out a bottle of milk." You drink coffee? "
Joseph slept so deeply that he didn't even hear the young woman enter his bedroom.
Sometime during the night, the drunken man awoke and removed his clothes, staying in his black boxers. He dropped back on the massive bed and smiled lightly when he saw the beautiful woman in his bed. From the daze of darkness, and his drunken state, he was certain it was Mary. The young man returned to bed and brushed his fingers against her waist, and pulled her into a warm, loving embrace, just as they did a few days ago.

The morning sun light was quite cruel. Joseph felt a pounding sensation within his head. It was as if there were construction workers using building tools within his head. The hangover hit him hear, and he let out a loud, whiny groan when his body began waking up. "Mary, baby, how much did we drink yester--" His voice was groggy, low and tired. He stopped mid sentence because the memories began returning to him. The woman in his bed wasn't his Mary. Mary cheated on him. Mary was long gone and he needed to realise that.

"Sorry." He said in the same groggy voice, realising he must have caused some inconvenience to Ali. He sat up on the edge of the bed, his body feeling so damn heavy. He rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up, but the hangover was stronger than him." Uuuuugh. Fine, whatever, fuck. Shit." He growled and then finally raised his body.

Now that he was up, and only in his black boxers, Joseph revealed a well toned body, fit in just the right way. There were few small scars on his back, scars that looked like bullet wounds, and one large scar under his ribs. He streched his arms up and let out a loud yawn." Alison, you...Said you didnt have nice clothes, didnt you...I suppose we can go shopping today. I'll take my sister with us." He suggested and then turned to look at her." I'm not really good with dresses and uhhh...Woman stuff, but Lisa is
I think shed like you."
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