Good bright and beautiful morning to everyone and anyone, all my beautiful friends who can actually, by some miracle, read this post here! I hope you all are having a fantastic holiday time so far, wherever and whenever and however you may celebrate it!
I just wanted to let you all know, that after the Christmas holiday I'll be making some decisions on how, and even where if need be, our lovely story will be continuing. Getting here to RPG to read anything - much less write - has been incredibly difficult of late. And in addition I realize that for some people this time of the year simply isn't the most convenient to write either, what with the good things (and sometimes even the not-so-good) needing all our time and energy and focus - and it's all perfectly understandable. That's not to say "please don't post" - by ALL means do!
Please do if you feel inspired!
All of you know how to get hold of me, one way or another via message, e-mail, text, etc., if you've any specific questions or suggestions about this (otherwise, let's just chat, yes?

). I won't be back until the evening tonight though - spending the day with friends, trying to wrap up some shopping and then to the airport to pick up family. But I'll be checking in later tonight, and looking forward to
chatting your ears off hearing from folks who might be about *grins*