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  • Old Guild Username: Igraine
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Yuppers, the red script was taken from the movie "300" - and yeah us! 300 WOOT! *happy dances, high fives all around*

eta: And yes, red is fine, but has nothing on sea shades of blue, turquoise green and violet. Sorry Lil!

(OK not really... >.> *grins* )
Good morning all, and I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend (I suspect Kuro sure the hell did at the very least! ;) ). I already let Idle know a few days back, but starting tomorrow I'll be going on vacation to visit extended family in New York for at least two, but maybe three weeks. I still intend to "be around" and checking in, but the writing will [for obvious reasons ] be far less frequent than it has been, and time for collaborations like we've been doing isn't going to happen til we get home.

eta: Just loving Ragnar's reverse mullet, though his boy's might leave a... Uh... Little to be desired? Or at least a little room to grow? >.> Ragnar's put me in mind of the traditional haircut of the Cossacks, those magnificent bastards:

*big thumbs up*
((collaboration with AmongHeroes and Igraine))

A slow smile of relief and delicious satisfaction spread across Thomas’ face. The delicious sensation of Antonia’s hands sliding across his waist forced his eyes closed with wanton gravity, and a pleasant shiver thrilled up his spine with the faint butterfly kiss of her lips against his ear. When her voice lifted through the air, sounding to Thomas like a rich whipped frosting concocted from the very sugar of her sensuous Creole tongue, it was almost more than the pirate captain could take.

“Yes,” he whispered back, “where is this Antoinette? I could see the lecherous fire in her, and I would very much like to feel its heat.”

Thomas became keenly focused upon the long caramel fingers that began to undo the buttons of his vest, and a contented sigh passed his lips. His mind drifted like a ship upon gentle seas, his imagination billowing at the sails of his desire. In that long and decadent instant, Thomas could not but marvel at the woman whose very being came to envelope him.

“You are right, the jewels may indeed remain, though the clothes…” he chuckled lightly, a sound breathy and languid, “...I certainly have no use for them.”

Then Antonia’s manner shifted, and the winds of primal need that had borne up the ship of his imagination shifted with it. Thomas exhaled slowly, the canvas of his mind’s eye luffing in the changing breeze, orienting to the more pressing matters of reality.

Still wrapped in Antonia’s arms, he turned slowly. The rogue’s soft cheek came to rest against his chest, and he brought a finger up to the beautiful face, lifting her chin with a gentle tug of his finger. He met her gaze with a smile, one he intended to be comforting and confident, every bit a gentleman trying to buoy the woman he cared for most in all the world.

“I shall forgive nothing, for there is nothing to forgive. I sincerely desire to experience that ‘silliness’ a great deal more, when we at last get such a chance.”

Thomas leaned down and kissed Antonia upon the smooth skin of her forehead. He looked deeply into the grey pools of her eyes, and a pained expression squinted at the edges of his own copper gaze. All that had transpired worried him so. The fresh memory of his exchange with the Commander, and all that it meant for Antonia set his heart to aching, and the ire to begin to rise once again in his chest.

“The Commander,” Thomas said. “He knows about you, knows that you are among my crew.”

As he spoke, Thomas expression continued to sour, molding into a mask of self-reproach and loathing. “When he came to me, the Commander wanted to know why I wouldn’t grant him more time with you. He said he...Antonia he’s obsessed with you.”

“He has plans for the two of you, and I only made it worse.” Thomas looked away from Antonia, ashamed. “It was my temper, I couldn’t control it, and with it I only managed to set his hooks even deeper. I was trying to defend you, but I went about it like the hard-hearted pirate and not the tactful gentleman, as I should have done.”

Thomas let out a low growl. He was rambling, his speech wandering and unfocused, and it frustrated him. At last he simply fell silent, his head bowing in remorse.

“I am sorry, Antonia,” Thomas whispered, still not looking to the rogue. “When it comes to games such as these, I am not but a foundering novice, and I fear that I have put us all in terrible danger as a result.”

If her embrace about Thomas’ waist were any less solid, or his about her, Antonia might have fallen to the ground where she stood when he began to speak to the reality of their world, and not the sensuous fantasy of Antoinette she wove. His words crashed over her, wave after relentless wave of ill that lurched and tilted sickeningly, as if the ground beneath her was suddenly no more solid than treacherous quicksand, threatening to swallow them both.

When Thomas tilted her face tenderly to his, her hands slid upward from his waist to the lapels of his jacket, her long fingers wrapped about the silk as if he were her lifeline in storm-tossed seas.

Antonia could not begin to imagine how more completely she could have failed her lovely man. And yet he was the one who could not meet her gaze, head hung low beneath the weight of some regret. The very heart in her chest ached for his obvious distress, his self-incrimination. No, God no this simply should not be, and most certainly not when the shame was entirely hers. Antonia’s fingertips reached to cradle Thomas’ cleanshaven cheek, gently turning his troubled face to hers, her grey eyes searching, as ever, for his copper gaze.

“Please Thomas, look to me,” she whispered, brushing his chin with the back of her fingers, a gentle reassurance. “If you claim I have nothing to forgive, then you have even less. The fault for none of this lies at your feet, my dear lovely man. Were I near so sly as I arrogantly believed, you would have never had to come here in the first place.”

Antonia sighed, a small, grim smile on her lips as she shook her head decidedly, slowly. “No, I imagine we will not be returning to this ball of Commander Murray’s - the worth of that charade is spent. But what ‘greater danger’ do you believe we could possibly be in? A hard-hearted pirate, yet not a tactful gentleman? What do you mean, Thomas - and what hooks? I do not understand… I don’t… I… Merciful God, the questions Thomas… “

The rogue’s voice trailed off for a moment before she took a deep breath, a calming breath, and found her voice once more. “How in this world could Murray possibly have… ‘Plans’ was it? Plans for the ‘two of us?’ I mean of course his interest in ‘Antoinette’ was always easy to see. But if he knew who I truly was from the start of the ball or… Or… No, I cannot even guess how long...”

“Thomas, my little game with Commander Murray has been playing for years now, longer even than I have known my Silverfish! After all, the garrison commander of Fort Charles is an eminently useful man to a rogue but… Damn him. Damn me. I never imagined he could play the game so well.“

“But ‘plans?’ Short of kidnapping and imprisonment, I cannot imagine how he thought to keep me here? Such madness! Though you already said as much, did you not?”

Antonia let her eyes close for a moment, her head falling back, her face to the night sky just past the dark canopy of branches above them. A blessed breeze sent straight from the sea stole its way to this hidden grove, and a memory whispered warm comfort to her unsettled soul. A sweet remembrance of so many dark hours spent with her head resting on Thomas’ strong shoulder, huddled in the crow’s nest as they spoke of everything, and then of nothing at all, far into the night.

And even now, somewhere overhead, their Home Star still shone.

Her eyes opened, the rogue’s gaze returning to the face she had come to adore above all others. Antonia let her hands gently running down the silken lengths of his sleeves until she reached his own, twining her fingers into his. So simple a gesture, so true. In the midst of a maelstrom of dread and uncertainty, she could not help but marvel at the strength she found in Thomas’ touch, and Antonia smiled.

“And I imagine you would have far more answers to give, if I were quiet for a moment. Come, we should probably leave here - we will unravel this tangle as we walk.”

Thomas smiled as Antonia’s fingers knit together with his own. There was comfort in that gesture, and he could see it settle upon the rogue’s face, just as he knew it cascaded over him as well. They were an island for one another, a safe harbor in rough seas, meant for vital protection in a world so devoid of such security. The thought made Thomas’ heart swell, and the breath in his throat caught with pleasant surprise. He had never had a feeling so comforting and remarkable at this, as the anchor of Antonia’s mere presence granted him.

“Yes, let’s walk. I think the beach will be a welcome road for us tonight.” Thomas said.

Through the trees the two moved, following the growing sound of the breakers as they marched ever closer to the junction of the sea and land. Thomas kept silent, intent upon navigating through the forest without faltering, and also simply enjoying the quiet moment with Antonia. It was a period that stood in stark contrast to the buzz and stress of the party, and the change suited Thomas well.

Soon enough the pair exited the press of the foliage, and stepped onto the fine sand of the shoreline. Thomas automatically looked up into the deep, dark blue of the night sky, and smiled up at the shining pinpoints of the stars that were there to greet him.

Thomas looked to Antonia. “The stars have been so kind to us of late, no?” he said in French. He squeezed her hand tighter, knowing that despite the delicious stint of shared quiet and peace, that he had yet to address Antonia’s questions about Commander Murray.

He began to walk slowly across the sand, orienting himself towards Port Royal. “I fear that kidnapping is not what the Commander has in mind.” Thomas said, a pained expression erasing the pleasure from his face. “At least not your kidnapping, Antonia.”

“Your family, your friends at the Parakeet.” Thomas looked to Antonia, “If he knows about you being among my crew, who knows what all the man is privy to. Could he know of them? Could he use them as leverage against you?”

Thomas felt like he knew the answer, but he wasn’t going to speak in certainties in matters the rogue could more easily comprehend. An idea came to him as he studied the exotic woman at his arm. His expression brightened slightly as he dared to hope.

“What if you brought them with us? If they are in danger from that bastard, you know that they will have a welcome berth on the Skate. I will take them wherever you require.”

Antonia could feel the blood drain from her face when Thomas spoke of her beloved little family at the Parakeet. Oh, she was no stranger to the vileness of human nature. But even to someone like Antonia, there were people dearer than life; and some thoughts so far beyond the pale that even she could not entertain them. Silently she cursed herself, that the thought Murray might leverage her few, precious loved ones had not been foremost in her mind.

But it was now, and Antonia felt sick. Thomas was right. She could not possibly know when Murray discovered who she truly was, much less what he knew of the truth in her past.

Antonia had slipped the precious crimson velvet slippers from her feet when they came to the sandy beach, and then her stockings, tucking them into the toes of her shoes and finding their walk far easier in bare feet. Her free hand found Thomas’ again, and that same reassuring strength in his touch. But it was the sweetly hopeful expression on his face, those faithful words, that buoyed her spirit.

The stars had been kind indeed, and Antonia could not imagine what she had ever done to deserve such a blessing. The rogue let her head lay against Thomas’ shoulder as they walked the moonlit beach toward the lights of Port Royal.

And whether she would or no, Antonia remembered the first time she ever saw this sumptuously wicked, utterly decadent city as she did now. Nowhere near the poised, deadly woman she would become, she had been no more than a girl of fifteen years with ancient eyes. She had done bloody deeds to escape her prison, and done what she must to gain passage to Port Royal.

But Antonia had not arrived entirely alone, the beginning and end and all the purpose of her flight only just starting to show, swelling against the folds of her tattered dress. Sweet Madeleine had been her single touchstone, the only face she knew in this city. Her kindly giant of a husband, the red-headed John embraced this sad, lost girl as well, as if she were his own little sister come home. Without a thought for payment, they had given her food and clean clothes, a warm, safe place to sleep and all their unquestioning love.

And in return, Antonia had given this beautiful couple the very best part of her, the only worth she had.

’How long has Robert Murray been stationed at Fort Charles?’ It was an ugly little whisper that slithered through her thoughts, a nasty hiss of a query for which she had no answer.

“Thank you Thomas, truly. You are the very best of men. But John Williams owns the Parakeet. I doubt either he or Madeleine would willingly leave Port Royal and all they have built here. There is precious little even the Commander of Fort Charles could do to a prominent local businessman - well, without causing far more trouble for himself than it might be worth.”

’But that does not mean he could not lay hands on a wild, willful and adventurous young boy, come tragically missing during his childish exploits through the streets of Port Royal… ‘

Antonia winced, as if in pain. “But if Robert Murray knows a single thing… “

The rogue’s voice trailed off, her expression truly anguished as the consequences of what she was just beginning to contemplate tore at her. Madeleine… Oh God, Madeleine would be frantic - no furious to have her precious boy sent away, even for his safety. Antonia was not entirely sure she would be forgiven. And John? That good-hearted giant of a man would be heartbroken, inconsolable without Luc by his side, as he had been from the day he was born. And all for the cost of her secrets.

More secrets she had yet to share with her dearest lovely man. But God above knew if she could not lay them all at his feet, there would never be another man more worthy. Antonia stopped, her grasp of Thomas’ hand begging him to do the same as her grey eyes searched his handsome face, praying to see that spark of understanding - and perhaps even forgiveness.

“John and Madeleine, they are the family I chose, who chose me in return, and we are bound by love. But Luc? He is my blood, Thomas.”

The rogue waited the space of a very long heartbeat, to let the import of her words fully sink in. “He does not know, nor will he ever. There are some things a child should never… “ Antonia bit back her words, shaking her head swiftly as if to banish any further thought on that matter at least. What was past, was past, and could not be undone. The dangers of this moment were enough.

“His Maman and Papa - they have given him a life, a name, I never could. But do you think he knows about Luc? The Commander, do you think he… “ Antonia’s eyes fell to the ground, her head bowed as she took a long, steadying breath.

“No. No, do not answer that,” she said with a grim resignation, lifting her gaze once more to Thomas'. “I imagine I already know the truth of the matter. John and Madeleine will not leave Port Royal, but the berth you offer? Perhaps the Skate might yet find room for a cabin boy with a burgeoning love for the sea and stars - at least for a time, until this storm passes over?”
Those were all some beautiful posts thus far, such imagination and it really was great how so many of you worked and coordinated together. So yes, a good morning of reading was had, and looking forward to seeing where all this heads to next
The warm, heady strains of the string quartet twisted and snaked among the ivory cloth covered tables across the expanse of vast dining room; a musical breeze that teased the ears as sweetly as the scent of the appetizers that wafted from the galley enticed the palette. Overhead intricately carved scrollwork danced across the grand domed ceiling, painted cherubs flitting among the delicately carved whirls and whorls, smiling gently at the gathering diners far below.

The gas light sconces set into the Roman-style columns illuminated all with a gentle golden glow. Reflected from the polished marble floors, the illusion dining on a great veranda on a sunlit day was made complete by the Tuscany-themed landscapes delicately painted the length and breadth of the dining room.

Galina savored the expression that spread across Klara's sweet face as they walked together, arm-in-arm once more to this breathtaking panorama. The Demidov ancestral home - while grand in its own way - had nothing to compare with the kaleidoscopic grandeur of the Empress of Japan's first class dining room.

[["So lovely, is it not?"]] the young woman whispered as they walked toward one of the tables, escorted by one of the many smartly dressed servers who bustled between the tables. The two women this night though, were very like jewels themselves: Klara in a dress of deep sapphire blue, and Galina in entirely in emerald green and gold silks.

The elder woman nodded, still smiling as brightly as a young child as she reveled in the loveliness. And with a grace that belied her years, Klara settled into the high-backed, red velvet chair that was held for her by the same charming young gentleman who escorted them to their table.

[["I know very well, that even the most beautiful things can become too familiar and lose their polish over time. I truly pray to never lose the wonder of this moment, Galina."]]

The young woman settled easily into the chair held for her as well, taking her nurse's hand with a gentle squeeze of her fingers. And despite the splendor of this room all about them, Galina could not help but think the loveliest light in all this room, was the divine one that illuminated Klara's face at this very moment.

Galina sighed happily, her gaze falling over the candlelit centerpiece of their table, to the empty chairs on the far side. A slow, knowing smile slid across her former nursemaid's face as she followed Galina's gaze, her pale blue-grey eyes turning to the woman she could not ever help thinking of as a little dark-haired girl with a penchant for horses and forests, bruises and skinned knees, running after her older brothers, refusing to be left behind no matter what they did or where they went...

[["Still no word yet? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I get to keep my little wolf pup all to myself for another night, but is this not a bit unusual? "]] Klara said softly, her voice barely a whisper between them, though in all likelihood none could have understood the Russian language, even if they happened to overhear.

Galina shook her head slowly, turning to the elder woman with a near imperceptible shrug of her shoulders. [["Not a single word, and I'll admit, I'm a bit... Perplexed. Not even so much as a hint of a word - but I can wait patiently, I imagine. I have, after all, the very best of company to keep."]]
Sweet dreams RoadRash - and Kuro? Yeah, you may have the pukey feeling, but you're handling it like a pro!
I think the pukey feeling means you've moved beyond buzzed Kuro... Just sayin'... *pats gently*
It was so good to see such a wonderful collaboration, fantastic job both of you, Hellis and LP!
There's never any "bearing with you," Dot - you're always worth the wait hon *hugs* And that was a hilarious post Serge, wonderfully done!
Oh nice! :) Yeah, it'll be hard to wait much longer to see what's going to happen to Robbie or the little girl, but hey... Patience. Virtue. Some such thing or other, I hear it's a good thing.
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