"Well then let us pray that such weather does not descend these next several hours, shall we Mr. Goemon?" Galina's smile was wide, almost predatory now though there would have been nothing in either word or deed anyone might point to that meant the least malice.
But at least they had the measure of one another now, Mr. Goemon and Galina. For her part, Klara acted as if she noticed not at all the undercurrent of tensions between the two who shared the table with her, which in itself was a well-cultivated act perfected over the course of long decades. One did not simply work for the Demidov family, so much as assimilate all its ways, great and small, into one's own world.
Goemon was an excellent spy, skilled and agile with words at the least, though Galina had yet to witness his physical prowess - a physical prowess the importance of which, it seemed, he did his very best to down play. Lifeboats easy to lower, indeed! And then to retract as well? Well now,
this was a sight she simply could not go to her grave without seeing! It was a testament to her professionalism that the only laughter in sight was the dancing golden light in her dark eyes.
Still, Goemon lied well, without so much as the least sprouting beads of moisture she could see, anywhere on his impressively bald-shaved pate.
That had to take some doing, a virtually monumental effort of will and control that Galina truly admired. Even caught in a bold lie, the spy continued blithely, unrepentantly, which told her all she needed to know concerning any further dealings with Goemon tonight.
He most certainly was
not working alone aboard this ship - which was really only to be expected on a mission of this size and complexity. And what that meant, was that she would have to proceed with an excess of caution, no matter the ease and humor and undeniable charm Mr. Goemon exuded. Further, when she returned Klara to their state rooms after dinner, she would leave once more
very well-armed, with her
, her .45 Colt Model 1898 and all her formidable wits wrapped about her to the last.
"No, no I should far rather delay the transfer of Mr. Slevin to the ship for a day or so, than allow any engineer 'friends' - no matter how well-meaning they may appear to be. The fewer eyeballs to witness, the fewer tongues to wag later after all." Galina did not add,
'The fewer tongues to cut out later as well.' Such admonitions probably went without saying anyway, and at the very least Galina could project the appearance she still bought into the entirety of Goemon's scheme, exactly as he had laid it out.
"I mean to say, of course,
if you do not mind my providing my own input into these well laid out plans of yours, after all. Please do forgive any unseemly forwardness on my part, Mr. Goemon," Galina crooned softly, her melodic voice turned gently soothing, and subtly demure.
God forgive her, but she was having a
great deal of fun this evening...