"Yes, it would seem so."
Galina would have liked very much not to worry, as Souma seemed to wish to reassure her. Though her expression was as serene as that of a lovely carved church Madonna, that solemn, dark-eyed gaze watched him intently as he took a sip of the drink he poured from the once up ended jug, and then placed it before her. The irony of his reassurance he would not poison her, was not lost in the least on Galina.
No, not in the least. Not any more than his meaningful glance to her shoulder, the one he'd used to pin her like a butterfly to a board with his "cane." No one would be hurt if all "goes well." But Galina was a proud woman, and though her shoulder ached fiercely, the pain only compounding the nausea in her gut? She steadfastly maintained her long-accustomed poise, reaching for the small cup Souma offered with that same arm -
- Though she cradled the cup in both hands when she sat back, lifting it to her lips with her fingertips as she took a sip, the same as Souma. The drink was dry, just a little sweet, rather like a white wine but... Not. Certainly not vodka, though it was very good nonetheless. And the slight burn of alcohol, with its little warm fingerlings, was very much a relief - though not one she would indulge. She took one more, longer sip, and then set the cup back down to the cradle of her hands, nestled atop her skirts.
"You appear to have gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to bring me here. Getting through the layers of Russian security and intelligence to request my presence specifically... Impressive. I give you that." Galina never once thought, simply was not near so vain, as to imagine she alone could be the reason for so much bother, the coordination and the staggering sums it would have taken to arrange her personal arrival aboard the Empress.
She sighed softly, her gaze not wavering from Souma's own dark eyes for a moment. She shook her head slowly. "But if you believe I can retrieve the schematics from the Winchester home, you are mistaken. Those are long since turned over, and I could not lay hands on them again if I wished it. Not to save my life, nor Klara's."