One dark eyebrow cocked in genuine surprise, her head tilted curiously as she regarded Souma's strangely wolfish grin with renewed interest. Oh surely there was something dangerous written there, and Galina could read that threat as well as any. But she was truly amazed at the words he spoke, and she did little to hide that fact.
"I was speaking candidly, Mr. Takahiro. Granted, considering my given skill set, it would only be prudent to greet my ever word with a good deal of suspicion. But yes, I will correct you there - I was not implying you were gloating - or at the very least, that you certainly would not have good cause to do so if you wished."
Galina lifted the cup to her lips, taking a long pull of the strange wine within before setting the mostly empty cup on the table once more, looking to Souma expectantly. "And I do not say so, because I feel threatened by you or what you might do to me here. Oh, I will grant you my shoulder will be sore for some days to come... "
She rolled her aching shoulder meaningfully, a self-deprecating little smile tilting the corner of her lips - the words that followed were no boast. "But you have lost the element of surprise, and I am not helpless. I have no reason to lie, unless you are waiting for me to beg for my life? No? Ah well, always best to ask I suppose..."
As for whether she had any more to say tonight? Galina very nearly burst into laughter all over again though she did not, only her shoulders rising and falling gently as she shook her head. The things she could not - would not - say, could fill entire libraries. The spy was contented to see the pall fall over Souma's expression, that dearly-remembered smile he wore at the Winchester mansion turned cold and distant, filled only with the promise that this was now no more than a meeting between two consummate professionals that would quickly enough come to a close with no need for bloodshed.
But the woman within the spy wept silently in the shadows of her soul, mourning the loss of something precious - even if that something never existed in the first place.
"No, I have nothing more to say, though I do have a few questions, if you would indulge me?" Galina's dark eyes returned to the jug and her near empty cup. "What is the name of this... Wine is it? What is it called - and may I have a touch more? It is rather nice actually."
And while she waited for Souma to refill her cup - or not, as he would, he was technically her host after all - Galina's sweetly musical voice continued on with her questions. "I simply must know as well, how is it you remember me after you woke? The drug I put into your champagne is well known for its amnesiac properties - and yet, here I am. That is truly perplexing."
"Which leads me directly to the biggest question of them all. Why am I here? Why would you ever go to the trouble and expense of bringing me aboard the Empress? Was it to gloat - did I have you wrong there? I admit, I would be sorely disappointed if that were true, so I am truly hoping there might yet be some greater reason than that."
"Because for a certainty, you did not intend to see those schematics again. You dismissed the possibility far too quickly for that to be your true intent. So why?"