"Naomi!" Pauline turned to peer over her shoulder, toward the voice of her friend with a wide, sweet smile. The young woman rocked forward, unfolded her long legs and pushed herself up off the plushly carpeted ground. The jeans she wore were baggy but comfortable, as was the thick knit sweater, rolled up at the sleeves and just a touch too long. Borrowed clothes all, and Pauline would always be so grateful, for the generosity of people like this little boy's mother Vida.
The older woman waved Pauline away with a wink when she saw Naomi. Pauline bent to run gentle fingers over the curly black hair of the toddler who'd managed to stack those four plastic blocks, giggling as he played the giant and toppled them all over again. Like all babes, Joshua thrived on endless repetition. This latest bit of demolition was actually the fifth time he'd displayed his amazing, growing accomplishments for Pauline and his Mom.
Her fingertip traced that plump, incomparably soft cheek of his, earning herself a wide grin that consisted of all four of his perfect, ivory teeth, two up and two down. He was beautiful, so beautiful...
"Oh I'm wonderful - I admit, a little nauseous, but nothing a lunch of crackers and ginger ale didn't fix. And did you see Joshua's tower? Such a big boy!"
Pauline wrapped her arms gently around her Naomi, maneuvering tenderly around the burgeoning baby bump of course, before those pale blue eyes turned to Ester. "And you know, I didn't need to guess at all - I'd have known her anywhere! Such a resemblance! Ester, it is so good to meet you - finally!"
Pauline wrapped her arms about Naomi's beautiful elder sister, pulling her close in a warm embrace before stepping back. "AH! So sorry, I hope I didn't shake you up too much? Waking up out of cryo is pretty awful, isn't it?" she asked, crinkling her lightly freckled nose prettily. The question was, of course, very deliberate in its banality. Pauline could not know what Naomi may have told her sister, though she might suspect, at least a little. Pauline could not begin to imagine what was said during the Third Shift briefing, but she did not intend to live with her head hung low, or wear that dark, too-heavy mantle of victim for all time.
Pauline understood sympathy of course. It was only natural, and she doubted she would be unable to keep herself from sympathetic feelings either. But the one and only thing Pauline did not want, could not abide, was pity. She was alive, and soon she'd have her little girl too - what was there to pity in that?
"Are you two headed to the gardens? Oh yes, Naomi told me all about you Ester - well, the very best parts, of course. Your deepest, darkest secrets are all safe! I bet sisters have a lot to catch up on, but would you mind if I came hitched along for a while?"
Pauline smiled, and she waited and she hoped.