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  • Old Guild Username: Igraine
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    1. Igraine 11 yrs ago
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Skipping class Road? That's it, you're grounded! Well just glad you're going to be able to find the time this weekend - looking forward to it!

And honestly Justric, I read the Newfie joke at least five times, and I'm still not entirely sure I followed the punchline... >.>
Justric said
I am rather hard on my characters, aren't I? Then again, I think Jack is getting off pretty easy compared to how I treat most of my creations.

Oh don't we all... *insert Lillian's trademarked evil ass smiley face*
Thank you all for getting back with me on that - I think we just need to hear from Road and Heroes then, when you gentlemen get the moment? And I'm looking toward posting for Pauline and, possibly, someone else if this weekend is kind with my time, as well as Abby when Heroes comes up for air with Gavin.

And you know I'd almost feel sorry for poor Jack, if I didn't know Justric didn't do that entirely on purpose to the poor guy...
Jack's wonderful Justric, though I'll be honest and say he needs a translator badly. Whatever the hell he was speaking? It sure wasn't English!

And best wishes to you tonight Dot, and at the very least, I do hope you have a wonderful time! I know nothing about laser tag, but it certainly sounds fun and original at the least - just be sure to get some dinner though before those drinks, so you all can make a longer night of things!

I know it's the weekend (and a holiday one at that!), so I'm not about beating anyone over the head or shoulders for a post. Still I'm wondering if there is anyone else with plans to get a post in this weekend anyway, or who might already be working on something?
That sweatband, that spotter, them invading hordes of Nord!

Wax for their ears? Even if Antonia knew of such a supply aboard the Skate, the ship was moving far too swiftly into the ravenous siren swarm for her to reach every last crew member and -

Antonia blinked, slack-jawed when she followed Nicolette's trail to... The helmsman... No. Hell no. If anyone thought she'd follow the First Mate's lead with the entire crew? Well they'd damn well be devoured alive by sirens before that ever happened! The rogue growled with frustration as she whirled about, to see if even one of the crew had managed to finish the task she'd tried to cuff them into, to ready the iron...

Words simply did not exist, to describe the relief that buoyed her heart to the star-studded heavens above when Thomas' fingers wrapped firmly around her wrist. He was bloodied, obviously in pain - but at least he was himself again. And when he called her to the bow cannon, Antonia did not need a word of explanation as she followed his lead without hesitation, sprinting to the forecastle.

One shot. Thomas said they would have only one shot, a single desperate prayer that just might save them all. The rogue watched her captain intently as he loaded the cannon and then sighted it, Antonia taking up the touch rod. She held her breath for only seconds - no matter they seemed a small eternity - until she heard his command. Without a moment's hesitation she set the wick alight, stepping back with her hands over her ears as the cannon let loose with a deafening report.

Captain Lightfoot's aim was as true as it was fatal. The cannonball struck the dying, flaming ship at exactly the point where timber met the waterline. The first strike saw pale, slimy flesh closest to the corpse of the Crimson Feather pulped and spattered over the waves like a fountain of chum, even as a blast of fiery wood and metal shrapnel sprayed over the waters in a deadly shower of annihilation. Shrill, nerve-jangling shrieks wafted to the deck of the Skate as the knotted, writhing mass of sirens seemed undone, disentangling and sliding below the waves.

Almost immediately, the buzzing, miserable din that assaulted her bloodied ears ceased, and Antonia nearly staggered to her knees with the sudden release, falling into the Skate's railing where she steadied herself with both hands. Antonia turned to look up to Thomas, those grey eyes hiding nothing at all of the bone deep, aching weariness as she wiped away the rivulet of blood coursing from her nose with the back of her sleeve.

Behind them, the rogue heard the faintest stirrings, curses from the crew, incredulous whispers and soft exclamations of surprise. The rogue smiled at Thomas, a slow tired grin that barely upturned the corners of her lips before her gaze was pulled back over the waters, toward the Crimson Feather...

Antonia gasped, her mouth fallen open in horror.

Wicked spiny fins broke the waters and broke back down beneath the fire-painted blackness once more; sinewy, serpentine bodies glistening in the moonlight as they glided through the waves at a breathtaking speed, directly at the Skate's prow.
Awwwww! Congratulations Idle, and here's to wishing you twenty... Thirty... No, forty and more such beautiful anniversaries!
No, I have absolutely zero shame. Yes, I am relentlessly, obnoxiously pushy when I want something. *shrugs* I always thought those were my more endearing qualities Well, at least in this one case? I don't believe anyone is complaining? *grins*

Just got home a little while ago, settling in and beginning a little writing - so how is everyone doing tonight? Plans for the long weekend (for some of the Americans at least?)
When Ai introduced her, Shizuka bowed low to Takahiro Souma where she knelt, a softly demure smile on her pretty lips as she rose once more. As if she simply could not help herself, the Western woman's gaze flicked upward, searching his handsome face for the space of a heartbeat. But the light in her dark eyes as she peered up to him almost shyly, spoke all she could not for this moment. My sincerest wish is your hesitation at the entrance means only the surprise my presence brings you is a deep and profound pleasure.

The very match of my own.

He had neither attacked her, nor tried to slit her throat, nor gut her which - while not a thing she truly expected anyway? She embraced as a promising sign she might yet do all she came to Japan to accomplish. Souma once had a message for her family. Well she had one for him alone, and she did so hope to deliver it.

Shizuka's dedication to the art of the tea ceremony was flawless. Every last, least move was a slow, deliberate and thoughtful grace, from putting a scoop of the matcha tea powder into the tea bowl, to ladling the hot water and setting the ladle to rest once more, and whisking it just so. Artful movements meticulously, mindfully completed, a small prayer, a benediction in every gesture.

But this performance was not for Souma. Not entirely. In truth, this was for Ai. This was for Raigo, as well. Every last act, every last demure smile and to endear them all the more to the humble, pretty and unassuming Western woman, the teacher come to teach them her language and her ways.

This was for the message she had yet to give a proud, cruel man.

Had this day come even a year ago, Galina's pleasure in this exquisite display would have been truly complete. But she must take what pleasure was left to her now. Shizuka did not speak of course, but simply let her gaze rest on Souma as she lay the exquisite tea bowl before him, the first guest. Shizuka could appear the hopeful young woman, doing all she might to please her dear host, his family and of course, the honorable firstborn son.

But Galina could not help but wonder somewhere in the back of her mind, at the thoughts racing through Souma's head for that one brief, expectant moment. He knew very well, what happened the last time he took a drink she offered, one prepared especially for him. But he was expected to drink the tea she prepared, and offer her a compliment. Perhaps even receive another serving if he found it to his liking. And Shizuka dared a sideways glance to Ai.
She was too! She had near-to-white hair with dark, dark eyes! But no, you've found the perfect picture for Penny, and she looks wonderful! :)
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