"Hi!" Pauline piped up with a wide grin, her pale blue eyes wide and appreciative for the most brilliant head of azure hair she'd ever seen. She hadn't gotten up from the chair quite yet - truthfully, she was still just a little wobbly in the head from her "victory laps" at finding the files with her preliminary equations intact in Steve's database. And Pauline didn't really feel like fainting, likely smacking her head on a countertop and bleeding all over her hard work; or tossing what little was left in her stomach on newly-swept floors. Ester and her amazing ginger root cure were way too far away to save her that humiliation.
And though she stayed in that chair, Pauline did un-slouch herself to a posture Sister Mary Frances might have almost approved of, the toes of her old grey and pink sneakers perched on the floor as if she might yet take off in flight if this meeting resulted in a more Steve-like reaction than she'd wished - though she reminded herself again, no one had ever actually died of "No."
But for the moment, Pauline had a hope. She laughed softly when the younger man Mitt (and he sure didn't look like a Mitt to her, but who was she to say? Sometimes parents could just be cruel naming their children) suggested she bent space and time to accomplish so much, so quickly. And she listened curiously as that handsome grey-eyed man spoke softly, not truly catching the sense of the words, but enchanted nonetheless with the low, musical warbling of his voice, like a calm, smooth river rolling lovingly over his vowels.
And when he smiled at her, that one dimple just beneath his short beard had nowhere left to hide.
In that moment, Pauline would have liked to believe she'd have said something more witty than "Hi," something captivating that would have instantly convinced these two men she was an asset worth the keeping here in the hangar, but Handsome the cat sauntered into the office, and things kinda hit the fan. Hard. The grey-eyed man mentioned something about his ex and her cats, and moved to pick him up - apparently a move Handsome objected to most vehemently. He growled, hissed and thwacked at those offending hands as if they might be leprous, and then made a beeline for the relative "safety" right beneath her bum.
Now, the risk of being compared with an "ex" is not going to endear anyone anywhere or anytime, and definitely not with the guy who is the "man-in-charge." But Handsome had apparently decided beneath her seat was a good place to make some heroic stand, and she just couldn't find it in her to turn the cat over now that he'd declared sanctuary behind her legs. She bent slowly beneath her chair, the fingers of one hand slowly wagging an invitation for Handsome to come closer.
But that didn't mean she couldn't feel for the conquered though. "Are you all right?" Pauline asked Reece, wincing in sympathy with a small intake of breath through bared teeth, her brow furrowed with genuine concern as she looked to the grey-eyed man's hands. "I'm so sorry. He's not my cat but I did pet him on the way in. It might be my fault he's still here." She cringed a little in her seat, her eyes wide and apologetic.
"But please, if you'll let him stay, I'll watch him closely - I promise he won't get in any trouble... " Her voice trailed off for a moment as she heard the words she spoke, and Pauline began to laugh with embarrassment, shaking her head. "Well, that is if you'll think about letting me stay too, I suppose?"
"I'm Pauline Weber, and no, I'm not a member of any of your mining crews. I'm just a holdover from Second Shift," she said with an ease that rather pleased her, considering the guilt wagging its finger in her head, knowing exactly what she'd left unsaid.
Her attentions turned to Mitt of the magnificent blue hair, and she offered him her tablet to take if he wished, to see what was there for himself. Floating above the surface of its screen, the three-dimensional holographic schematics, constructed from the equations she designed, rotated slowly in a multi-colored array of light.
"No sorry, not your cleaning lady either, and I'm yet to discover that rather handy rift in the space time continuum." She beamed up at the younger man, re-reading his T-shirt for the hundredth time already and deciding in that very moment she rather liked Mitt a lot. "But I can predict with a great deal of certainty, the absolute minimum safe distance from an event horizon the Copernicus and these mining pods would have to be, to continue operations."
"On a more mundane note? I can update your training programs to incorporate real time data gathered before and during operations and... " Pauline could not help that her gaze returned to the grey-eyed man. She bit her lip softly, wincing with sympathy - but only for only a moment. Her mouth fell open with a gasp of surprise, pale blue eyes widening when she saw the thin rivulets of blood on his hand.
"Oh no, Handsome really did get you!" Pauline felt absolutely horrible, blathering on like an idiot while the grey-eyed man was bleeding! She was out of her seat in an instant, dashing for a nearby cupboard. She really did like Handsome, but bleeding meant the cat would just have to make do on his own, without her leg sanctuary. "You're going to need some hydrogen peroxide for that... A dressing... At least a bandage too for sure. I did manage to find the First Aid kit... "
Pauline stood back up from where she knelt, a little too quickly maybe for her whoozy head but triumphant nonetheless, that First Aid kit in hand. She opened it swiftly on one of the counter tops and waved Reece over, the little creases at the corner of her mouth turned down resolutely with concern.