'We could give it another go if you like though. I wouldn't mind... '
Pauline's pale blue eyes widened, shocked at the boldness of her own thoughts. Still, she somehow managed to slide the entirety of her expression into a sweetly surprised amusement, with a steady smile that promised the stammering, shaken woman really would have a grip on herself soon enough. She would have to - Father Heffernan would not be revived for another twelve years to hear her confession, after all.
Pauline subtly - she hoped - rubbed her sweaty palms against the edges of her too-large sweater, suddenly all-too-conscious of her borrowed clothing and her old, well-worn running shoes. 'Oh, and now, you're too good for the kind gifts of decent people who cared enough to clothe you, take you in and befriend you - all because a good-looking stranger might think you shabby?'
The thought sobered her quickly, like a bucket of ice water tossed in her face, though a soft smile remained nonetheless. Her faults were none of Antoine's, after all; and he was certainly taking the arrival of a strange, yammering woman flopped over his doorstep pretty well, all things told.
"Pauline. Pauline Weber - and there's no reason for you to be sorry at all," she answered him quite truthfully. "Your 'doorstep' isn't exactly a designated rest area, on a feline tag track, now is it? And you know something else?"
Pauline shrugged helplessly, chuckling softly to herself, shaking her head. "Go ahead. Laugh. You've got my blessing. It's all pretty darned funny, isn't it?"
She knelt beside that beautiful cat, grooming himself so fastidiously as if for all the world, he was not paying the least attention to either of these chatty humans. Well, he probably wasn't, not really. She rather suspected this was a creature quite used to being a center of attention wherever he went, and that such notice resembled nothing so much as the expected and fully deserved adoration of a monarch by his liege subjects.
"So you Antoine, are his... Owner? No, that can't be the right word. How about 'designated and privileged keeper' of Handsome... No, sorry Mowzer, is it? Well now at least I know he has a home - though I won't be telling my boss where that is any time soon. Mowzer really does not like being picked up, it seems," Pauline winced a little at the memory of Owen's hand, though she hesitated not at all to lay her own hand lightly atop the cat's head, scritching behind his ears while Mowzer continued to groom himself, as was his right and privilege, of course.
"And Mowzer is a trickster as well, is he?" She looked back up to Antoine's face, her eyebrows lifting curiously over that sweet smile. "How could you resist naming him Loki? Or Anansi, or maybe even Coyote - well, maybe not Coyote. I don't know that His Majesty Mowzer would be amused by a canine name, do you think?"