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    1. illbebach 10 yrs ago


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"Alright, thanks for the help guys."
He walks up to one of the computers and begins to look through the classes.
He turns to flood "None really, my families' pretty normal, I'm the only one I know of who's weird in any way."
"I'm not really great in a fight, but that's part of the reason I'm here," He shrugs.
"Originally I'm from Ireland, but my family moved over here when I was pretty young I don't remember much about it apart from the rain."
James nods at Connor "Thanks" before turning back to Jack "That's what I was planning on doing, I don't really have anywhere else I could stay."
He smiles slightly "Nice to meet you Connor, All I'm going to say is that my neighbours cat was never the same again."
Things seemed to be going a bit better than the end of that class.
James shrugged "I have a sister, she's pretty much normal apart from terrible taste in pretty much everything"
"So Parker huh?"
James looked at Katherin "Well if you really want to know I could just tell you, for example there was the time Some of my friends got an industrial strength laser, an eggplant and a cricket bat then-"
He realized Jack was talking to him but doesn't respond until he suggested leaving. "Oh sure let's go."
He began to walk towards the door, leaving his story unfinished.
He sighs, this really wasn't going well. "My name is James, I'm 19 and I'm good with technology, that's about it really, well at least as far as things that are relevant here go."
James puts his hand on the door handle. "Okay, you can do this"
He opens the door and steps into the room nervously.
"Um, hi?"
Hmm, guess I'll have to wait for this class to end before I jump in...
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