Working on chapter 7 of my book, hoping to get a Roleplay started here soon (joining or making my own).
9 yrs ago
Honestly forgot about this website until I saw the "R" in my bookmarks bar. I'm looking to write more and am hoping to give this another try not that I've moved to a stable home.
9 yrs ago
Making a new world for friends to play in! Super excited!
10 yrs ago
Final Fantasy 14 has it's hands around my neck. No regrets.
Well I'm 21 years old and in college, I want to be an English/History teacher and I've been role playing for a long time now. I've ran several subreddits (most dedicated to role playing), written several stories, ran seven campaigns in table top games, and been a player in about ten table top games. I haven't even scratched the surface of role playing it seems, as I'm always learning how to be better at it!
I'm big on movies, games, and TV. I'm a pretty normal guy, love puns and jokes and just maxin, relaxin all cool (I might even shoot b-ball outside the school with you).
Hit me up if you want to chat! I'm always down for more friends! :D
Sorry, friends! I went to RTX in Austin with some friends and didn't really have time to settle down and RP like I planned. I'll start catching up what I missed and working on my response!
@Fetzen Great question! All major races are playable. If it comes to the OOC I'll have a full write up of every race so you can know what you're getting into! There's also the option of making your own race if you so wish but it's gotta be something impressive and unique that isn't already being covered by another race.
Thanks for the interest! I've put a lot of detail and work into the world that I think would make a fun playground to run around in! The monsters are very "Dragons Dogma", large and difficult like the Hydra in the game for the most part. They truly feel like monsters, I think, that can wreck havoc easily. I'm excited to see if more people become interested in it, could be really fun to get a big group together!
Patches felt like the oddball here. A crazed old man with a dog and a, now dead, ghoul, a Super Mutant probably hopped up on rockets juice, a drunk doctor, a woman with a floating eye robot and a dude in armor with a cloak on. At least the ghoul and the girl that came downstairs seemed normal enough. He saw the mutant squash the ghoul's head like a rotten tomato after the woman announced her third expedition.
Now, there was an exciting offer. Traveling with people, setting up a base, exploring places no one has been was practically made for Patches. He'd had a few run ins with some good and bad super mutants, this one was one of the good ones; plus he had a rocket launcher. The girl seemed like himself, an explorer used to traveling the wastes. Not a terribly wild crowd, people he could count on. It was safe. There was no doubt in his mind that the Old Man wasn't going to join, he seemed headstrong on hunting something. So at least Patches could be away from the crazy. He wondered if the doctor would join, it'd be nice to learn and discuss medicine with someone again. Patches was feeling rusty, he'd only been a doctor on himself the past few weeks.
Figuring it was best to move forward quickly, he didn't know if there was a limit of people, he stood up with a raised hand. Sure, he might die, but he was out here risking his life to see his family back home. Without them, he might as well be dead.
"Uh...y-yeah count me in as well." He spoke, scratching the back of his neck as he flashed a small smile to the woman. He figured there'd be some sort of group meeting after this, then he'd introduce himself to everyone. A thought slammed his brain like a rock...
"Name's Sam. If you need help with fortification and repair, I am can do that. What is in it for the volunteers though? This is obviously a high risk mission given its hostile location and previous failures so it would make sense that the reward would be high."
Oh, well never mind. Guess she had the same thought. Patches listened intently to the woman's response. If she said nothing, then he'd still go. But it'd be nice to have a few caps for the endeavor, something concrete; since he couldn't count on finding treasure like he could a paycheck.
Fizz is a born thief and tinkerer. However, he was the brother to the chieftain's wife so they allowed him to live amongst their people, other goblins. Working with his friends, who had discovered an evil plot by the chieftain, he planned to steal important documents from their guards to verify that the chieftain was turning on them. He was caught and almost executed if it weren't for his sister, who called for his exile. Before he was exiled, the chieftain spoke with him personally and said that if he loved his sister, he would never return or she would die.
Sneak/Stealth - Skilled at blending in, hiding, and sneaking by anyone/thing
Burglary - Skilled at pickpocketing, lockpicking, etc.
Inventive/Builder/Tinkerer - Spending his days tinkering with what he had stolen, he has a knack for building any and all things given the time. He is rather inventive when it comes to making things easier for himself.
Perception - He is able to find things of use quickly, spot small details, and notice changes in a person's behavior easily.
Agile - Being smaller than most, he is able to dodge attacks easier, climb faster, and run quicker than most.
Instinctive - He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, him being impulsive and instinctive doesn't help at all. Though, that instinct has saved his life more times than he can count.
Motto/Catchphrase: "I prefer to think of it as...borrowing."
Well if we're looking to set up a new settlement, the large-ness of a shopping center seems like a great idea. Plus there could be a few cool quests to go around that, setting up power, finding suitable water, picking a store to live in, exploring the parking garage underground, remodeling, etc. Could be really fun! Maybe we go to the drive in theater, hunt the thing, see the mall and think "Paradise!" but discover that there is a feral-ghoul hideout that is spilling into the mall. We soon find out that the underground garage is connected to a motel full of ghouls? Fit everyone's idea into it?
Vykon, land of mystery, war, deadly creatures, fantastic friends, and daring adventures, is a world with war at the foundations. Rule has shifted from Titans, to Dragons, and now to Man, each transition happening from war and betrayal. Although, Vykon is heading out of the Umbral Age, which has lasted for seven-hundred years, and into a new age. One full of great heroes, dastardly villains, and the return of magic into the world. Some even speak of some growing kingdoms being ruled by demigods, champions sent by The Holy Eight to lead the world through a dark event that is rapidly approaching. However, not all heroes are sent by gods. The question remains, what mark do you plan to make on the Realm of Aegredalar?
The world of Vykon is massive, spanning several races, countless territories, even more kingdoms, and more. It's a diverse world full of diverse people. Some wish to see it bent to their will while other wish to see it flourish as it exits the Umbral Age. This massive sandbox/adventure will take a group of people on a quest like no other. There are talks that the Undying Legion is looking to wrest control from the already weak mortals. This world needs defenders from such a threat. The overall quest is to stop the Undying Legion from marching its army upon the rest of Vykon; whether that be a diplomatic or military victory is up to you. All you know, is that a head on attack would be suicide. As it stands, most view the Legion as a far off people, confined to Death's Peninsula by the geography, that stay far away from the rest of the world. But you know differently. You've seen and encountered undead scouts in your know firsthand that something is brewing in that Peninsula. And no one believes you, yet.
The World?
I'm running a nations style RP with some friends in the world, but it's a very slow moving project we do in our free time. However, the world's history is written up and is in-depth, monsters are being discovered each day, kingdoms are trying to begin, it's a world that is trying to claw it's way out of darkness and discover new things about itself. I have a full write up of the history, it is long so I'll put it in an OOC if it comes to it, several monsters, all of the territories planned out, the rulers of kingdoms set, etc.
Before there was Vykon, before there was man, and before there were even gods there was Chaos. The Divine Creator existed for what is believed to be eons before creating the Original Four. Little is remembered of The Four, or who they even were, but they are believed to be the first Gods to exist. Since they could not exist on the same plane of existence as Chaos, the realm of Aegredalar was made. This would be where the Four would be, living in the worlds created by Chaos. Time had passed as worlds were created and destroyed, no life being on any, until eventually...Chaos vanished.
Without their creator, the Four were left to their own devices and not knowing what to do, and using their essence, they created all of life itself. From them sprout an endless amount of worlds, realms, dimensions, beings, and other gods; one of them being Vykon. The beings of Vykon varied greatly but the largest of the beasts and creatures in Vykon were The Titans.
The Titans were beings created by a pantheon of gods intended to watch over Vykon themselves while the rest of the gods attended to matters in other realms and on other worlds. Beings made of what would soon be called metal roamed the brewing land of Vykon shaping it into what we know today. With godlike powers, they created and guided Vykon with a helping hand akin to parents. The titans were divided into the Vanir and Aesir, the Vanir being made of silver, iron, and copper and the Aesir being made of gold and platinum.
Ahmyn'Thol was an Aesir and known as "The Highfather", leader of the Titans, with more power than any of the other titans.
Eyonar was an Aesir and known as "The Lifebringer", the matron of nature and the beasts that roamed Vykon.
Nurgohna was a Aesir and known as "The Lorekeeper", an impossibly smart and power magician.
Lonan'Durreth was a Vanir and known as "The Thunderer", patron of the skies and all in its domain.
Kaz'Goren was an Vanir and known as "The Shaper and Forger of the World", patron of the earth and all that dwelt beneath it.
Siraanagus was a Vanir and known as "The Destroyer", the titan's greatest warrior and defender of Vykon.
These six titans roamed all of Vykon creating great and ancient beasts, one of which being the mighty dragons. With a clear division in power between the Vanir and Aesir, the Aesir being the higher power, tensions rose between the titans along with their growth in power. Sensing the possibility of a planet destroying world, Ahmyn'Thol met with all the titans to address the issues in Vykon's leaders (the Titans). Knowing that tensions between Vanir and Aesir would only heighten, Nurgohna tricked Ahmyn'Thol into having the meeting in the ocean in center Vykon. Working with Eyonar to create a powerful beast capable of devouring the Highfather, the two Aesir stole a majority of his power to use against the Vanir before war broke out; knowing Ahmyn'Thol was too passive to do such drastic measures. Luckily, before his untimely demise, Ahmyn'Thol was able to expel a large portion of his power into Vykon, the Dragons consuming almost all of it. With the Aesir lesser in number but greater in power, they hoped to quell any war before it began by destroying the Vanir...until Nurgohna used his new power to put Eyonar into the prison with Ahmyn'Thol as well, absorbing all of her power too.
Hearing of an almost god-like Titan, the Vanir gathered all they could and prepared for The Planet Destroying War that Ahmyn'Thol was so desperately trying to avoid.
During the capture of the two Aesir, the dragons had formed together to create a society; The Dragonflight. A council of dragons with each member having received a large portion of the Highfather's powers, The Dragonflight looked for a way to relinquish power from the Titans as they too sensed a war brewing that endangered the existence of dragons. The Dragonflight consisted of:
Ysera, the Blue
Kelathaz, the White
Nevalath, the Red
Alyztraiza, the Green
Nozdyma, the Bronze
Vaarin'ra, the Black
Knowing they would lose against the Aesir, the Vanir held council with The Dragonflight, pleading for aide after they had received The Highfather's powers across all species. After coming to an agreement, the Vanir agreeing to leave The Dragonflight Western Vykon while they ruled Eastern and The Dragonflight promising to give aide when needed, the two groups prepared all they could for war against Nurgohna, *"The Titan King"*....only Nurgohna met them on his own terms. As The Dragonflight and Vanir were heading to Nurgohna's domain in Eastern Vykon, the Titan King met them just above the beast that held the two Aesir. It was clear, he planned to absorb the power of the Vanir as well as the power of The Dragons to become a God himself.
An earth shattering battle took place; creating and destroying mountain ranges, causing the creation of The Searing Point, as well as shattering the shores of Eastern Vykon and pushing part of the shores of Western Vykon into the Aesir's prison in the sea as a result of the battle. Many Dragons were lost in the battle, not having the strength of The Dragonflight and the main powers of The Highfather, but luckily the Vanir and their forces were winning the battle. With Nurgohna seeing his defeat, he used the last of his power to drag the Vanir into the Titan Prison with him. Luckily, Kaz'Goren was the last to be dragged into the beastly prison, allowing him time to siphon all of the Titan's powers and relinquishing his own to disperse them among The Dragonflight; knowing full well Vykon would need protectors and rulers to flourish. Each member of the Dragonflight had received the full brunt of each Titan's powers, becoming Aspects of Creation while all Dragons, including themselves, shared the Highfather's powers as a species; making all Dragons magical in some form.
With all of the titans trapped in the oceanic prison, The Dragonflight were left to rule over Vykon as best they could.
After having become The Aspects of Creation, The Dragonflight had evolved to be able to shift their form, favoring that of humanoids for traversing Vykon and interacting with the developing races and kingdoms, due to their increase in power and need to not be massive dragons that could topple mountains. The Aspects of Creation were thus:
Ysera, The Blue became Ysera, the Spell-Weaver. She was charged with protecting and ruling over all magic and hidden arcanum as well as the oceans of Vykon.
Kelathaz, The White became Kelathaz, The Cloud Giant. He watched over the skies of Vykon and kept guard over the Titan's Prison, knowing that even though half of the titans were allies, freeing one would mean freeing them all and mean certain death for Vykon. He watched over his domain from the tallest mountain in Vykon, soon to be known as Cloud Stabber.
Nevalath, the Red became Nevalath, The Life Binder. She was tasked with protecting over all life on Vykon.
Alyztraiza, the Green became Alyztraiza, The Dreamer. She was tasked with watching over the wilds from her hidden realm, "The Verdant Dream".
Nozdyma, the Bronze became Nozdyma, The Timeless One. He was charged with taking over Ahmyn'Thol's role, protecting Time itself and policing over the ever spinning pathways of fate and destiny.
Vaarin'ra, the Black became Vaarin'ra, The Earth-Warder. He was given dominion over the earth and the deep, dark places beneath it.
Having been told by The Vanir of Creation itself and all that came with it to this point, The Aspects of Creation aimed to spread their teachings to all that would listen. It was during this time that the major races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Halfling, Gnome, etcetera) came to their peak, developing small settlements without fear of The Titan War affecting their lives! With the help of The Aspects, Seven Kingdoms were born around Vykon, each with a unique way culture, religion, people, and more. Each kingdom took a liking to each Aspect, every Aspect had a 'kingdom' aside from Vaarin'ra, who was a lesser known Aspect having spent a majority of his time underground with the underdeveloped, subterranean races. Not feeling the appreciation his fellow Aspects were receiving...Vaarin'ra started to develop resentment towards his comrades. Meanwhile, Ysera was experimenting with magic and the ways to utilize it for good, Alyztraiza saw the forests begin to flourish, Nozdyma was looking to the future and what it might bring, Nevalath saw life grow and rejoiced, and Kelathaz fell into a deep slumber after having set up several safe guards for the Titan prison.
With the Seven Kingdoms thriving under protection and guidance by The Dragonflight, they began to branch off and develop smaller settlements, shaping the world into a beautiful creation of Dragon and Mortal....until Vaarin'ra emerged from his domain. Having festered in a pool of resentment and hate, Vaarin'ra, having gained appreciation from the Dwarves that mined and forged, had emerged looking to exact his revenge against his comrades for giving him rule over the underground. Knowing of Kelathaz's Slumber, Vaarin'ra climbed the top of the mountain as a small goat in hopes of staying hidden to the other Aspects. When he reached the top, he saw Kelathaz ignoring his duties of keeping those that could destroy all of Vykon within their prison and became his true form, now a massive leviathan, Vaarin'ra hoisted Kelathaz into the sky with his limbs. As The Cloud Giant awoke abruptly, caught off-guard, The Earth-Warder pierced Kelathaz on the mountain from which he slept straight through his chest. The sky and ground shook, storms raged across the lands as tornadoes ravaged the settlements of Vykon. Each of the Dragonflight felt their heart rip open, even Vaarin'ra, feeling an Aspect begin to fade.
The Kingdoms wept, all people near the mountains and what is now known as Cloud Stabber could see the massive wrym's body pierced by the great mountain. Clouds erupted from Kelathaz's body, spilling out over the mountain range while the wind whipped from his last breathes like tornadoes. It was in his death that the first kingdom fell, The Kingdom of the North. Encompassed by the never ending winter that erupted from Kelathaz's breath and blood, their people froze to death almost instantly to then be covered up with layers of snow and ice; and thus the Frozen Wastes were born. With the storms raging across the land, they culminated into what is known as The Forever Storm, fueled by Kelathaz's last remnant of power. Vaarin'ra, now feeling confident he could destroy The Aspects and rule over Vykon himself, made his way to his next weak target, Nevalath. The Earth-Warder knew he would have to draw out the smallest of the Aspects, Alyztraiza, from her realm into theirs and knew he could not defeat Ysera just yet.
The Aspects had not discovered how Kelathaz had started to fade or who had done it, this gave Vaarin'ra the opportunity he needed to lure Nevalath to a secluded area; Eastern Vykon. It was there, Nevalath fell. Using the power he gained from destroying Kelathaz, Vaarin'ra could fight Nevalath on even ground. Their battle moved west as Nevalath had the upper hand on the massive dragon as due to her power. The two Aspects fought over The Kingdom of the West, two cosmic beings battling over the capitol. The Earth-Warder let loose a destructive blast of fire and earth to his enemy, luckily Nevalath was able to dodge the attack...the people of the Western Kingdom were not so lucky. The single blast wiped it and all it's people off the face of Vykon in a split second, creating what is now known as The World Scar, a remnant of what once was that traveled to what is believed to be the core of Vykon. Feeling the gigantic loss of life, Nevalath began to weep immediately, allowing Vaarin'ra to rip off the red leviathan's wings and blast her into the Western lands but not without her getting a shot in to her brother; the flames still firing as she fell. With her fall in battle came the change in climate and landscape. The Aspect of Life had become the Land of Death and Suffering. Her body became The Dragon's Maw, The Dragon's Tail, and her last attack became The Flames while the Infernal Plains and World Scar suffered from her demise in the process. The remaining five kingdoms began to weep for their guardian Aspect had fallen, fearing the same fate would befall them.
It was then Alyztraiza emerged from her "Verdant Dream", feeling her sister's demise; along with her came Ysera. With the power of three Aspects with him, the two sister Aspects would have to catch the black dragon off guard and by surprise...opting to wait for him to sleep. When The Ruler of the Undergound slept, Alyztraiza entered his dreams and saw the true horrors and reason for his betrayal. He dreamt of The Old Gods, beings without faces or forms, existing on a whole other plane of existence. They were rambling to the Aspect, driving him mad and had been for years without his knowing. Alyztraiza soon saw a strange object deep beneath the surface, Vaarin'ra had found a relic of old; she believed it to be the reason he was acting the way he was. Wanting their comrade back, the two Aspects opted to try and reason with the leviathan when he awoke.
When The Black Dragon rose from his sleep, he and Aspects of the Wild and Magic spoke for some time. He spoke of the Titans' return, the Old Gods' rule, Chaos' fall, and Nozdyma's fall from grace as well as other worldly enemies. Knowing full well their old friend was too far gone, the two knew the only option was to imprison their friend to defend all of Vykon. Agreeing to help him defend Vykon from what was to come, the three Aspects looked to summon Nozdyma from his the Eastern mountain range. Nozdyma, having seen this possible outcome of the future, had prepared a weapon to bring down a rogue Aspect should the need arise; The Dragon Soul. Despite what everyone believed, he had spent his entire time crafting this weapon of destruction and defense...but it was not ready. Hearing his summons to the mountains, he arrived with weapon in hand to see only three of his friends. Through discreet signals he discovered The Dragon Soul was needed now more than ever.
After tricking Vaarin'ra into believing he had the aide of the remaining three Aspects, Nozdyma, having slowed time substantially to order the dwarves of the north to craft impossibly large armor with his help, encased Vaarin'ra in Dragon's Hold Armor. Armor meant to keep his powers at bay and him from reaching his full size, the three Aspects could put an end to the Mad Dragon once and for all, but they soon found out the power of three Aspects could not be contained fully within the Dragon's Hold. Nozdyma knew what had to be done, requesting the aide of the two sisters, he dove into The Searing Point and carved out a cove to hold his friend. After carving out the stone, he inscribed what he had seen for the future into the stone slabs and threw them from the mountains, causing them to land in North-Eastern Vykon.
When The Timeless One emerged from the volcano, weakened by the enchantment he put on the cove, one that would make time move at almost a standstill rate, he saw Ysera and Alyztraiza near defeat. With Dragon Soul in hand, he instructed the two aspects to put their essence into the weapon along with him to imprison Vaarin'ra in The Searing Point. When the golden disc of the Dragon Soul was created, Vaarin'ra fell to the depths of Vykon, Nozdyma faded into the Sands of Time, Ysera exploded into magic that swept the land and Alyztraiza fell into leaves that were carried by the wind to the North-Eastern part of Vykon. With Vaarin'ra imprisoned, Kelathaz and Nevalath supposedly deceased, Nozdyma in the Sands of Eternity, Ysera in the Essence of Magic, and Alyztraiza in the Northern Forests of Vykon, the remaining kingdoms feared another Reign of Dragons. And thus began The Draconic War.
The third kingdom of the Mountains, the dwarves, retreated into the Misty Mountains, fearing a war of dragons, never to be seen. When they began creating tunnels in Cloud Stabber for living, they stumbled upon a dragon nest; a massive battle of the underground took place. Somehow, the dwarves won and slaughtered the dragons that lived beneath the surface but they had lost countless of their population; the rest left to roam Vykon for a new home, eventually making a small settlement in the far Eastern part of the Misty Mountains.
The remaining five civilizations were able to slaughter the rest of the dragons with their combined military strength at the cost of countless mortal lives and their economy. When the dragons finally fell extinct, the kingdoms returned home to try and recuperate but failed. The first kingdom eventually being overrun and conquered by a dark sorcerer following Vaarin'ra, the Wizard follower of Ysera of the kingdom cursed all of the land before he fell; making the sorcerer age slower but rule over a land of death populated by Undead.
The second kingdom had moved to the North-Eastern part of Vykon near the World Tree of Yggradsil. Comprised of mostly Elf, the kingdom fell when it was overrun by the beasts of Nyx Wood and the forest they dwelt in without the strength of their military. The third kingdom disbanded simply from having no military and a destroyed economy, most eventually moving to Central Vykon to form The Bank during the Umbral Age.
The last two kingdoms were better off than the others, having established trade routes with settlements and even constructing a bridge to symbolize their eternal peace. It wasn't until the King of Atlas, the western civilization, was assassinated by someone that war erupted between the two kingdoms. They eventually destroyed each other to the point of non-existence and their remaining citizens forced to roam Vykon for a home. With all kingdoms lost, The Dragonflight gone, The Titans imprisoned, and the Gods having abandoned the mortals, the Umbral Age began.
The Umbral Age was uneventful for most of the time, sadly. The world was littered with death, chaos, bandits, pirates, and general unruliness until it neared the end. It was towards the end when archives of the many gods were found, along with the History of Vykon, that hope emerged from the darkness that had swept across Vykon.
The Bank had been created upon the Bridge of Avarice, Anchor Port had begun creation, the Dragonkin had emerged from The Dragon's Maw to begin life as a new species, The Dwarves regrouped at Uther's Hollow, The Elves forming the Darkwood Clan in hopes of eventually moving back to Yggdrasil, Shipton had been founded, and many temples were erected to the countless amount of gods and pantheons of Vykon. It was with this the Umbral Age, also known as The Long Dark, ended.
It is a new age of time! the small settlements from The Umbral Age have begun to venture into Kingdom Territory, hope has begun to enter all mortals' hearts, magic has started to creep back into the land, and there hasn't been a cataclysmic event in numerous years. The gods, having turned their attention to Vykon supposedly, have put various pieces on the board of Vykon after sensing a dark force brewing close behind. Although, one cannot have light without shadows lurking close behind.
Magic was once a powerful tool, most anyone could use it, but it has been lost to time and war. Relics are found every so often and it is slowly seeping back into the realm. Even spells as simple as making a small glowing light are seen as godly powers. You most definitely will not be able to start with any form of magic, but I can guarantee you'll encounter it and learn a thing or two as time goes on
Imagine Pathfinder meets LoTR. There are countless races roaming Vykon; Troll, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Gnome, Centaur, Dragonkin, Human, Dwarf, Elf, Undead, etc. There are also many types of people, to the closed off dwarven kingdom of Uther's Hollow inside the Misty Peaks, to the jovial and rambunctious crowd of the Emerald Alliance, to the dastardly pirates of Booty Bay and the exiles of The Outcast. You'll see most, if not all, of these people at least once on your quest to gather a force to take down The Undying Legion. You'll need help from everyone, even if they're not so pure of heart. If you can think of another race you'd like to see, make a small write up of them and I'll most likely add them in! As of right now, the ones listed above are the major races of Vykon.
It's a very medieval/Game of Thrones type of technology on the cusp of an industrial age. Some speak of dwarves working on boom sticks, other speak rumors of the gnomes working on metal monsters while the goblins the same as well as explosive arrows capable of destroying rock. Standard fantasy weapons and technology with light mechanical tech sprinkled in like unicorns.
Respect. This the most important rule of the roleplay. Respect my rules, decisions and roleplay. I am the GM, so please try to respect that as my word is law. This also goes to your fellow RPers, respect each other. No name calling OOC, death threats, etc.
Have fun. Please have fun when it comes to discussing ideas, creating your character and writing your in character posts. Writing is all about fun and not to be taken seriously.
Regarding Godmodding and Metagaming: Godmodding will only happen in two instances: 1.)things need to be moved along; 2.) with a player's permission. Do not, under any circumstances, take control of a person's character (this includes NPCs/Monsters) without written consent from the controller. As for metagaming, not a chance. When/if it comes to fighting each other, it can get boring to "leave it open" so if there is a clear winner then you can win. However, no killing without GM and player approval.
No spamming.
Characters. Make them realistic. Everyone has flaws. I want well thought out characters, please. Flaws make for interesting roleplays and allows every character to have a moment to shine as well as fall.
Character Sheets. The Character Sheet is placed here as well as within the Character Tab. I want to see detail within your character sheets. As far as pictures are concerned, avoid using anime style art or just use real pictures. I have pretty high standards when it comes to art, so here are a few examples that I'd allow (1,2,3, 4)
R. Anything goes in this RP. Sex, violence, swearing, etc. But moderation is key to making it have weight so keep that in mind. When it comes to pictures of the stuff, please put a warning before it. If it comes to anything such as self-harm, suicide, or anything of the sort, a warning is required as well.
Posting. We're in Advanced RP so I'd like to see at least three paragraphs (five sentences minimum). Dialogue doesn't count towards the sentence count. If you and another character plan on having a long interaction, please work out a collab post in OOC or PM.
Realism. This is a realistic RP, besides....the magic, monsters, etc, so keep it realistic. If your character is injured, they can't heal in thirty minutes (unless GM says otherwise). Nor can they fight in a battle for five hours without collapsing. Keep things realistic, it honestly makes it that much more interesting.
Rule Breaking. I understand there are slip-ups. Every now and then, a rule breaking post is allowed. However, repeat offenders will be removed.
Drama. Keep it in PMs if it's OOC, if it's IC it's totally fine.
As stated, I have a lot of this world already fleshed out. If it comes to OOC I'll gladly type up all the info you could possibly want of this world but I'd like to see at least five people express interest in it first. And to save myself the trouble, if the OOC is posted I'd like for five people to post saying that they're interested after reading the History of the world. That way I don't waste my time typing up all the information for it. If you don't like the plot, I'm more than happy to change it around. There are a variety of stories to be told in Vykon, this is just one possible story. You can deal with the growing Dragonkin threat to the west, help Alix Aubin in Niflant in the Frozen Wastes to the north with his growing Marked One problem, assist The Emerald Alliance with strange creatures emerging from the northern forests, and more. If people would like this to be a sandbox type RPG, I'm more than willing to let it happen. I'm looking for people to have fun in this world, tell great stories, have fun myself, and work with everyone to make sure that happens. I'm super into collaboration to make something great and am open to most ideas.
So, if you're interested, just let me know below. When we reach five people I'll make an OOC. This RP will be open indefinitely, there's no limit on the people that can join as it's just a massive world.
Well I'm 21 years old and in college, I want to be an English/History teacher and I've been role playing for a long time now. I've ran several subreddits (most dedicated to role playing), written several stories, ran seven campaigns in table top games, and been a player in about ten table top games. I haven't even scratched the surface of role playing it seems, as I'm always learning how to be better at it!
I'm big on movies, games, and TV. I'm a pretty normal guy, love puns and jokes and just maxin, relaxin all cool (I might even shoot b-ball outside the school with you).
Hit me up if you want to chat! I'm always down for more friends! :D
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Well I'm 21 years old and in college, I want to be an English/History teacher and I've been role playing for a long time now. I've ran several subreddits (most dedicated to role playing), written several stories, ran seven campaigns in table top games, and been a player in about ten table top games. I haven't even scratched the surface of role playing it seems, as I'm always learning how to be better at it! <br><br>I'm big on movies, games, and TV. I'm a pretty normal guy, love puns and jokes and just maxin, relaxin all cool (I might even shoot b-ball outside the school with you). <br><br>Hit me up if you want to chat! I'm always down for more friends! :D</div>