Avatar of Infin1teZer0
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 20 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Infin1teZer0 10 yrs ago


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Quick request, midget. Could you make a section for teams on the opening post? It'll help me keep track of who's where.
I could pull Minah into Team Astarothâ„¢ if you're interested in that, lordmidget. We can even be Skype buddies. :D
Out of personal experience, this large number of players won't last for very long. There's usually a mass-dropout a little after the IC starts. From there, one of two things will happen:

1) The RP dies from the dropout wave.

2) (I'm hoping this) The RP survives the wave and stabilizes around 3-6 active members, depending on the RP. Once it stabilizes, it lasts a VERY long time (I've hosted the same RP for about a year once. T'was pretty sweet.). I've found that Skype helps hold people accountable, since the message is instant and you get a notification. I'm not going to force anybody, no, but I've found it to be extremely useful.

Another change of topics: Anyone up for team-forming with me? :D
...I'm pretty sure Slayer-type magics have been sealed off/unallowed on the RP entirely, unless this is something completely different. Like Toaw said, you're gonna have to explain what it does. Like, alot.

On a completely unrelated note, would any of you have access to the Skypes? I find it faster to communicate small things there than post n' wait on the OOC. It also keeps the clutter level down here. Just a suggestion, since I used to do it with all the RPs I've ran over the years.
*Twiddles thumbs*

Oh, the anticipation! :D
We still haven't seen either of the GM's characters...

Speaking of which, when do you think this'll get off the ground? :D
Man, this thing is just blowing up to massive sizes, isn't it? XD

Sidenote: You never gave your two-cents on my CS, lordmidget. If there are any glaring problems, please let me know.

Have a link!

*Glances at the front page* Oh hey! I'm on the thing! Imagine that.
In response to dirkin's review:

1. Awareness alone can now break an illusion. What I'm worried about with this mechanic, however, is the metagame making it useless in a combat setting. The RPer knows it's an illusion, so his/her characters instantly become aware as well. I don't think it will be a major issue, but I feel obliged to at least bring some attention to it.

1 and a Half: I stuck in a footnote saying that more people in an illusion equals less stability in the illusion, making it easier for everyone involved to escape. If one becomes aware, he/she can bail everyone else out. Someone on the outside can also interrupt an illusion. Doing anything like a time limit would just prove to be confusing, since the perception of time can also be messed with, meaning that second could feel like hours, etc.

2. Astaroth is an A-class mage as of right now, but he could be promoted to S-class once the plot deems in necessary/acceptable. I have no issues with this setup.

3. Phoenix Wing's master helping Astaroth further control his magic sounds like a grand idea. I'm all for it.
(There's no preview! Gah!)

Character Sheet
Name: "Delusion Artist" Astaroth
Age: 25

Magic Level: A

History: Astaroth was born and raised in a small hamlet on the outskirts of Fiore. Although not a "normal" kid by today's standards, he socialized with the community quite well. Starting in his teen years, he would always overhear the townsfolk complaining of frequent and surreal nightmares. There were also sightings of "ghosts" and witness accounts of hearing sourceless, eerie noises. Over the course of a few years, this eventually down spiraled into a region-wide superstition of being haunted by demons. The minds of the townspeople gradually slipped into paranoia and sheer madness. Astaroth was spooked as well, until he realized that he was unintentionally the cause. It turns out that all the mysterious "ghosts" were actually illusory projections created from Astaroth's budding magic. As he got older, the illusions got stronger, effectively breaking the minds of many innocent civilians.

With this in mind, he set off on his own, bouncing from guild to guild in search of work and training while his hometown recovered. Initially, he couldn't stay with a guild for very long, since those not strong enough to resist his subconscious magic would eventually be hurt by it. As the years went on, Astaroth gradually gained control over his demons, per say, allowing him to find a permanent home in Phoenix Wing, which he has been a part of for three years.

Personality: Astaroth is a very kind and friendly man, if not a bit dry. He genuinely cares about other's well-being, but his deadpan delivery and lack of dynamic facial expressions could come off as creepy. He's not against socialization, but tends to be very quiet, preferring to drift to the outer rim of a group and listen rather than talk. Astaroth may seem "mature" initially, but he's just as capable of unruly shenanigans as any other Phoenix Wing member. He actually enjoys some friendly antics every once in a while. His moral standards prevent him from permanently crippling or killing anyone, but his Perception Magic doesn't leave much lingering damage, if any at all.

Team Members: None at the moment, but he's more than open to grabbing a partner.
Three Strengths:
1. Very creative with his magic and has a vast understanding of what it does and what it's capable of.
2. Highly intelligent and thinks before he acts
3. Can easily get along with people and knows how to work diplomacy
Three Weaknesses:
1. Given that none of the morbid wounds Astaroth inflicts are "real", Perception Magic cannot deal damage directly. The worst it can inflict post-illusion is mental trauma, which can be overcome with little time (a few hours/days).
2. Astaroth is known to hesitate and can be incredibly indecisive.
3. Astaroth is not extremely fit compared to say, a martial artist. In fact, he fights most of his battles completely stationary in "reality".

Greatest Love: To see someone else smile
Motivation: To better himself and others. Money and alcohol doesn't hurt, either.

Additional Details:
-Astaroth can actually draw and sculpt pretty well. He uses it to inspire his illusions or for interior design from time to time. They also make lovely gifts.
-His guild mark is blue, and is located on the left side of his neck.
-He's never actually explained to Phoenix Wing (outside of the master) what his magic is or how it functions. Doing so would ruin its potency.
I haven't been on the RP scene in a while, but summer's around the corner, so why the heck not?

CS coming soon, if you're still open.
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