Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@Kurisaoh good god the flash back convos of old Kurisa and old Kuroda......................literally Kenpachi and Byakuya.
@KurisaGood deal. *Gives gold flake tea* Also, dammit, always taking squad six, it's been like 4 years <______<
Squad 11 or nothing... *cough* -Send the old Kill Seeker-
Captain of ...11? Reserve please ^^

And as I always ask, Kurisa, I'm making sword skills, is that ok?
@KurisaProper question like what is really underneath that mask you're so fond of....
Give us the OOC <__________<
You have me here.
I would also like for this RP to continue. This RP showed promise, as there are active participants. I myself have been craving a Bleach RP for quite a while now since it was the first RP I have ever joined a while back.

In terms of the questions of GM-ing. I have done some, but I'm not that good at it nor do I currently have the time that it would take to take up the role of a proper GM. What I can offer is this. I can be a Co-GM of sorts. I can chime in with ideas and opinions in certain matters, especially power design/balancing. It's what I've done the best in, and what I am most interested in as well.

In terms of the question of how we should continue this RP, I believe that one of us should step in as the GM and we simply move this to a new thread as that would make things simpler, in general.
I'm almost done haha. Just the skills now basically.
I would just like to state my confusion at all the WIP posts that establish basically nothing more than a name and appearance. If this is a useful function, I'd like to know how... @_@

I mean, I'm getting it done bit by bit. I have two larger sections left now, I think.. @_@
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