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@ProProI did. +100 pts for instant reference.

Wait...what is your spirit>
Meanwhile, Elsewhere in the darkness

"These filthy shinigamis... Having no respect for us. For me. If it was not for that damned Mad Man, storming in here with his two swords and a disgusting smile plastered on his face, I would still be King..." The dark figure snorted.

There was a faint torch light. The dark figure turned slightly, revealing his massive frame and scar...

"It is about time I put the fear back in these bastards. My children, march forth and bring hell upon the infidels who dares defy our might..." The giant man bellowed.

The ground rumbled. In the distance, the sound of a rusty gate opening can be heard...

Meanwhile, Elsewhere in the Rukongai

The Wanderer was doing what he did best, and that is wander. A sword that he has long forgotten the name to sit at his waist. The bell he had tied to his waist jingled. The dulled, senseless look on his face was wiped off and a small expression of panic took over. "No. Not now. I can't..." He whispered. In a uncharacteristic fashion, the old man seemed to execute Shunpo to the highest degree and simply vanished from plain sight.

Arriving at a nondescript manor, the old man paced through the hallways and into the main hall. The owner of the manor, another old man of intense physiques greeted him. "Ah. Sensei, what brings you here today? Come, sit, have some tea with me." The old man shook his head lightly and walked straight past the man, touching a calligraphy scroll hung on the wall. "Its time. They're ready again..." The older man said. The old man turned to look at the older man "Ah. I thought I felt a rumbling... Ladon...Ladon heard his call..." The older man nodded at the old man's comment. "Yes. After all, she was made from him... You think your boy is ready?" The older man asked. "He better be. What did you say to me before? 'If you die or disappear, I will kill you and nothing can save you.' ." By now, the calligraphy on the scroll had disappeared and a soul butterfly can be seen flying out of the manor and towards Seireitei. "Yes. I did. Though, this time around, if he dies, neither of us, nor that Roumenji brat can save them.." The older man said. "You know, Sensei, for a wanderer, you sure knows what is going on in the Gotei 13..." The old man chuckles. The dulled and dazed expression had returned to the older man. "Huh? what do you mean? I'm just a servant of Brom. I don't know anything about this Gotei 13 you speak of. Now, make me some tea, baka disciple." The older man said. With a smile, the old man carried on, making tea and acting as if nothing had happened...

<Snipped quote by AbigailTenshi>

Beowulf is a twenty five foot gorilla. He kind of demands respect....

Put some respek on his name.
@AbigailTenshi@ProProGood. I'll try to finish the mission design by tonight and have a opening post up for it.

I'll take one, two at most, more characters with me~
@ProPro@AbigailTenshiYou two want in on a mission? I'm planning one.

Anyone wants to join, let me know as well. Abi and ProPro has priority though...
@AbigailTenshi3rd seat.

"Ahahaha, well said. Perhaps thats what I'll name this blend. Taizen Arashi, the calm storm. Per usual, you give me the best names for my blends. I've been waiting to taste your next concoction as well, whenever you feel like making it that is.." He chuckled. His fellow captain, while dutiful, have been known to be rather lax on the matter of producing quality alcohol. Kenshin, on the other hand, routinely produces some of the finest wine known to man, according to himself that is.

"Well, Beowulf will have to wait. As you know, Hiryu reads him his bedtime story, not me. Right now, Hiryu is busy being a little girl and not paying attention to me. So Beowulf will have to wait." He said to his lieutenant. Usually, when she requests that there to be a bedtime story read to her zanpakuto, she is asking for a spar. Right now, Kenshin is not feeling up to it. He can, but he just doesn't want to. "Oh? So the training is all finished? Hm. It would seem I made it too easy... Is my mead ready? I want to have a taste while cooking up the next training menu. I think I'll add a 100km run to it. If you guys were able to finish the daily training regiment in the time it took me to have this meeting, it was too short....Hmmmm....." He pondered. The menu for the day consisted of 1000 practice swings for both right side and left side attacks of the sword, 1000 sword thrusts, 2000 push ups, 2000 crunches, a 25 minute shadow-spar session, 100 quick-draw practices, 2500 body weight squats, a 50km run, along with a standard warmup and cool down session. If his squad can finish the training in a few hours, either they were bullshitting during the training or it was too simple. Now, with the soul butterflies he had placed in the training grounds, he thinks it was the latter of the two situations. "In any case, I think I'll be heading back to the 11th, Eel-san, feel free to drop by whenever." He said to his fellow captain with a smile and ended with a half bow. Walking towards his barracks, he said to his lieutenant "Come along Mirja, lets go. Oh the meeting? I mean, the old man just told us that the hollow numbers were increasing and that there were incidents in the rukongai. He is sending a few people out to investigate. We're not a part of that group so we're not leaving, you hear me? " He said in a nonchalant tone. However, he expected his lieutenant to take what he said as an order, in the fact that he was not tasked with anything involving the current situation at, so his squad is to stand down for the time being.
@ASplashOfMusicId be more than happy to have you in the 11th. Though, after reading your character, 6th could be a good fit ^_^
@Phobos We have another dissipate XDDDDDD
@Vongola_Hasayo Hashtag HashingOut
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