Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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"We can agree on the fact that we were both just passing through and thought about just helping out." He checked his camera, noting that the man had dropped his weapon and spun around to show him that he isn't carrying anything else. Clicking off the inter-com, he spoke to his assistant, "Make sure he isn't hiding anything. Switch to HUD mode only, lock ship controls until I return." "Yes."

Speaking through the inter-com again, He said "Alright, I'm coming down, we can have a proper greeting, you without that silly voice modulator, and me without trying to kill you." With a small hop, he stepped off his seat, and approached an door. With a small hiss, the door opened, leading to a hallway.

Stepping through the door, he made sure to lock the entrance to the cockpit behind him, in case the man aboard took him down and wanted to hijack the ship. Approaching another airlock, he clicked into the inter-com through a panel on the wall. "I'll meet you in my dining room. There is only going to be one way down for you, so just follow. I assume you drink, yes? Feel free to call out what you want and it will be waiting for you."

As he finished his sentence, the door hissed open, leading to a bright, clean, albeit smallish, dining room. Pouring himself some water, he waited for the man to approach.
Maybe answer the question of why your character was there? The distress signal went wide, and wasn't sent just to anyone specific, so you can just make something up there. Also, you can deny the fact that your name would come up or something like that.
Are we...stuck?
He checked his inter-com. He did indeed left it on. No matter now. He clicked it off, speaking to F.R.I.D.A.Y. once again. "That doesn't sound real, that name or that voice, get to the bottom of it." "Yes." F.R.I.D.A.Y. giving a short reply before proceeding with the scans.

"Also, scan all known registries for the registered owner of his ship, El Pezo Negro." "Already on it." Speaking over inter-com again, he said "I don't know if you gave me your correct name, or an alias. That doesn't matter. However, if you happened to have forgotten to also give me a false name on your ship, I should have your name in no time..." He continued "Don't worry about how I took off your cloak. I have my ways. Like my greeting message said, I'm here to respond to the distress signal. I can ask you the same thing. What is a human doing so far from civilization? Why are you here?"

Moments later, F.R.I.D.A.Y. continued on with the inquiry. "Sir, I did find a hit on El Pezo Negro..."

(I'm leaving my post open, I don't want to meta-game here. You can refute it by saying your ship isn't registered : P )
"Hacking complete. His cloaking mechanism is down, I've also disabled random motor skills controls as well." "Heh, you're tricky. Ok, rotate the random disabling, keep it guessing" F.R.I.D.A.Y used a male pronoun to describe the living organism. Jhin thought that through and just assumed that she scanned through the living organism's vitals as well. "Yes, sir, you thought correctly." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. "Ok, you need to not do that. Thats just creepy." "You didn't have to upload me into the neural controls of your mask, but you did, so its your fault..." "Fine, whatever. It seems to me he touched the electro-net, but didn't burn. What happened?" "It seems like the electricity charged his suit." "Thats annoying... "

Jhin tapped on a holographic screen, a schematic of some type of power-suit appeared. "Store this design away, into the hidden drive." "Understood. It also seems like he is requesting entrance through airlock four." "Ok. Open the airlock, keep the inner door closed of course. If he wants to talk, we can talk through inter-com." "Understood. Airlock four opening. Pressurizing and flooding space with oxygen"

With small whizzes, the airlock opened, letting Nilam into his space ship. "Identify yourself. The space you are currently in is pressurized and has breathable air." Jhin called out through the inter-com. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., activate vocal and facial recognition, scan through all known criminal databases, cross-reference. " "Understood."

Meanwhile, in the main cabin, Jhin activated his bionic mask, pulling out his pistol and letting his mask automatically synchronize to it.
On his approach, his ship's AI system received the hail signal. "Sir, there is a hail signal coming asking us to identify ourselves." "Well, then, we'll do that. We don't want to open fire quite yet, do we?" "Of course not sir, sending out default response." "Good. Now, F.R.I.D.A.Y, give me a holo-scan of both ships, with weapon layouts and a list of who or what is still on board." "Yes, sir."

The response sent out was this "Hello, this is the spaceship Los Lobos. We are here to respond to [The Distress Signal]. We are not currently hostile. Please identify"

Moments later, the AI was heard again. "Sir, the ship that seems to be in order is a Type-11, twin thrusters, sixteen fuel cells each. Top speed is most likely around 2 light years outside hyperjump. Weapon on board include several small firearms, just strewn about in the cabin. There are currently one life form on board, with an autonomous being. The life form is hard for me identify, doing a deep scan right now." "Interesting. A life form you can't readily identify. Now I'm cur-" Before he can finish his sentence, his ships perimeter detection system pinged him. "Sir, another life form is approaching. This one seems to be cloaked somehow as my physical cameras are not able to locate it. However, a sonar scan has pinned his location. Do we engage?" "No, let it approach. If it hits me hard enough to do damage to the ship, it is getting caught in the blast. Then I'll kill it. However, put up the electro-net. As soon as it touches it, I want it to receive a warm welcome."

As he finished giving instructions to his ship's operating system, he pulled out his both of his pistols and inspected them one at a time. As soon as he was satisfied with their condition, he slide them back into their holsters which were situated next to his ribcage, pneumatically sealed in place. Next, he clipped on his rifle straps, pressing the center button with his right palm to pneumatically secure the weapon to his back. Getting out of his seat, he went to a near by wall, checking that his shotgun was secured to the wall mount it has been placed on. Finally, he slid the tactical knife into its holster, situated by his right thigh.

"Sir, the life form seems to have grabbed onto something as it has stopped." "Just what.. F.R.I.D.A.Y, I need to own the suit it is wearing, if it is. Hack through it, go..."

(Sorry Pumpkin, I'll edit my previous post so its more... correct lol~)
Ah. I see.

I will be working on a reply soon~
What sounds lit..? lol
Few Days ago.

Jhin was sitting in his favorite 'hotel' on Frixion Prime, his base of operations so to speak. He was just flipping through the intergalactic newspapers du jour, his smartwatch on the table receiving messages and such.

Pings would come in and out, new jobs he could undertake. He would constantly whisper to himself "You got out. Don't do it... You don't need it..." while the messages were coming in. Taking a deep breath and ignoring the repeating pings from his watch, he flipped through the newspaper, stopping at the sports section. "Oh. The Sector Four Comets beat the Sector Six Novas... Now thats an upset. I wonder how much people lost betting on that game.. Heh."

In the docking stations, his spaceship was docked, fueled, supplied and otherwise ready to launch. This ship was simple enough to be piloted and crewed by himself, but has the capacity to hyperjump across sectors, carry a six-person team with their equipment, and has enough supplies to travel through deep-space for about five years without resupplying. In other words, Jhin spent a pretty penny on this ship...

Setting his paper down and sighing slightly, Jhin adjusted his posture. When a unfamiliar ping shot out from his wrist watch, he furrowed his eyebrows as he reached out and grabbed it to take a look. "A Ten million units job. That is a lot of money to put on someone's head... I wonder who else this got out to..." He set his watch down, sighing once again. Taking a sip of his coffee, he peered about his room. He was bored. Extremely bored. "Fuck it. It'd be more fun than just sitting here... I just have to get ready..." He said in a soft voice.

Picking up the room phone. He dialed three digits. A woman's voice can be faintly heard on the other side. Jhin responded "Is the chef in? I'd like a tasting... Oh and I need a meeting with the tailor..." A few moments later, he hung up the phone. Picking up a few things, he got up, straightened himself out and headed out of his room.

Heading down to the restaurant, he approached the service door. The staff closest to the door turned slightly to look at him. Jhin showed him a ring he was wearing on his right pinky finger. The staff member gave him a small nod and he continued into the kitchen. Once in, he moved swiftly and quietly, not quite addressing anyone that he may have crossed paths with. Stopped with another door, there was no one there to stop him this time. He pushed the door open and stepped in. Soft, but upbeat, classical music can be heard in the background. There as another man, dressed as a distinguished chef would be. White chef's shirt, shorts that falls to his knees, and crocs. If Jhin was around at the time, he would have put a bullet into whoever invented those diabolical things. "Ah Mr. W-" Jhin raised a hand, stopping the man from going any further. "I need a tasting menu created for a private party, can you cater?" "Of course. Few questions first. Is this a formal event, or social?" "Social." "Will it be during the day, or evening?" "Seriously? You need to update your questions... We're in the space age. Both." "Ok. I know your fondness of starting with something simple, with spicy undernotes. For this time of year, I recommend a P30L, fitted with a barrel compensator, along with the recoil dampener should you find yourself in zero-gravity. The sights are your standard tritium sights. Complete with your custom barrel-marking specifications and a flared mag-well for easier reloads. A beautiful start to any event." "Very good. Now, second course. I need something precise, clean." "Precise, clean. May I recommend the Model TR. 14.5 inch barrel, One six magnification Trijicon AccuSight. Fitted with a barrel compensator and of course your custom barrel-markings." Jhin picks up the rifle and mocks the action of him aiming down sight and firing the weapon. Nodding slightly, he continues "Final course. This one needs to be robust, bold, and well rounded." "Of course. I have just the thing. May I suggest the M4 Super 90. Fixed stock with texture grips, should your hands be wet, custom bolt carrier, tritium sights. A simple, yet robust end to your event." "Very well. Now, dessert." Jhin said with a small smile. "Dessert. I have our finest explosives and cutlery. Any one would pair very well with your previous choices. " A small chuckle escaped Jhin. He picked a tactical knife, two flash grenades, two concussive grenades, two plasma grenades. Taking a second look at his choices, he put the explosives down. "Maybe just the knife." The chef smiled and nodded. "Excellent choices. I will have the tasting samples sent to your room sir." A few clanks can be heard against the table. Jhin had dropped off some ornate coins that were clearly different than the universal currency. "Thank you" Jhin turned and began to exit. "Do you enjoy tour event, Mr. W-" Just before the chef finished his sentence, Jhin had exited the room, closing the door behind him.

A few hours later, a hotel staff with a large cart arrived at his door. Opening it and accepting the delivery, Jhin handed the staff member one of the ornate coins he had used before and sent the staff member on his way. Another knock followed soon after. Jhin check the door, seeing who it was. It was the tailor, with his helper. Opening the door, he let the two men in.

"Good evening Mr. W-" Again, Jhin stopped the man before he could finish his sentence. "I need a new suit." "Very well. Would this be an indoor event or outdoors..?" "I need something suited for both." The tailor whispered something to his helper while taking down precise measurements of Jhin's arm length."I assume your usual style would be ok?" "I need boosters, for the boots and back." Noting it down, the tailor continued "Very well, usual ammo capacity?" "Go with the extended for this one." Jhin replied. Giving a small nod, the tailor continued "The lining and air seal?" "I need something lightweight, but tactical." "We have a quad-ply lining. The inner most layer is made for comfort, thin, breathable, and soft. The second layer consists of soft kevlar plating, ceramic and carbon fiber cross weaves, infused with silicon carbide and a shock absorbing compound. The third layer is for rigidity. Traditional kevlar plating in crucial areas to protect against blunt force, carbon fiber weaving in others to provide more protection while maintaining mobility. The electronic, and life-preserving, components are situated between the second and third layer, and the outer most layer is a 'soft' ceramic compound with fire-resistant fibers to provide surface heat resistance and dissipation. Of course, the helmet with be fitted to accompany your custom gear and heads-up display. The visor is coated with cutting edge Omnium to allow for unhindered clarify even under the most intense lights." Nodding, Jhin seems pleased with how his space suit is coming together. "Very well. Can you have it down in three days?" "Of course. We will have it sent to your room for a final fitting when we are finished." "Very good. Thank you." "Our pleasure sir. It is always good to see you back on Frixion Prime, Mr. W-" Jhin cut the man off by placing a few more ornate coins into his hands and showing him the way out.

Two days has since past. He has his gear ready. Hopping into his ship, He first put the shotgun on a wall mount near a wall. Then he put his rifle to the right of his pilot seat as Whisper was on the left side. The tactical knife was in a holster by his right thigh, and the two pistol were in their holster by his ribcage. "Good morning F.R.I.D.A.Y. Its time to take Los Lobos out for a hunt~" He said in a cheerful voice. A young woman's voice can then be heard "Good morning sir. Yes, I do believe it is. Importing coordinates from last job received. This trip will take us [12 days]. The ship is supplied and ready to launch." "Bring up a list of supplies for final check, detach from dock and ask tower for permission to launch" As soon as he finished his sentence, a holographic list of all things on his ship appeared in front of him. Quickly scanning and nodding his way through, he waited for permission to launch. "Permission granted, we are OK to launch." "Very good, take us out~" As he finished his sentence, seat belts zipped out of the seat and secured him. The particle engines behind his spaceship made small humming noises before a small boom. He was gone from sight from the hotel docking station.

During his travels, he picked up a distress signal. "Hm. I wonder what that is. F.R.I.D.A.Y? How far is that signal from us?" "Approximately 3 hours." "Hm. Change course, head for the signal. I think we can take a small detour.."


Jhin leaned back in the pilot seat. Whisper, his trusty rifle is situated to his left hand side, though he does not plan on using it this time out. Decelerating, he approached the origins of the distress signal. Upon his arrival, he spots the other ship that seems to be in good order and what is presumably the ship that sent out the distress signal, with a hole torn through the hull and signs of rapid depressurization around it.

He is joining.

I'm just reading everything that has been posted and constructing his entrance ^__^
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