Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@AbigailTenshiFack off Sex Panther.
@Kurisa Hollow Katsu Curry.
@KurisaI mean. Like back in the day? Or... Like... new Hollows?
Kuroda Jōichirō ( 黒田 城一郎 )

UGHHH fine.....


Jōichirō rolled his eyes. It was clear that Matsuo was trying really hard to scare them. Seriously. They are fresh out of the academy. If they were at war and were sent into battle, they would likely be the first to die anyways. Why not have some fun while they can? In fact, with his father in his seat as the Hokage, he can't imagine too much harm or threat would dare enter the village...

In any case, Jōichirō was ready to let it go and revert his focus back onto the mission when Tsukai had to basically challenge him. Or at least thats what it sounded like. "I-..." Jōichirō started to speak, thinking up rebukes for Tsukai. "Nevermind." He said, deeming it not worth his time to even offer his rebuttal. Tsukai isn't exactly wrong. There isn't a competition between the two of them. Yet. But, there isn't a need for a competition with the other team anyways. They were all in the same village. In a wartime scenario, they would be fighting under the same banner, and hopefully for the same cause...

"We don't have to act like adults. We can act like ourselves. As long as the mission gets completed, everyone goes home happy..." He said to Mai. "And to be fair, I doubt there would be any major rewards for a mission like this. Probably just a meal the farmer would treat us to is all, unless Matsuo-San wants to sweeten the deal at all later..."

His face twitched slightly. Mai mentioned that he should know these things since he was the son of the Hokage. "Just because he is my father, does not mean he tells me everything... In fact, when he gets home from work, we don't even really talk..." He said, in a spiteful tone. "Whatever, lets just get this stupid farm work over with..."

Elsewhere still.

Tap Tap Tap. TapTapTap. Tap Tap Tap
Here is my obligatory fack off.
@AbigailTenshiwhen they are installed correctly you mean.

@Saltwater Thief Nope you’re fine. I should have been more descriptive. Yes, it goes through the village into a small forest. So it will take some time to cover the distance.
Dude, don't worry about it~

We get into and out of moods. Its all good~
@AbigailTenshiWhen do you even make sense though?
Kuroda Tesshin

Let me just have some tea while they do this...

@Kurisa@Saltwater Thief@AbigailTenshi@FourthKing

"Ah, well, Shikkaru-Kun, thats a family secret my even my own son does not know." He let out a small chuckle. "If you stick around long enough you might just find out" He said in response to Shikkaru's question about the tea. He grows and cultivates his own tea, in fact, and mixes it with certain herb for their desirable tastes and effects. In fact, when he is not on a mission, he spends most of his time making tea and different herbal combinations.

"Thats good Kanzaki-Chan. If you ever have questions about proper sword maintenance, come and see me. You know, the katana was my favorite weapon when I used to use them." He let out another small chuckle. "I can see that you take pride and care in your sword, and I'm sure your master is proud."
"Keizo-Kun, keep up now. These guys are going to be your teammates for life now. The bond you create now will stay with you forever, or until one of you die that is." He smiled, a genuine but slightly sinister smile. "So, please stay with your group and work together during this trai- Uh- I mean mission. A very important mission indeed."

Still moving at a brisk pace, he has led his team out to the courtyard now. The valley and its surrounding area is in full view of himself and the team. The Hokage Rock, specifically, stood out as a testament of power and will of the village.

"Ah Yarin-Chan, you can relax. I can tell you're nervous. I'm not as malicious as I seem." He said in a goofy tone. "Even though you were late, and it seems to me you took time to take care of your Sakura colored hair, there would be no punishment this time. Though, your score on the mission may be docked depending on your performance." He said in a soft tone. In truth, he had no desire to reprimand the girl Though he still wanted her to know that regardless of the circumstances, when a mission is about to start, time is of the essence and being on time is as important as life or death.

"Now, as we are outside, we can start the mission..."

Taking out a kunai that had a customer hand wrap, he motioned for the group to take a few steps away from him. "Now, give me some space... Alright, lets see here..." He looked around, imbuing the kunai with a bit of lightning chakra as he did. "Ok, got it." He saw the location he wanted, reared back and throw the kunai as hard and as far as he could. With his strength and the lightning chakra, the kunai took off flying, easily several hundreds of meters and drilled into a tall cliff side. The cliff side he picked was most likely the steepest one in the whole village. Physically scaling it would be quite impossible. Combined with the height of where the kunai had landed, circling around and reaching it from the top would be unwise as well.

"Now, your mission is to get me my kunai back. Matter of fact, the one to pull it out of the cliff can keep it. Work together, stay together, and come back together. There will be surprises for you along the way, so be ready. Now go. We haven't got all day." The ending of the sentence was said in the most serious tone he had shown since the kids have met him. He pulled out his flask, took a sip and waited for the kids to be off.
One. Eternity. Later.
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