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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Nah, I'd be willing to bet it won't even take weeks with me. A week, max. " He said, chuckling. In his own mind, he knows that there was no way he'd get his Shikai in a weeks time. In fact, he doesn't know how long it would take to get it done. When he was told to enter Jinzen, he has always only heard faint whisperings and things of that nature. He doesn't know his zanpakuto's name, nor does it know his, if he had to make a guess...

When Shizuo opened the Senkaimon, he sighed. "Well, here goes literally nothing... We got carried away, but that was fine, I suppose. We did our 'jobs', even if it wasn't a part of our mission. You're right. It seemed like it was... learning, or worse, evolving, as we fought it. It learned to-" With that, he hopping in the Senkaimon before carrying on "Break our Bakudo's, charged at us, but not aimlessly, and knew how to retaliate in a general sense. All of this should be told to the captain..."
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi sighed. "Oi, fuck off. It'd would be so much better when I can get my Shikai, which I intend on getting years before you do, you little wizooooorrrrd" Shinpachi said, slightly chuckling. "But yeah. I mean, do you remember the lessons we had? I mean, this hollow seemed too.... scrubby.... to be firing off ceros like that. And the fact that it was able to break free from our Bakudo. There is definitely something sketchy going on..."
Shinpachi's left eye twitched slightly. "You're right... We were supposed to just track and monitor this hollow... But, we;ve gone and killed it. Oh well. Its our job to do this anyways eh? Lets go. We have to report to the captain anyways..."
Off to a flying start.
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Scampering backwards from a seated position, Shinpachi was trying to move himself out of harm's way. With Shizuo's Sekienton, Shinpachi got to his feet, and dashed away, regrouping with Shizuo.

"What? Out of stamina already? Don't let the captain hear about this." Shinpachi joked. "But seriously, yeah. I can do something, as long as you can still swing your sword. This is my plan. I'll immobilize it with a Geki, cut this fucker to pieces while I hold it down. Good?"

Without waiting for an affirmative answer, Shinpachi began chanting under his breath, the same incantation as his previous bakudo. As he finished his incantation, a red glow formed around his right index and middle finger and he drew the symbol in the air, causing a red glow to appear around the giant hollow. The thrashing hollow shrieked, being immobilized. "Now is your chance! Cut it the fuck up!"
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Straining, Shinpachi did his best to hold the hollow still so Shizuo could have a clean target to hit with whatever kido he was planning on using. Meanwhile, Shinpachi was being pulled a bit. Knowing his own strength, Shinpachi moved so his bakudo connected to a tree. In any case, if the hollow managed to break free through brute force, it would have a speeding tree coming at it.

Seeing that Shizuo's kido did quite the damage to the hollow, Shinpachi couldn't let his rival just show him up like that. The main objective of the mission was nowhere to be found in his mind at this point. Only a simple bloodlust. Smirking devilishly, Shinpachi quickly climbed up a tree, getting above the hollow and focusing his gaze on the cracked mask. Jumping from his vantage point, he brought his sword down on the hollow.

Unfortunately, he missed.

Instead of cutting through the cracked mask, he just slashed it down the length of its body, causing damage but not enough to completely finish it off.

Now, Shinpachi was dangerously close to the raging hollow...
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Fuck off. It cut it at least a little where as your fucking lazer beam did literally fuck all. You shit." Shinpachi sighed inwardly. They were weak. There was no getting around it. Despite their efforts, the hollow had sustained minimal damage.

"Oi, who died and made you captain?" Shinpachi rebuffed. No more jokes this time around. They had to get a bit more serious. Given that their previous efforts amounted to nearly nothing, one wrong move count be disastrous for the both of them. "Don't worry about my Bakudo, I'll be fine. Just don't fire another pantsy ass laser beam and actually hit it with something worthwhile this time!" Shinpachi barked back.

"自壊せよロンダニーニの黒犬!! 一読し・焼き払い・自ら喉を掻き切るがいい! / Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!"

Shinpachi whispered under his voice the incantation of the Bakudo he intended to fire. "Bakudo #9, Hōrin !" He shouted, firing off a orange tendril that latched on to the hollow by the midsection, tying its arms to its body. "FIRE YOUR SHIT! HE IS GOING TO DRAG ME OFF THE GROUND ANY TIME NOW!!!"
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Oh fuck off. Last time I offer you medical supplies you asshole." Shinpachi barked. Keeping an eye on the bound hollow, Shinpachi was making sure that they weren't snuck up on. "Hey man, easy on Tree-chan. Otherwise she'd tell your first lover Rock-kun you cheated on him with Dirt-Sama you dirty bastard." He said, chuckling.

A rumble was felt.

The ground shook slightly. Perplexed, Shinpachi peaked around the tree again only to see the hollow charging at them. "Oh fuc-" Again, his sentence was cut short as Shizuo decided to yeeeet him from the tree instead of telling him to dodge or something like a sane person would have done. "Tsk." Shinpachi said, visibly annoyed.

Observing Shizuo and drawing his sword, he thought to himself "Now I have to keep this fucker alive, what the hell is he going to do? Actually fire a damn lazer at the hollow?" Moments later, his thoughts were confirmed. Shizuo fired the Shinigami equivalent of a lazer at the hollow, doing literally fuck all. Shinpachi wanted to laugh. Matter of fact, he did. "Oi, Wizard-kun, did your little spell even do anything?" Shinpachi said, jumping from his vantage point and charging at the hollow that is now charging after Shizuo. With his sword held with his right hand, he switched to a two handed grip and pointed the sword to his right, held about chest high. With a clean slash, he tried to cut through the Achilles tendon, thus grounding the hollow for good.

Given the size of the hollow, his slash did very little other than annoy the beast. "Tsk" Shinpachi voiced. Kicking off the ground Shinpachi tried to get some distance before going back in for another attack.
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi was dashing after the hollow, along with Shizuo. Being sent on a mission this early on in his career was quite exciting. However, the pairing left something to be desired. Even in the academy, Shinpachi and Shizuo have always had friendly competition of sorts going on all the time. They would always try to one up each other. Being able to remain in Jinzen the longest, being able to shunpo the furthest, being able to fire a Shakkaho without it exploding on them, things of that nature.

Admittedly, Shizuo was better Shinpachi at Kido. Its quite evident, as much as Shinpachi would like to not admit. In any case, Shinpachi kept his focus on the task at hand, which was to track and monitor a hollow but they are not to engage it in combat. However, being a hothead, Shinpachi was never really going to let the hollow come into his sights and live to tell its grotesque friends about it.

"Tsk! What? Stop shout-" Shinpachi replied to Shizuo. However, the reply was cut short by a slight buzzing noise. Shinpachi kicked off the tree he was planning on landing on hard, redirecting himself out of the way of the incoming red beam of fucking death. "Fucking hell. Shizuo!" Shinpachi made his way to his partner as quickly as he can, tossing him a small roll of gauze and some ointment. "Patch yourself up, you're bleeding on my tree..." Said as a joke, but with a tone of disdain. Seeing the hollow being bound and thrashing about on the ground, Shinpachi sighed. "I suppose you couldn't fire some other lazor beeeem to shut its mouth up? Fucking useless, you are. " Staying back, Shinpachi waited for Shizuo to be back on his feet before formulating their next move.

There, you disgusting bastard.

@PrinceAlexus Interacting with Vika. He is currently leaning behind his counter, just conversing with Vika.

Offering a warm smile, Ryan gave a small nod. "I can make more tea to refresh your cup. Unfortunately I have to make this tea one cup at a time. Brewing a whole kettle just... distorts the taste into something that is not too pleasant. If at any time you would like more tea, please let me know. As to the discretion... It is not my place to disclose any information you chooses to share with me to anyone without your expressed permission. So, this is neither an invitation to share information, nor a rejection to hearing whatever you wish to tell me." His smile never left his face as he spoke to Victoria.

Leaning behind the counter in a quite casual stance, he addressed Victoria's question about the ownership of this restaurant. "Ah, I'm just a cook. I've heard the owner can be a right prick though, should he chooses to be. However, there is nothing to fear with me. He doesn't really care about the inventory of vegetables or whatever ingredients I've used. Despite the prickly demeanor, he has always told his employees to embrace the seasons, use the best ingredients, and most importantly to treat any guest as the single most important guest they serve that day, so we're all good." He gave a small chuckle. Did he really just impersonate himself? For crying out loud.

Noting her cane and the height of the bar stools along with the bar itself, he casually commented "I'll be sure to tell the owner that he needs to consider the needs of those who might come in and need a lower seat or counter. Seriously, for all the details he put in to this place, its hard to believe that he missed that. I'm sure he'll be kicking himself for not having that taken care of. Oh well. Not my business..."

"You flatter me, Ms. Victoria. This is just a bunch of vegetables, crudely prepared. After all, I'm just a cook. I'm sure its not all that impressive. I'm sure you've had plenty better." Ryan said. This much as true. It is just some vegetables, albeit all seasonal choices, crudely and hastily prepared. Not that he was one to judge, but going by the appearance of her cane, Ryan had deduced that Victoria is quite well off, and has definitely had better food than what he just made off the top of his mind. Nothing he is serving to her was on the menu of the day, anyways. "Ah, a trip, where would you and your sister be traveling to, if I may ask?" He was just making small talk. Travel was a hobby, but he doesn't get enough time to actually take a good trip somewhere without having to think and worry about the business.

Scratching his chin with his index finger and thumb, he replied to Vicotria's next question. "Ah, well, being that this is a Japanese restaurant that focuses on sushi, I'd say sushi." He chuckled at such an obvious and vague answer. "Since the owner is a bit eccentric, the menu changes all the time so I don't really know what to recommend as a signature dish... In terms of a table, if you have a time in mind, I can let the owner know that I have a friend that wants to try the restaurant. He should be willing to work around your schedule in that instance. Otherwise I think we're booked quite far into the future. The owner is quite arrogant in that fact. He makes all the customers book a table just to have dinner. Tsk." Shaking his head slightly, followed with a shrug. "I dunno. Just how he does things I suppose."

"Ah. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure its frustrating to have your private information shared to the public." He sighed. "I've never had something like that happen to me so I can't really relate but I'm sure its both frightening and maddening to have it happen to you. I'm sure things will be alright. It is also quite unfortunate about happened to the club. It was doing quite well, from what I've seen and heard. Unfortunately, the owner is also a bit of a slave-driver. He works us for long hours. Even the mornings. He has us coming to do prep work while he goes off doing God knows what on his own..." He let out a sad chuckle. "I guess thats the kind of freedom being the owner offers you, eh?" He threw his hands up and to his sides slightly. "Anyways. I'll leave you to your meal. I'll be back with some more tea shortly. If you need anything just holler, I won't be far." With that, Ryan faded into the back of the kitchen to prepare more tea for the time being.
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