Like a sullen child, Onyx hung his head throughout the entirety of the chatter. Expressing no signs of movement, or exchange of communication. Although he kept his ears keen for what was said, he may as well of been a mere shadow within the room- lingering and lifeless. Captain Odell's briefing did not inspire much encouragement- presenting himself arrogantly, just as Onyx had expected from a Human officer. The group, that seemed to be mashed together as a means of saving Vale, didn't give off much hope either. Onyx understood that appearances can be deceiving, and gained hope that these individuals would live up to expectations.
Onyx remained in a motionless state whilst Odell, accompanied by Mikoto and Basil, vacated the room. The White Fang didn't have sufficient information towards the backgrounds of those in the group under Odell's command. For now, Onyx only knew the faces that matched the names. Whether he would contribute towards learning more about his teammates, would be entirely up to him. For all he knew, most of the members of the group may not survive the impending attack.
During both the 'Great War' and the 'Faunus War', Onyx had befriended plenty of Faunas on the front lines. They shared stories of home, and formed relationships that sparked a seemingly limitless sense of morale. Creating bonds that would seem unbreakable if it had not been for the circumstances. Although, many of whom never experienced the day of return. With each, and every friend lost to war, drove an overwhelming bitterness into Onyx's soul; gradually, he made less acquaintances, and even lesser friends. Truly, the fear of losing those he holds closest is Onyx's vulnerability. Once he becomes attached, his behaviour becomes altruistic and nurturing. Among many other peeves, sensing self-vulnerability is distinctly around the top of the list. He feels more secure in distancing himself from those around him, than to suffer a great deal once again.
Onyx momentarily closed his eyes as he let out a shallow breath, already thinking too deeply about the trials and tribulations of his past. He found it was a bad habit, though a habit he could not shake, as if it had been stitched within the linings of his mind. Faces, moments, victories and defeats, pieces of information that scattered and came back as rough segments of memory. The tormented daydream of a past filled with the grief and anguish of a soldier.
Luckily for him, his attention was spent elsewhere as his pocket began to vibrate. He reached inside to grab his scroll and gazed upon it to see an unknown contact. He accepted the call, raising the scroll to the inside of his hood and to his ear.
"Onyx Ebony speaking." He spoke in a toneless voice as he shifted his eyes around the room.
"Onyx, it's Garnet. Have you met with Captain Odell?" Garnet replied.
Garnet is Onyx's superior within the White Fang, and was the same individual that had briefed him during the flight to Fort Beacon. He will be assuring that everything ran smoothly in terms of Onyx's arrival, as well as his cooperation.
No wonder the contact was unknown. For whatever reason, the White Fang didn't want to be traced. Even though there was a truce, they still could not fully trust the Humans.
Onyx turned to leave the room and began to walk to the hangars, he did not want anyone to overhear the conversation within the enclosed space. The bustling noise outside would be better suited, where prying eyes and ears would be less likely as everyone had their own business to attend to. He searched for the first sign that pointed towards the hangars and began to follow en route.
"Onyx? Did you hear me?" Garnet's voice had a touch of impatience at the lack of Onyx's response.
"Yes, yes. I've met with Captain Odell. I'm on my way to their hangars, we are leaving for Vale in twenty minutes." Onyx replied
"Good. I've heard of your foolish disobedience earlier. If I hear another bad word about you, I will take precautions. Do you understand?" Garnet spoke in a calm voice, yet Onyx knew full well what Garnet was capable of.
Garnet had been more than likely told by one of the Faunus in Fort Beacon that had been ordered to lay low and watch over Onyx.
He knew Garnet would intend to make Onyx regret going against his demands. The White Fang had grown reckless, and even desperate as the Faunus War was closing to the truce. Unaware of the oncoming truce, and the damage dealt to their number, they would turn against their own members and punish them severely for disobedience. The White Fang would slaughter families of the men who refused to step in line and fight, almost to a degree where they focused more on pulling together than fighting the Humans entirely.
It is a shame for Onyx, being wrapped up in the fight for his Father's honour to unite Faunus and Humans; along the way being beset on revenge by the firsthand experiences of the Faunus war. Furthermore, the White Fang who brainwashed him into being a puppet for their own agenda. Or his. Or perhaps he isn't even sure anymore. Although fighting is all he knows it seems. Just like those before him within his family, to be whisked away into conflict, for the sake of something he hasn't really come in to terms with yet.
"Yes Garnet. I apologise for my actions. It will not happen again." Onyx's voice began to lower, as if to whimper under Garnets superiority.
"I will contact you again, make sure you answer." Garnet demanded before ending the call.
Shortly after, Onyx arrived at the Hangar and began to wait for Odell to make himself present. He stored his scroll back into his pocket, and had thoughts of his Mother back in Menagerie. He wasn't only fighting for the sake of remnant, but also for the security of his Mother from both the Grimm and the White Fang. He understood the risks, but he'd die in a heartbeat to ensure his Mother's survival. Against all odds, Onyx had to stand strong, not for the sake of his team, but for the sake of his own little world.