I know a way it could be made fair, if innue, melon and tuuj would allow it.
Since I've already finished my fight, I could have Godfrey come and help out. As, and this is totally correct, tuuj's character is way stronger than the competition.
I wouldn't care. It would be up to Tuuj, however, he would have to be appropriately compensated if he won that fight.
I've utilized the Arena as much as possible considering the circumstances, I think the most recent events show that the environment is no good for me. The only environmental factor I haven't engaged with is the cave system, which would be downright stupid considering Tuuj would simply never enter the cave and just charge up an even stronger death ball. My character doesn't have an RPG with him, because it could easily be blocked or negated by the air abilities. Yes, it's pretty obvious that you're alluding to using the AOE of my explosive weapons, but that is literally impossible against a flying opponent unless they come to the ground for some strange reason, and the effective AOE of the grenade launcher is pointless when the round itself can just be bounced away by the invulnerable ranged shield.
Besides which, though my own character is obviously pretty hard-countered, I fail to see how at this level a flying character with an immense resistance to ranged attacks and a ranged attack of their own far exceeding the damage potential of any single attack any other character has in this tournament is balanced.
If I'm literally the only one seeing this I'm going to head off rather than wasting my time, but so far I've seen LeeRoy, Vordak and Rilla all allude to it. How much evidence has to mount against the character being too powerful for the tournament before any changes are made? Obviously this is already fairly shit for me, as I get to fight a character way above my tier level that is also perfectly designed to defeat my character considering the nerfs on his weaponry, so I'm destined to lose no matter what I do, but I don't want Tuuj to win because he has made a character which is obviously try-hardy as fuck and out of sync with the rest of the tournament. It's just bad sportsmanship if nothing else.
The environment is good for you, you still just haven't utilized it effectively (the river is also not something to ignore). You SHOULD have been using the cave system, but you opted not to, nor did you utilize any of your explosives. You could still exercise your right to having a cache of weapons somewhere in the Arena as I previously said you could.
If Tuuj doesn't enter the cave, he couldn't beat you. If he enters the cave you've negated his flying advantage. His Tears of the Wind God are something you can easily deal with when it can only come from a few directions (and as I stated previously, the damage of that attack, unless it hits you directly, is something probably easily survivable by your character).
His ranged shield is not invulnerable. You also have other ways to utilize your RPG even if he remains in the air (and the mass/velocity of that would have been difficult for him to overwhelm with his shield and deflect). As I previously explained in regards to the speed, it only pertains to speed - not to any of the forces speed would be responsible for. You don't even need to hit him to utilize your RPG even when he is in the air.
I'll gladly outline what you could have done to secure yourself a victory after the match is completed.