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  • Old Guild Username: Innue
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I've read through it a couple of times, but I want to sit on it a bit longer if you don't mind. I need to actually sketch out a timeline to make a determination and I am tired at the moment. There is a lot more spells flying around on both sides than I expected to have to rule on.

If you wish to do the preliminary legwork for me, if each of you could do the following...

Write out which spells were used, if they were used in response to another spell, at what distance they were used, and their general travel speed. I know most of this is contained within the last four posts or so, but I am having difficulty easily figuring out how much time has passed in those last few posts. Some illumination on the perception of the combatants would be helpful.

I'd classify Corban as pressing fairly solidly into the low end of high tier (rather than mid), just as a note. The one that jumps out at me the most is the Enchantment skill. Your description for the level of potency you have it is something beyond mid tier and definitely beyond something I would expect for someone that isn't fond of it. It may be providing him a bit too much flexibility if that is the case.


Some of your things could use more clarification on how they actually work (how Element and a few others operates currently pushes your tier higher, as well as a few other spells generally being more potent than I'd say for mid).


I think a lot of the problem is that there is difficulty in pitting a character that has less constraints on their skills vs one that doesn't have them. The runes may be making it difficult for Myron to easily adapt to certain situations vs the flexibility of Corban's spellcasting.

However, I do think for the most part the time creating the spells (Unless there is disagreement or something I'm missing) has been generally appropriate.

Is there anything specific I need to look at? @Divinity@Dazsos You may want to request any additional clarification from each other needed in order to complete the fight. I don't think there is a current dispute about the spells already used and the issue was more needing clarification on terms of where the characters sit in terms of powers.
Nonspecific, unofficial ruling (until I get the synopsis requested):

Divinity - Defining the upper limits of the scope of your magical abilities would be helpful, as it is difficult to ascertain the upper limit of the types of spells he would be able to pull off in some of his schools of magic. For example, what would be an example of a difficult, but still potentially feasible spell of his strongest school of magic (in the tier you are currently fighting in)?

Daz - You are already familiar with some of the issues I've had with Myron's abilities in the past. While you do better at including some of the specifics, there is some areas that you may want to define upper limits in your spells as well. Much of the last time I reviewed Myron stands in terms of areas where I am concerned. That, however, may be alleviated by clarifying the upper limits of Divinity and ensuring that yours are equal (either raised or lowered accordingly).

General - I think both of you are probably pushing into high tier (even just reading through just the bios before the disagreement started).


Not my cup of tea, so maybe someone else can take on setting up that kind of tournament.
...I know it's not my fight and I'm a useless fuckwit noob who needs to shut up and GTFO and all, and I'll be getting right on that in a second...

But nobody finds it at all suspicious that Divinity is trying to get permission from the thread judge to summarize his opponent's actions, as well as his own, in a rather heatedly contested exchange?

Dazsos is welcome to do his own material for it or point out any points where he disagrees. I have enough experience with people (and combat/judging in general) to not take things from a singular perspective.
@InnueSure, it will just take some time since I'm on mobile >_>

Edit: Would that include a summary of Dazsos' spells as well? Just not sure if he'd want to do that himself.

No rush.

I would like Daz's spells specified as well, just for balance and so I can ensure I read through things correctly.
Can I get a quicknotes from one of you in regards to the spells being used?

Spell used - post spell originated in - post spell used in

It will help me make sure I am reading all of the stuff correctly and understanding what precisely is going on.
I remember seeing a pokemon battle pretty early on in Arena, pretty cool idea actually.

I was going to run a tournament that was basically creature with moveset vs creature with moveset.

Still want to do it. Just got to get time.
It is a battle between more strictly defined spells vs a more flexible interpretation.

I'm reading through the fight - I've read through both bios. I'll do the ruling in the next few hours.
I'm reading the bios and will probably issue a ruling tomorrow. I have a lot of facts to consider.
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