Avatar of Innue
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Innue
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1478 (0.36 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Innue 11 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Re-released our creature capture thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
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8 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
8 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
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It was a beautiful sunset, but sadly, Rin was not capable of enjoying it. His fiance had been sent on a separate mission by Lady Ayameko, who had a habit of selling the services of her law enforcement out to other governments. Rin's nation rarely had much for them to do, so he couldn't fault the woman for her pragmatism. Of course, that didn't make Rin any less pleased about the situation. He didn't particularly care for these types of assignments, especially given John didn't really have an expansive list of serious crimes. It was mostly insignificant street crime, but unfortunately he had proven exceptionally difficult for local authorities to deal with, which was where he came in. Aware of John's habit of engaging in brawls, for reasons Rin couldn't begin to understand, he had arranged to meet him in this precise area through a messenger at the tavern.

Rin walked calmly in from the opposite direction, also towards the tree John was approaching, with nothing more than a casual walk, his sword still sheathed at his hip. Flying likely would have been more intimidating, or even easier, but Rin hated flying. He wasn't particularly fond of heights despite the lack of ability to fall from them, and in a pinch could tolerate them, but unlike many of the others from his Order who soared as high as they could go in the sky, Rin strongly preferred being as close to the ground as sensibly possible. Even his wife was more tolerant of heights than he was.

"Mr. Poppins," Rin called from the distance, assuming they would eventually meet next to the tree, "I am glad you got the message. Now, I have records from the local precincts tying you to thefts in the area with a total value of just over 9000 of whatever your land's currency is, so if you could pay that, along with the various fines we can begin to get this resolved. I believe local laws attach some jail time as well, so if you pay promptly we may be able to work out a reduced sentence with your authorities."

Eden Era wasn't the only rationale for their being damage in that instance, nor would it have been my basis for determining damage.

Again, the battle didn't establish parameters and I'd disagree with rigid enforcement of original Eden Era rules (especially since they've rightly been enhanced throughout the years and the material that originally shaped them also developed to incorporate far more nuance). Many of the later adaptations to both the Eden Era's and the chat rooms generally accepted guidelines and principles didn't necessarily strictly enforce the one prep per turn (depending on the tier, characters, etc). So, as much as I'd love to use

However, @Dazsos in that instance with what you are referencing those aren't necessarily prepped spells.
Posted Rin in char bin. I have an appointment early tomorrow morning so I won't get a post up until after that.

<Snipped quote by Innue>

Can your character not just use his sword to project wind slashes? Regardless, if it's just a mid/low ranged air attack while flying around that's fine. My character can probably keep up in a pure ranged slog-fest, provided you don't just have a shield to block all his projectiles.

Also, it's up to you but I was thinking we could start the fight with some unspoken beef between our characters, that has led to us taking our argument outside into a field to fight it out. Whatever the issue is can be slowly revealed as the fight progresses in a humorous manner if you wish, though having it completely unexplained could also be funny.

The cuts are different than those slashes (they are much smaller, but hurt like hell if he grabs you in an exposed area). I'd have to be within 4 or so inches of you for that portion of the technique to actually be useful. Essentially they are like having close range wind papercuts.

Rin's a law enforcement officer and your character is a thief, so they should have something to drive the fight at least.

The Arena works as well.
The only ability I've just noticed that is a bit of an issue is Megumi no Fuujin: Reitekina Yoroi for the same reason as in the tournament, it can be used to fly but also blocks projectiles, leaving John with no method for attacking him. Could I request that either it's removed, or nerfed so that Rin can't fly while using it?

I think that is a reasonable tradeoff (this is why I asked to confirm since it is Tuuj's tech) because if I am flying at this level of combat then I reasonable should have enough time to react to any projectiles.

Would you be fine if I could use a lesser version that allowed me to keep the cutting wind aspect when I am flying (on the off chance I have to do some kind of aerial close range combat move)?
@MelonheadSorry was swamped for the last couple days. Do you have a map in mind that would be good for our battle?

I'm thinking that having a post every 3 days or so seems reasonable at a minimum. I should be able to keep pace with that even with starting the new job.

Also, I will be using Rin. I removed the conditional teleport form the bio since it isn't needed for this level of fight. I believe that was the main point we needed to address. I'll post it in characters once you confirm the bio is fine in case there is any more clarification needed.

Will post some admin stuff regarding the fight tomorrow. Some stuff came up.

I'd potentially be interested.
Sorry if this seems rather brusque, but don't you think five days is a bit lenient for him to simply say he has an interest in posting, after it has been 8 already, and he has been online multiple times within those days with no word?

I'm just requesting that out of common courtesy to me that he has 24 hours to inform you he intends to post, and then 24 hours following to get out a post, offering a total of 48 extra hours(10 total days, assuming he waits until the very last minute for both) to respond. Does this sound fair?

Edit: Considering it's been 9 days by this point, actually, it's closer to 11 days absent.

You have no guidelines established at the beginning of the fight to dictate pace. You did not reach out to me until many of those days had already elapsed. Considering these fights are not mutually exclusive to anything else, I chose to go with an extended timeframe for him to respond as issues can crop up that cause time conflicts. Your timelines would be completely unreasonable given you chose not to establish criteria for enforcement prior to engaging in this match.

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