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    1. IRLCleric 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
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Hello All!

I not new to the rp world, just new to this platform. I would love to get involved in a thread! It is important to note that I am only comfortable playing female characters. There is also a good chance that if a thread has the tags romance, D&D, or fantasy you have got my undivided attention. Also, as the username suggests, I am obsessed with playing the cleric, healer, or spiritual character. Please do not hesitate to PM me for thread ideas!

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Baeshri Hills

It had been a while since Ellorei had been in the company of another druid and Rem knowingly or unknowingly had given her some peace. Her hands brushed the grass as she set the mouse down and her thoughts went to the answers that were provided to her. The idea that cities deserved to grow should their practices respect nature was a fair one. However, something about Rem's answer made her uneasy. Though Ellorei's ambitions were vague at best, she did know that she wanted to be a protector of the wilds that remained. It may have been her naivete that she was renown for, but she decided in this quiet place that she wanted to unite the druids back together. Ellorei's chieftain had told her tales of such a war, but she was determined now.
Standing Ellorei preened her owl feathered mantle and straightened her back with a renewed confidence in herself. If this was the path that she was meant to take then Gaia would guide her, if it was not then she would sense that as well. For now, the gentle druid faced the direction Rem motioned and took a deep cleansing breath.
"If it is to aid another, I am ready and willing. Off we go." Ellorei, ever the adventurer and the optimist followed in step with Rem simply taking the blessing for what it was. Perhaps she would cross paths with her tribe again, but for now, she had many things to learn before she returned to them. After all, a leader is not born but made.

Baeshri Hills, Not far from Lalifell

The fire that Ellorei held in her hands was immediately diminished with a smile, "Dragonflies, Rem. Gaia is amazing isn't she?" Ever the one to hold life sacred Ellorei returned to her position of sitting on her heels and as an afterthought, Ellorei's smiled grew, "You gave me a nickname Rem. Does that mean I can call you a friend?"

Ellorei wanted to think so, being a fledgling druid was intimidating at times, but she pondered if Gaia would oppose to her seeking wisdom from a more practiced druid. Her heart wanted nothing more than to protect the weak and wilderness which she felt would eventually mean that her calling would be to what wilds were left in the north. Ellorei may have been naive to many things, but even her tribe knew of the tainted land that Marrenfell created. The idea of leaving such pure forest made Ellorei balk but she knew that her charge was now to protect nature, even if that meant dealing with some very unsightly characters.

"Rem, if you had to put into words the role of druids in Thoris, what would it be?" Her hands held a mouse that had stopped by her feet, "I mean, I know that Gaia asks us to protect and be stewards of nature, but what if we know of people who have a blatant disregard for The Mother? Should we simply watch and protect what is left?" Ellorei was stroking the mouse's fur as a woman would a child's hair, "Or do we try to take it back?"
Baeshri Hills

"I have seen these before, but I never knew exactly their purpose. So, Rem, you're gathering them for an antidote then?" smiling despite herself Ellorei was amazed to see the knowledge that Rem commanded in action. Ellorei thought to herself how long it took for Rem to gain such a calm wisdom while also thinking about her own flaws. Her fascination grew as she knelt down to inspect the red wisp-caps Rem instructed to pick. Gently she began to gather one closest to her to marvel at yet another of Gaia's many gifts. Just as she was about to ask yet another question Ellorei's attention was immediately drawn to the pupae that had fallen and morphed into something acrid enough to damage a perfectly good boot. It was now that her mind was thinking of insects that she heard the buzzing, an almost barely there sound of some sort of creature.

"Rem, I know I talk a great deal but," Ellorei stood from her sitting position, "I promise that buzzing isn't my chatter."
Baeshri Hills

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as Ellorei took the compliment from Rem. Her time as a druid was limited, though trying her best, she wanted to make Gaia proud. Rem's words seemed to have a calmness all of their own, but she was curious. "What roles had you considered before undergoing Gaia's ritual?" Her mind was spinning, with his command over nature and his apparent knowledge, surely he lived a life of importance.
When Rem asked her if she had walked the forest at night Ellorei smiled, "Of course, the night like the day is beautiful. Sometimes I prefer it for the peace that I feel. The silver light that cascades onto the ground makes it feel as though your walking amongst the heavens rather than the mundane world. Every now and then, though faint, I can sometimes feel Gaia's touch more strongly and it was why my ritual was on a full moon. The gentle light and soft whispers of the evening are sublime."
Ellorei smiled, "But what are you looking for, for your friend I mean? Are they a druid as well?"
Baeshri Hills

Ellorei flushed embarrassed as Rem took away his hand and began to follow as he walked, "Oh, um, yeah. Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away with myself."She reached behind to hold her staff, an object that had turned to out to be a sort of security blanket for her. At this moment she could not be happier. The day started out with healing an injured fawn and finished with preventing a massacre. By her own standards, she felt as though the day was plenty good by itself, but finding another druid was by far the best.
"It may not have looked it, but I was attempting to keep those maw hounds from attacking the children playing in the meadow. They had just left when you appeared, which was really amazing by the way. Anyway, I would be a terrible person if I didn't help you find whatever you are looking for, right? In the meantime, you have my full attention I am always willing to learn something new. I completed my ritual about six months ago so I am still very new to the craft and I will take any guidance I can get, however brief."
Baeshri Hills

Ellorei was getting tired; the maw hounds were stronger than she had anticipated. She was beginning to move to a contingency plan. Perhaps she could start a fire and scare them away as it seemed that reason was not working to her advantage. Just as she began to draw the fire from within her, a sagely man seemed to appear from the forests themselves. Ellorei was about to caution him until she felt his aura full of calm, and power. The newcomer walked in between her and the maw hounds as if he were intercepting a child from her pup.

"Hungry are we? Well, we aren't an easy meal." He turned briefly to look at the druid behind him. She was one of the youngest druids he had ever seen. "Are we?" Ellorei was about to answer but found herself speechless as the pack of maw hounds retreated. As the last hound left their eyesight, the calm aura seemed to return with them. Ellorei was still in a bit of awe and only caught the tail end of what the fellow druid was saying only catching his name. She then immediately placed her staff in it's resting place on her back to take Rem's hand in both of hers, "Rem, hello. I'm called Ellorei. That was incredible, how did you just send them on their way? You're also the first druid I've met since completing my ritual. Gaia's been guiding me of course, but I have been flying by the seat of my breeches. where did you come from, do you live close by?" Ellorei's excitement was palpable she had only known one other druid, the chieftain of her tribe. Taking a breath, she still held his hand and was just barely able to keep from jumping in place...just.
Base of the Baeshri Hills not Far from the Southen Trading Route

7:30 pm

The breeze in the air gave a sense of false pleasantness as Ellorei wiped sweat from her brow. Currently, she was staring into the eyes of a maw hound with his pack not far behind him. Ellorei stood in between the hound and a group of human children not even teenagers playing in the meadow. Thankful that the shades of the trees hid her and the hounds from the sight of the children and adults that also had to be close by, Ellorei wanted to attempt to diffuse the situation that was no doubt about to unfold. A life was a life, end of discussion and in this case, she was also protecting the hounds as much as the unsuspecting human children.

Ellorei's eyes never left the maw hounds compelling the creature that attacking these children would result in the death of his pack. Which, was a very real threat, it took very little excuse for an adventuring party to seek out and destroy wildlife that was seemingly a threat. Minutes ticked by as the sun began set changing the light to a more glowing ember. Behind her, Ellorei could hear the children's voices dimming. Meaning they were leaving, returning to where ever they belonged. Still locked in a battle of wills, Ellorei sent one last plea to the creature, "Just go and live, there are other sources of food."

If it is still possible here is my formal inquiry to join this thread, a character included.

In Hiya! 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Hekazu I am always down for the God or Goddess that is the patron of Justice.

Also, thank you for the welcome everyone!
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