Favorite Genres Fantasy Horror Romance Paranormal Superheroes/Villains Sci-Fi Cyberpunk Steampunk
Post Length Depending on what is given to reply to, anywhere from 1-5 Paragraphs. I prefer well written detail over flowery length, but try to match length when possible.
OoC Fun Facts -Reader of Things (Psychology, Neuroscience, Biology, History, Sociology, Engineering) -Cat Mom -Introvert -Writer and DM of 20+ years
[u]Current RPs[/u]
None yet ♥
[u]Favorite Genres[/u]
[u]Post Length[/u]
Depending on what is given to reply to, anywhere from 1-5 Paragraphs. I prefer well written detail over flowery length, but try to match length when possible.
[u]OoC Fun Facts[/u]
-Reader of Things (Psychology, Neuroscience, Biology, History, Sociology, Engineering)
-Cat Mom
-Writer and DM of 20+ years
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><span class="bb-u">Current RPs</span><br>None yet ♥<br><br><span class="bb-u">Favorite Genres</span><br>Fantasy<br>Horror<br>Romance<br>Paranormal<br>Superheroes/Villains<br>Sci-Fi<br>Cyberpunk<br>Steampunk<br><br><span class="bb-u">Post Length</span><br>Depending on what is given to reply to, anywhere from 1-5 Paragraphs. I prefer well written detail over flowery length, but try to match length when possible.<br><br><span class="bb-u">OoC Fun Facts</span><br>-Reader of Things (Psychology, Neuroscience, Biology, History, Sociology, Engineering)<br>-Cat Mom<br>-Introvert <br>-Writer and DM of 20+ years</div>