Dawn granted a feint fog across the lands, visibility was no issue to early birds proceeding with morning rituals, while others simply slept. Several miles north rested a forest which is deemed forsaken by the people of this Port-City. A massive amount of deaths in the past involving this Forsaken Forest causes people to fear it. There is one final reason to why they fear this forest as well.
Reason being, the wildlife inhabiting the forest. Between the flora and fauna humans become very low on the food-chain aspect. Several predators of the forest even exited and assaulted the Port-City in the past in search of prey. People rarely enter this forest, those who do most frequently only enter the treeline to simply get resources. Rumor holds, any who seek to find an end or life in this forest, never return to share their glory.
Scraping, shifting, slamming of metal echoed throughout woods located inside the Port-City. (So not the Forsaken Forest.) Deep within this forest of scattered yews and other trees of immense stature, Jin was located. Scattered around himself was all the weapons from his bag. A blur of motions showed Jin traversing between weapons and skillfully practicing them.
With ease he would perform front or back handsprings, dropping weapons and gaining them during the process. Once reaching his feet, Jin would execute a chain of attacks or guards, only to end with another handspring granting him a new weapon. No heavy breathing could be heard from Jin as he seemingly exerted himself during training. The only sound audible was his armor, his body clanking and shifting from movement.