Avatar of kailie


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14 days ago
Current balancing two rp forums o7
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1 mo ago
currently on wco !!
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2 mos ago
creating a wcrp!! <3
2 mos ago
gotta work all day tomorrow :sob:
2 mos ago
dying because of nti
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↳ ❝ Welcome to my bio! You can call me Paris, Isla, or Lark! ♡︎ ¡! ❞

♡︎ Lightlark Series Fan
♡︎ Warrior Cats Series Fan
♡︎ Miraculous Ladybug Fan
♡︎ Powerless Series Fan

♡︎ 17 (October 25th)
♡︎ October Scorpio
♡︎ Minor
♡︎ High School Student
♡︎ American
♡︎ Cat Person - Proud owner of three (3) furbabies! <3
♡︎ Little Mix, Tate McRae, Ava Max, etc.
♡︎ WCO Roleplayer
♡︎ Roblox WCUE Player
♡︎ Roblox RH Roleplayer

♡︎ Roblox: Alliebear1239 aka lark
♡︎ Discord: lynxyboo
♡︎ Twitter: Larkylarkswoop

♡︎ Isla Crown (Lightlark)
♡︎ Paedyn Gray (Powerless)
♡︎ Kai (Malakai) Azer (Powerless)
♡︎ Grimshaw Malvere (Lightlark)
♡︎ Oro Rey (Lightlark)

♡︎ Primroseadder
♡︎ RiverClan
♡︎ 18 Moons
♡︎ Mentor to Mosspaw
♡︎ Daughter of Almondchatter (played by somebody else)
♡︎ Mentored by Adderstrike (played by somebody else)
♡︎ Mates with Tigersplash (played by somebody else)

Most Recent Posts

''Do...Do you think you can get Pepper to perform the ritual?'' Lark asked, her eyes thoughtful. ''I know that she's...The Tail...right now. I've been here before. But if there's even the slimmest chance...''

[ @leopard wcue | River ]
[ @Skyguard | Vivi ]
''It's okay, Riv. You don't have to hide it. We...'' Lark started, then paused, wondering how to word this. ''River and I...we used to date back in school. But then...but then she passed.'' Tears were welling in the girl's eyes at having brought it up, and she lifted a hand to wipe away her tears. She moved to help Vivi up, reaching out to her with a hand. ''I...I only accepted the invite here because I wanted one last chance to see her again.''

[ @leopard wcue | River ]
[ @Skyguard | Vivi ]

art by star on wco

Primrosestar later returned with a mouse, crouching down beside Chestnutkit and chewing it up into tiny pieces so he could swallow it easier. ''Don't eat too fast, or ya might get a bellyache 'n then Lilyflower would have ta treat ya,'' she warned, wrapping her tail around the tiny tomkit.
''River!'' Lark cried as the ghost became visible.

[ @leopard wcue | River ]
[ @Skyguard | Vivi ]
Primrosestar's whiskers twitched. ''Don't act like 'm mad at ya. 'm not,'' she responded, leading the way to the nursery. ''You stay here. 'll bring somethin' from the fresh-kill pile ta chew up for ya.''

[ @leopard wcue | Chestnutkit ]

''Unless ya would like ta be Scotchpaw for the next moon, ya better stop talkin' to ya medicine cat like that,'' Primrosestar snapped, padding up behind Scotchwing. Her emerald hues were fixed on the tom in an icy glare.
Lark pursed her lips as she stared at the entrance. River...she was in there, somewhere. And Lark was determined to find her.

------> @leopard wcue

Primrosestar whisked her tail as she passed him. ''Go 'n see Lilyflower for those scratches. The Clan doesn't need ya falling ill due to infection, 'n we don't need ya injured in the first place.''
<Snipped quote by isla>

If your gonna use lark change it up a bit tho, like make her the American version of lark ig, not part of the MLB universe yk?

yeah, obvs :rofl:
Name: Lark (just gonna use her lmao)
Gender/Pronouns: AFAB - She / Her
Appearance: you already know !! <3
Personality: you already know !! <3
Victim, Escapee or Other: Escapee
Other: eeeeee ship time >:)
Mention: @leopard wcue
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