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Shaking off his frustration, Makeen gave a nod of thanks to Zarif while doing his best to hide the shame of missing twice against one of those blue gremlins. Then he turned to Gesties and noticed he looked far worse than how he felt.

Putting on a well practiced smirk, Makeen told the ragged man, "Better make that five times." Reciting the archaic words from his tome, Makeen began to heal the wounded man.

Makeen stays on 11-25 and uses HEAL to heal Gesties for 9 VIT. Gains 18 XP.

Zarif struck down the last of the blue gremlins with an amazing dodge and counterattack. With no more enemies, Makeen advanced to join the rest of the group. He noticed the meat shield fending one off at narrow hallway. "Hey, we still need to your payment for that healing earlier! But first let me save you once again." Lining up next to the rival mercenary, Makeen launched a knife at the howling blue gremlin. It managed to dodge and struck back with its gnarled stick. "OW! Okay let's try this again!" Makeen threw another knife in frustration. It flew straight over the ugly thing's head and clattered against the wall.

"Well damn..."

Makeen moves to tile 11-25 and attacks Yeek #11 with throwing knifes, both miss. Yeek #11 counterattacks with gnarled javelin dealing 5 damage! Gains 3 XP.

'Shake it off, I wont not mess up these next throws!' Makeen thought to himself as he lined up another set of knives to throw. One after another, both knives flew through the air in a brilliant gleam of bronze hitting their mark. The ugly blue gremlin shrieked through the halls before collapsing to the ground.

Makeen stays on tile 11-30 and attacks Yeek #3 with throwing knifes, both hit. Deals 4 damage killing it. Gains 18 XP.

Without so much as a thanks, the meat shield stood up and joined the fray. "Don't think I did that from the goodness of my heart! I expect some payment after we are through with this!" the young thief yelled at him.

The sound of battle increased from down the hall. 'Time to join the fun!' Makeen thought as he exchanged the old tome with his knives. Makeen rushed ahead and spotted Zarif at a narrow entrance holding off who knows how many of those ugly blue gremlins. "Hold them right there!" He got into position next to the merchant and launched a knife straight into first yeek trying to make its way through. He quickly followed up with a second knife but missed...

Makeen moves to tile 11-30 and attacks Yeek #4 with throwing knifes, one hits the other misses. Deals 2 damage. Gains 2 XP.

The sound off battle echoed down the hall. Seconds later the purple cloaked meat shield pushed past Makeen gushing out blood from his chest. Makeen moved closer to him, "Looks like you're serving your purpose well." said the young theif sarcastically. The wounded man scowled at him. "Oh calm down let me take a look."

Makeen brought out the tome Ashur so kindly gave him. "Let's see... I think this is how it goes."

Makeen moves one tile to 14-31 and uses HEAL to heal Gesties for 9 VIT. Makeen gains 18.5 EXP.

"Aye Aye sir, we'll keep an eye on him." Makeen said absentmindedly as he admired his new loot. With the thought of more treasure ahead he rushed forward.

Makeen moves four tiles to 13-31.

A haggard man's voice came from the first enticing door on the left. Makeen barely listened to the man's words, since through the barred door an unopened chest sat against the far wall.

Makeen: "What? I don't know anything about any other people. Everything we've seen (and killed) have been these nasty blue gremlins."

Makeen arched his neck to get a closer look at the chest.

Makeen: "But, I tell you what. Feel free to have a look around yourself as I help my self to that chest. Hey Zarif! keep an eye on this guy while I procure our payment."

With a flash of his thin fingers the door unlocked. Knife ready he opened the door to see what treasures awaited him.

Makeen moves eight tiles to 13-11 and unlocked the door.

The hall was bloody and all that was left to do was plunder everything this place had to offer. But, not quite yet... Down the hall, an ugly figure darted around the corner. Zarif shouted a word of warning and took off. Makeen wanted to followed suit. Not for any desire to continue fighting. No, in his experience people typically run and hide in places where they store items of great value. And if something has value, Makeen will gladly offer his appraisal.

Before he could take a step, their brave leader approached him and handed him a time with elaborate characters. Perfect, this place was already presenting him it's treasures.

Makeen gave his thanks and turned back towards the hall. With a gleam in his eye and a twitch of his fingers, Makeen rushed forward after Zarif.

Makeen moves eight tiles to 16-11.

Makeen was about to assist Etor, but then Zarif shouted from across the corridor about doors and Makeen's focus shifted instantly. With the path cleared by Zarif and Siris, he swiftly caught up to the mounted merchant.

Makeen moves eight tiles to 24-11.

With the ziggurat entrance in view, Makeen rushed in going past Etor and his vanquished foe. "On your left!" Almost immediately he finally came across his first foe. "My time to shine." The yeek saw Makeen rushing at him and readied its bow. But, Makeen was much faster and full of energy. He stopped just within range and threw his knife before the blue monstrosity had a chance to notch his arrow. The yeek convulsed as the knife sank into its chest and then fell to ground with a resounding thump. "Now where's that treasure?"

Makeen moves six tiles to 24-19. Throws knife at Yeek Skirmisher #4 and kills it.
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