I posted this in the interest check, but I'd like to post it here to make sure it gets seen...
I've some questions per my interest.
I would like to create a character that is less-human than the rest, if possible. I was thinking maybe a colony that has mingled with another intelligent race in order to form a new species of human in order to better help in reviving Earth. Would that be too off-topic for the storyline you had in mind? The race that would mingle with the colony I have in mind would be a race far more advanced than humans and would have offered their genetics to aid humans in recovering their planet, however, they would refrain from directly intervening on the revival by using their own technology/intelligence, etc. As a human-alien hybrid, the character would be able to perform several (but minor) psychic abilities which would range from telekinesis to reading psychic energies released from plants, animals, etc. As well as a few (but non-god-moddy) secretive abilities.
Whaddya say? :D