Avatar of J D Jalowiec
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    1. J D Jalowiec 9 yrs ago


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Archon of Darkness

The clock ticked in the back of Gideon's mind. His interest fled as the rush of battle tingling left his fingertips. Without Adrenaline, Gideon actually looked kind of peaceful under the respirator. The aftermath was medicine, the carnage inside his heart ceased. 'Living like a hermit tends to make one bitter, good to know you're able to adjust.' Eredos huffed.

He saw gills. What were gills? She explained, and he raised an eyebrow. Gills, wow.
The respirator hissed, and soft pufts of smoke left the ventilation.
There was a short silence after she finished.

".. I like carnage."
He said it, and chose to say it bluntly. "I have lived alone. I learned to live alone. And the thrill of survival is engorgable." The cleaver dropped. "I feel blessed to be given the gift of darkness. Even though I have no god to receive a blessing from."

Blue eyes with sadness peered to her, "I like watching light leave a threat's eyes. It's like a.." He exhaled smoke and looked away. "Drug. Which I suppose is better for our victory against Thanatos."
In the back of his mind, he wanted to fill the training room with live bodies.
Alas, he decided to pace slowly to the exit with a soft huff.

Hey guys. So listen up. We're all very anxious to hear what the next posts have to say.
In the meantime..

How would you like a youtube video log series for the roleplay?
It would have artwork made by my girlfriend or whoever else contributes.
It would contain dialog and stuff and character excellent/critique.

Tell me how that settles

Archon of Darkness

Gideon's mask hissed in delight, a subtle smile edging from the side of the mask. You could see the brief moment of joy in his eyes before the pool appeared. A pool just off in the corner, like no other in the room before. Something has changed. Gideon's face bolted into a snarl.
Talay-a was concentrating on something behind him.. She had the same look of a stalker, one who is so in the moment they remain timeless and full of intensity. Gideon paced forward, edging around himself but was unprepared for the pounce. A grunt, and then reflex. Gideon swung his cleaver through an undercut with such force it slipped from dirty hands and plummeted into the ceiling above and the chain hung down like an urban sixteen-foot vine.

The attack was unnecessary, and would've missed anyways. The water splashed aside, protecting the duster from the Prowaser. Her abilities were graceful in nature, and he was impressed to see that much water in one place. "Damn." He whispered. It sounded more like a deep growl.
His mask hissed as he moved up from sitting on the hard floor. After softly groaning he reached up to grab the chain and tugged. Like a spring resetting, the entirety of the blade zipped back into its stable form. He held that cleaver in front of his body in a fighting stance, watching the mammal during the time.

The cat slipped and died from an opening. 'What a opportunist' Eredos hissed
"Yeah." Gideon relaxed, now holding his weapon at his side. He paced forward to stand a distance across from her. His walk was hesitant, and curious. His gaze was fixated, and concerning. His boots ached and his smoke left was intoxicatingly strong smelling.
"The Opportunist." Gideon dubbed her out loud, calling it as he saw it. "That's you.". His shadow danced at the thought of her abilities in use more, like a dog's tail reflex.

"I liked the.." And he used his hands to indicate a gesture of a wave of water rolling off to the side.
"That. And I'm not used to much water. It is... refreshing.?" He smirked under the mask, finding himself funny.
Go straight for the series on screen, and find pleasure in its quirks/cinematography
Archon of Darkness

Eyes peeled to the sides of his face, the whites tainted red by the narcotic. A piercing gaze met Talay-a', and steam hissed from his mask as he decided to take it off. "I only know the cleaver." Gideon turned to face her, mask in hand and his weapon held in the other by its chain.

"This is a lonesome trainin-" Gideon blinked, and then there they were. Similar to that of the bedrooms, the training room provided whatever its user needed to train. "oh. Seems it does what the bedrooms do." Gideon placed on his mask once more with a hiss. With his voice now masked by the filter, he spoke with passion, "You could watch. I get kindled by this.". For Gideon viewed his aggression like an art form. 'Kindled..' Eredos hushed as Gideon's mind summoned a Brothen for the training room. His blood began to boil.
The Brothen is a fleshly like mole that is roughly the size of a cow and is able to burrow quickly through the hardest of surfaces with a jagged mouth that resembled the front end (or back end) of a worm. These creatures were also vicious.

The Brothen remained in the corner of the stunningly clean training room, and it seemed calm. It hadn't had noticed the pair and it was just nosing around the environment, as Gideon remembers they do.

The leathery creature growled deep, and it started inching closer. Its violence apparent to Gideon. His teeth grit, moving away from Telay-a for space. Eredos cackled in his ear, always giddy with giddyeon to see him combat so early in his training.
A deep roar from the Brothen, and then it charged. Its beady black eyes meeting Gideon's blue ones.
The chain dragged and the cleaver followed as Gideon recoiled the weapon sideways like a whip. The metal clanked and slapped against itself with a piercing cling.
Steam hissed from his respirator and the whip moved like a ribbon in air. The Brothen lept back at the sudden strike, and continued its onslaught hastily. That long iron whip, the blade of the once cleaver seperated into several somewhat blunt metal edges. The chain that connected the pieces was hiding behind the enveloping veins of blackness.

The Brothen was now upon Gideon, and he was prepared. His boots were made of Brothen Hide that he hunted and skinned himself, meaning he knew the creature well. The whip had grinded along the surface of the ground and recoiled back into its one-piece cleaver form, where Gideon roared and swung across the jagged mouth of his enemy. Blood painted the floor of the room as if a red pen had broken across a fresh sheet of paper. Gideon stumbled slightly forward in his swing, but regained composure quickly. The Brothen slid forward with its charging inertia dragging its own limp corpse.

The blood and corpse vanished into dust, and then that diminished- leaving only fresh air. Gideon looked to Telay-a and with sweat on his brow he said, "Brothen's dead. What do you do?" He spoke gravely. Gideon's shadow danced in multiple directions unknowingly for a few moments before finding a spot and remaining still.
let's roll some posts out
I'm getting more serious about this rp. I wasn't before. now I am
Archon of Darkness

Gideon smiled under his mask at Breaker when he spoke aloud. Insanity was entertaining.
"Training first then, with your spirit lesson to those that desire." Gideon spoke, making eye contact with Aella. He leaned forward, "We have to get stronger." He spoke to the group gravely, and then puff. A trail of smoke lifted from his respirator, and he spoke simultaneous with Eredos' hiss in his ear to the group. "Thanatos is upon us."

After a quick glance to Talay-a, he stood. His leather boots cracked, and he leaned down to grip the chain to his dangling weapon. He looked up and looked at Ian before quickly breaking from the group and walking with purpose. "Peculiar.." Eredos wondered. "Quiet." Gideon responded embarrassingly and with agitation.

The shadows began to dance through the hall Gideon was walking through. With vigor in his belly and a heart of pent-up aggression he felt prepared. However, he felt no desire to get closer to his Archon spirit at the moment. Eredos made Gideon anxious, uncomfortable, and powerful at the same time. Eredos was also quick to disdain, which Gideon was not excited about.
Archon Of Darkness

A bead of sweat dripped from Gideon's brow, merely pondering and tempting the idea of throwing away his life for-..

Gideon folded his arms, "We'll see." He spoke gravely, simultaneous with Eredos the Shadow. His eyes grazed down to the table rather than the faces around him. Smoke from his mask trailed upwards, and his body slouched under. "I'll tag along."
In his mind a series of colourful silloettes danced around him, except they emitted no light. There was only darkness in his mind. The absence of light. The solitude of shadows. The push and pull motion of the black void.

"I'm Gideon." He lazily raised a hand, and lowered it as quickly back to its folded position. The moderate cleaver beside him shined like iron, and jingled softly like chains.
Archon of Darkness

A hand wrapped around Talay-a's own, his hands rough yet gentle. "We'll move on, then." Gideon croaked, gently bumping past Talay-a by the shoulder and turning her side to walk with his. Hand in hand, the devious duo paced to the meeting room. A heartthumping screetch echoed throughout the temple (Subject 17) and it dissipated, having being overly used to the hiss of his mask up close, he could bear the higher frequencies that damage hearing. The rumble however remained. Gideon stood still, jaw slightly ajar, an eyebrow raised, and stoned as hell.

With a touch of guidance, the fish and the crock made their way to the meeting room. "That confident fellow is obnoxious." He groaned from the haze. The mask pierced back on when he entered the space of the meeting room with a hiss. And the relaxed character escorted the 'unusually chummy' Talay-a to a seat. Gideon pulled out her chair with a burly-esc disposition.

Upon her (eventual) sitting, Gideon walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down directly across from her. He nodded and smiled to her under the mask, maybe she could see the smile in his big moonish blue eyes ;P. He leaned back and folded his arms, cleaver resting by his feet- and chain in hand.

I'll post in a moment
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