Okie dokie. I was away from interwebs this weekend. Sorry. So, the interest check and ooc both say closed across the top and have since saturday around 6. Anyone who expressed interest before then is good to make a cs. Others enter an 'alternate' status incase someone drops out.
Yoyo, you are accepted. Kirra, go right ahead and work on your sheet. Nitrogentle, you were in my count when I decided to close, so you can go on with your sheet too. Batman, you fall in to the alt category. If Cantide doesn't show up by wednesday, your character is accepted and will fill that slot. IC will hopefully be up in a few days.
Animals include basic, normal animals as well as interesting hybrids and gennetically engineered ones. No dragons or unicorns have managed to be created yet, alas, but you can be somewhat creative with family pets. Keilan has candlewick, a cat/bat mod. :p
Weapons on the island include modernized ballistic weapons (basic hand guns and snipers, minimal artillery), laser/energy blades as well as some made of a nearly indestructable alloy, and energy based fire arms that allow for lethal or stun damage. The civilian grades require relatively frequent recharges or battery pack changes. Rumor has it that the island's scientists have perfected/are perfecting and are nearly ready to present weapons or energy based items with a perpetual energy systems. Nothing has a specific name as of yet, if you'd like to offer suggestions or ideas.