"Holy Jelly Babys", "Friend make everything okay", and my personal favorite "Eat, Sleep, Cook, Arts, Music, Game, Repet"
~ Zara
~General Information~
Name: Zara Willow Ellis
Nick-Names: Ari, Zara Dara(will start crying if someone calls her that), Zary
Sex/ Gender: Female
Age: 13
Place Of Origin: Mullingar, Ireland
Camp Cabin: Cabin eleven
She usally wears a golden sun-yellow hoodie, white headphones, a knee leight bright yellow skirt, blue jeans, and a pair of brown Durango cowboy boots. She also has to wear glasses because she can't see without glasses.

I relized she didn't have glasses but if she was wearing glasses they would be sun yellow.
~Relationship Information~
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual
Partner: None
Godly Parent: Zara only met her godly father Apollo once. That was when on her twelfth birthday Apollo came and gave her a special necklace with a guitar, microphone, and headphone charms on them and her white headphones, too.
Human Parent: Zara and her mother, Gracia Hannah Ellis, get along quite fine.
Siblings: She has a older maternal half-sister named Nessa and two little half-siblings who are twins, name Emilia and Jacklyn. Her and her older half sister Nessa don't get along that well. But she gets along amazingly with Emilia and Jacklyn.
Legacy: She is a legacy of the goddess of chaos Eris. And she has never met Eris. But Eris is her mom's mother.
Pet/s: She lives with her mom and step-father on a farm in Athens, Georga, so she has a lot of technical pets but she has a European Shorthair named Lou Lou and a Shiba Inu named Kimberly Jane. Zara, Lou Lou, and Kimberly Jane get along very, very well.
Other: Zara only is friends with her pets and isn't that good at making friends because she can be very shy at times.
~Personal Information~
Personality: Zara is usually very nice, kind, helpful, and sweet once people get to know her exept she does have a little bit of a temper, She loves music, food, art, creativity, magic, books, learning, swimming, riding airplaines, writing, gaming, drawing, play the drums and guitar (acustic guitar to be exact), and singing. Singing is basically Zara's whole entire life with a melody to it. Once you get to know Zara she is also very talkative.
Skills: She is an exilent sword fighter, she is amazing at singing, and she is pretty good at writing drawing gaming, swimming, art, cooking and baking, and especially daydreaming about what her life would be like if she wasn't a demigod.
Zara grew up in Mullingar, Ireland for most of her life but then at the age of ten her and her mother moved to Athens, Georgia for her mom's work. Her a few months after her birthday on the sixteenth of september her mother started dating one of her co-worker, Jeremy Quince. Zara's mom and Jeremy got married on october 16th 2019. a year after she had turned twelve.
~Demigod Information~
Demigod Abilities: Zara has mildly good healing powers and she is amazing at singing, and she is pretty good at playing the drums, guitar. (I don't know if the last three things cout as demigod abillitys for children of Apollo but that was the best I could think of. :(Sorry).
~Weaponry Information~
Weapon/s: She has a bow and arrow bow string is made of very tough yarn and the non-string part is made of metal. Her arrows are made of celestial bronze for the tip and metal for the bottom and she also got her moms armor that she had used as a kid at camp. And a quiver to hold the arrows in, of course.
Weapon/s Name: Her wepon never really came with a name but she named her bow Yasmine and she named each one of her arrows but she has like a million arrows so I'm not going to list there names. And she named her quiver Oakleaf.
Weapon/s Type: ????
Attributes: So I still don't know how to insert a picture so I'll do another description of how it looks, if that is okay.
So Zara's bow is made out of very sturdy metal for the non-string part (I can't remember what that's called or if it even has a name.) and the string part is very, very tough yarn that can hold up to anything. The tips of Zara's arrows are celesial bronze and the rest of her arrows are made of metal. Her mom's armor that she got is made of just regular bronze. And her quiver is made of Red Oak bark that was sanded kind of like with wood.

Zara's Quiver

Zara's Bow
~Other Information~
Other: She is basically a geek despite being a daughter of Apollo. Also if you did not know this already Zara's zodiac sign in a Virgo.(I made Zara a Virgo cause I'm a Virgo). And Zara's all time favorite movie is a disney channal original movie called Go Figure and actually the guy who played Luke Castellan in the PJO movies and who I named my username after, Jake Abel, plays a main character whos name is Spencer in Go Figure, too. And lastly in my random paragraph Zara's favorite TV show (which is my favorite) is called Supernatural, and again Jake Abel plays a kind of main character for season 4 & 5 and his character made a comeback in season fiftheen of Supernatural. (I have seen every episode of Supernatural like twenty million times already. And I just relized that I am making this aout me now. :(:( Sorry. And Supernatural is like the best show on earth. And if you want to watch a few episodes of Supernatural there is some very disturbingly religious stuff and horror in Supernatural. And I'm like a devoted christian and I only watch it because I'm comfortable watching it. But if not then do not and I mean that on a very aggresive way, yet nicely at the same time, do not [emphais on do not{big time}] watch Supernatural. Holy Jelly Babys I was not expecting the other information to be this long. Also I am very sorry if I was not supposed to come in and narrate this like in the Kane Chronicles. :(:(Sorry).
~Theme Song~
Theme Song: Zara has a few diffrent theme songs so if it is fine I'll be puting all the songs in. But it will only be like 3 to 5 songs. Maybe less
First song would have to be a country song that actually means a lot to me in real life. The song is "Roots by Zac Brown Band" and it is really good. My second son I would have to choose would have to be "Centures by Fall Out Boy". My third song would have to be "If I Was a Cowboy by Miranda Lambert". My forth song to pick would be "Fight Song by Rachel Platten". And finally the last song would have to be "I'll Be Good by Jaymes Young".
"You have enemies? Good.That means you stood up for something,sometime in your life"-Winston Churchill
"Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection."-Winston Churchill
"It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary."-Winston Chuchill
I'm just going to say this right now people, Winston Churchill was a wise, wise, man. Now your probably thinking What does that have to do with PJO and Greek mythology. Well WINSTON CHURCHILL + WISE + Greek God/Godesses = WINSTON CHURCHILL COULD BE A DEMIGOD!!!! That was not relivant to this but also that is also what Zara says often. But just not my winston churchill formula thing. The quotes she is going to use all the time, the formula, she probably ain't every gonna use, ever. I think I should go to bed, y'all.
Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him