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Shiranui estimated that Sawsbuck's level was close to being at parity with Drakloak's. "Drakloak is a bit of a glass cannon," he mused, "They'll need to hit hard and fast."
"This is going to hurt," Shiranui commented to himself.
Shiranui stood by to watch the battle. He figured all four of the Shinobi no Shiki had a different form of Sawsbuck as their headliner and with the Dragapult Pokémorph likely being part of Aki's team, he deduced that Liam could be facing a Ghost type team.
Shiranui figured it would take a while for Kalaama Kirara to be forgiven for her treatment of Dragapult, but after seeing the two Pokémorphs shake hands he knew it would be a matter of when. He also figured that Dragapult still had some lingering fear of Saisei and he couldn't blame her—the Mewtwo's presence was very frightening in the time prior to their capture thanks to his Gardevoir being unable to use her psychic abilities for a while after her battle at the Viridian Gym.
"Then you should apologise to Dragapult and try to make amends," Saisei suggested, "That will go for Zerina and Hibiki the next time I see them. Those poachers have treated the three of you like golden children and that corrupted your minds. I sensed fear from Dragapult so I should get back in my ball for now. Master, if you please."
"Alright," Shiranui acknowledged, recalling the Mewtwo.
Saisei closed their eyes in contemplation. "This explains Dragapult's dislike for Kalaama Kirara and vice versa," they stated as they turned to the cowering Pyroar, "And yet I sense guilt, remorse and regret from Kalaama Kirara. My child, does Aki speak the truth?"
"Daughters, I sense you two share animosity toward each other," Saisei opened, "Please tell me why and know I will not bite unless I have a reason to."
"Apology accepted," Shiranui replied. He addressed Jen and told her, "Jen, you defeated me in the semis back at Alola. As far as I know, you're one of us in terms of battle strength." He looked over at Kalama Kirara and the Dragapult 'Morph and had his hand on Saisei's Master Ball ready to call out their antecedent in case things got dicey.
"Arguably," Shiranui wisely thought to himself at Aki's last statement. He remembered Haruka from the last time he visited the Battle Pyramid where the legendary Raikou, Raijuu, paid back the same Team Rocket members that kidnapped them.
"I hope her siblings came back as Dreepy," Shiranui commented offhandedly, "Anyway, with whom are you battling?"
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