Avatar of Jamesyco


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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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le sad
Oliver Black

He gave one good kick to make sure that the stuff he shoved in his pod was set. He smiled softly, looking at the pod, "soon, my babies." he listened to the comms and moved away from the pod. "Laura, you should know that I like jumping from perfect planes. And I know this is nerdy as hell, but still."

He was sure of himself at that moment; he was staring at the door as he wanted to jump out; he wanted to feel someone tap his shoulder before he jumped. So, he was waiting, and when he heard the pod begin the move, he turned to watch it. Once he saw the pod falling out of the plane, he took that as the sign to get the hell out as well.

"He ain't gonna jump no more!" he sang out as the wind hit the man's armor, "Glory glory, what a helluva way to die!"

This would be something that would continue to drop down out of the sky singing 'Blood Upon the Risers' He looked at the little watch taped to his wrist, then the ground, then the watch. He looked at the pod's parachutes open up, "See you, ladies, on the ground!"

He blasted past them, and at around one fifty his chutes opened up, and his legs braced below him. He hit a moment later, and it sounded like metal shifting as the bracers he had made for the suit made sure that the impact wouldn't kill him, damage the suit, or damage him. They spun down as he almost bounced a few times, snow plumed up around his impact location, and slowly rested upon the parachutes that popped off of his armor.

Out from the snow, bullets would come out of the snow, mainly at anything he saw from his place on the mountain, or over the mountain and that was in range. The helicopters were his first quarry, and he would get to work with that. The GAU-19 over his shield, he had himself bunkered in there ready for anything but those rockets if they came his way. He was thankful that for a large armored target, he was rather small compared to the woman of fire somewhere behind him.

"Tell me if you see anything come over the peak, these two should be down here in a second, but it's all I see right now on this side of the peak!" he said into the comms, the GAU quieting for just a moment as he caught the second lynx he saw in the tail rotor. And although he was being shot at, he turned towards the last door on the pod, and he slid his shield under it as he pulled the hatch off to his sweet babies.

"Or if anything else unexpected flies this way, I can hit it before it hits us."
Oliver Black

Was chopping something, what looked to be butter as he pointed his free hand at Ban, "Hell yea, get that bad boy out bossman, think we got some pork in there. I know there is dough around here somewhere that I made, should be risen by now, but..." He turned to put the little chopped pieces of butter into a bowl, and then he went looking for cheese. "Cheese sticks, wings, spinach dip, and maybe western egg rolls. Something to tide us over until that pork is done. Cause that sounds good... but my lord... this European stuff is fresh." he said, taking a corner of some cheese he found and eating it. He took whatever he could find in the kitchen and started his apps for the day. He knew the others would be hungry, but he knew that the big ones would need to eat. And when I say eat, I mean eat.

He heard the more prominent woman and looked at Tylar, chuckling a bit, "Just give it time, and the pork won't be raw, like five minutes tops."

"And Howard, I know what that song means." he said as he looked up at the man smiling, "Doesn't mean it can't be a damn good song."

But eventually, the massive amounts of carbs and drinking foods would be ready, wings with a jack daniels bbq glaze, fried cheese wedges, spinach dip, chips, and these little tex mex egg rolls. All served with sour cream, ranch, and bbq sauce.
For him, his choice of drink that night was Budweiser, a good American lager.

When the call to action was given, he was up, another can of red in his hands as he headed towards where he needed to suit up. He looked down at himself and shrugged, thankful that he had socks with his flip flops, but the rest he looked like your average middle-aged dad. He opened up a small locker. Within, he had a spare jacket, which fit snuggly over his smiley face. Next, he did away with the sweats, leaving them on the boxes side hanging out as he struggled to get his pants to leg on while he tried getting a pair of boots on. Once he looked more like a soldier, he started to put his suit on. First, the inner layer of armor and cloth, the original Ratnik armor, and bits of the actual exoskeleton helped him move and carry more, but also had his shock pads for high drops.

With that on, he stretched them a bit, almost jumping as the shocks moved him up and down a few times, and then he pulled the power pack over his shoulder, plugging in the pack to its little slot, letting it still keep power from the wall, so it didn't use anything else up. He stood and started to put the outer plating on the structure around his legs. Putting in two other power packs in, and then the extra paneling further on the outside for the ERA style materials on his outermost layer.

Next, he started with his upper body, putting the older Ratnik armor on, then the modified exterior exosuit skeleton, then the remainder of his plates on. He shifted around for a moment, raddling and jingling like a Christmas tree before all the plates slowly formed into place.

"If this is a helo jump, you know which way I'm going, put some extra gear in my pod, more ammo for our heavier stuff or some manpad." he leaned into the box, lifting it as he shifted through it, pulling out three backpack looking things, strapping one to both arms on the front, and one just behind his head.

Now, his helmet came last; he removed it from the stand and placed it over his head. He then placed a second almost cover for it over the helmet and shifted his head a bit as he pulled it down with a chain or two, letting it latch onto his armor. The older visor was thankfully updated with a few things, like a battery life indicator and pretty much a dashboard indicator for anything else that might go wrong, from structural failure to needing oil. More mechanical than anything, something breaks, light shows up.

He shook back and forth once again, letting the parts of him fall into place once again, jumping a few times before unhooking himself from the wall. "The M2 or the minigun... why not both," he said, thinking of the GAU-19 that lurked around somewhere; he lifted it and its battery before heading over towards his backpack, putting the battery inside, and then putting a slot in for the belts to go. He locked it to the side of the box before he would go for his other weapons, pulling out two law rockets and putting them to the side of the box. Then he would continue with his rifle, grenades, and extra ammunition. As well as food and medical supplies, he put several trauma kits in there and a mass cas pack. Then his shield and rifle on his chest mounts, as well as a few paint canisters and a mirror for doing stuff on the flight.

He lifted his box and closed it, letting it seal shut before he placed it down, turned around, put a fourth pack onto it. He took the last ran can and put it on a strap on his chest, which a grenade should go to. "Kay, I'm set up for a jump. Does anyone know where the spare manpads are? I'll put that and a bigger gun in my pod with spare supplies? Not going undersupplied again, and before you ask, I am jumping old fashioned style, with a chute and my braces, I had them made for a reason."

When he did find him, his arms were covered with crates, and in his left arm, a 20mm rifle, his right arm had two stingers in their cases. The crates were primarily ammunition and missiles. But some also had food, another small box of medical supplies, a spare crate of armor plates, and a spare shield. He looked like a mother carrying half of the house on vacation, waddling aboard the ship likely before the others as well wanting to get everything set up in his pods before he finally could jump again. And have an excuse to jump properly. When he heard the giant woman singing, he smiled a bit. He did have his earphones still in and his phone ready to start the music back up. He was just debating what to play, maybe a soundtrack to those old doom games, oh, or some old music from when he was just a youngin that his dad listened to.
I feel that, I'm about the same way rn, but, I should have something out sooner then later once some other work gets finished.
Honestly it might not be bad to get a docs up for a more fluid back and forth in convo or something similar like say a battle between David and goliath. :3
def interested, will look into more after I finish up some work.
Oliver Black

For maybe, twenty minutes the man stared at the screen, the only words upon it, 'You Died' and he decided to take a shower to cool himself off after relaxing by himself and his computer for an indeterminate amount of time. Music had been coming from his room, Iron Maiden, Metallica, and other older metal bands, as well as some 'newer' stuff like Poor Mans Poison here and there. But, he decided to take a nice, hot shower to relax, and get himself hungry for a night snack. He moved things off of the bed he built, and onto his computer chair and desk. Finding an old T-shirt that fits him well, would be good to wear once I get out, it's comfortable and happy. He then lifted his drink, ginger ale, to his lips, and relaxed before he moved into the bathroom he had made for himself. Nice, and wooden, the way he liked it.

-Twenty minutes later-

The large wooden door which looked to be the blend of a North-western cowboy's door, and a nordic Vikings, steam came out from close to the floor, and out stepped a man. This man was known as Oliver, clothed in a white t-shirt with a smiley face upon it, baggy pants that may or may not be PJs, and flip flops. Around his neck was an old style of earphone connected by wire to a phone that rested upon his shoulder in a strap. Oliver's hair was formed in a towel around his head, and he smelled of whiskey and gunpowder, a man's favorite soap smell. His beard looked freshly cleaned up, oils included. Around him, Iron Maiden played until two dings came upon on his phone, he plugged it into his earphones so as to not annoy others and decided to make his way down the hallway.

Immediately he looked a bit like an idiot; he noticed that he was somewhat alone, but for those in the main room talking, he just went at it. Air guitar and all as he started down the hall slowly, his head moving back and forth, the towel slowly unraveling, and he gave a kick forward as he continued to play air instruments and being quite good at it in his mind. He was able to do solos of guitars, of which he did not know how to play. Drumming a bit here and there when the guitar let up for drums. He was singing as well in his thought of safety, mainly just the more available parts of the song, but still, it was a bit of singing.

"Run to the Hillsssssssssss." his hands would move back and forth like drums, "Run, for your, lives."

"Dum dum, dum dum." He muttered with the motions of him hitting drums, and his hair/towel flying back and forth.

"Run to the hillsss."

"Run, forrrr your, lives." his head stilled as he stopped halfway down the hallway; realizing that was mainly out loud, he fixed the towel around his head, moving it over his shoulders as his wet hair rested on either side of his neck. He would continue his pathway down towards the central area, and if it were not for his beard, there would possibly be red cheeks of slight embarrassment there. He would slowly make his way around the room, his destination the kitchen.

"I see whiskey; anyone wants something to go with it?" Oliver asked as his beeline for the kitchen was his newest priority. "I saw some new recipe online and thought I could give it a try, cause why not, it looked good, and I am hungry. Diets be damned, and the whiskey is out."

I'm down for that heavy male slot.
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